Uses of Class

Packages that use DIException Provides packages and classes for managing the server API. Provides classes for authentication and configuration exceptions. Provides classes for managing the JMX layer. Provides classes for the MBeans of the JMX layer. Provides interfaces for managing the local session of the server API. Provides implementations of the interfaces for managing the local session of the server API. Provides interfaces for managing the remote session of the server API. Provides implementations of the interfaces for managing the remote session of the server API. Provides classes for managing the security mechanism. Provides classes for managing tombstones. Provides classes that implement the Security Directory Integrator configuration model.   

Uses of DIException in

Subclasses of DIException in
 class AuthorizationException
          This is the type of exception that is thrown when the authenticated user does not have the required authority to perform the specific operation.

Methods in that throw DIException
 void EventNotifier.addEventListener(DIEventListener listener, java.lang.String typeFiltersStr, java.lang.String idFilter)
          Register a new event listener accompanied with event filters.
static void APIEngine.addEventListener(DIEventListener aListener, java.lang.String aTypeFilter, java.lang.String aIdFilter)
          Adds a new event listener.
 void ProcessRegistry.assemblyLineStarted(AssemblyLine aAssemblyLine)
          Marks that the AssemblyLine instance has been started.
static void APIEngine.assemblyLineStarted(AssemblyLine aAssemblyLine)
          This is a notification method, that notifies the engine that the specified Assembly Line has been started.
 void ProcessRegistry.assemblyLineTerminated(AssemblyLine aAssemblyLine)
          Marks that the AssemblyLine instance has been terminated.
 void ConfigurationRegistry.checkInAndLeaveCheckedOut(MetamergeConfig configuration, java.lang.String configToken, Identity identity)
          Checks in the specified configuration and leaves it checked out.
 void ConfigurationRegistry.checkInAndLeaveCheckedOut(MetamergeConfig configuration, java.lang.String configToken, Identity identity, boolean encrypt)
          Checks in the specified configuration and leaves it checked out.
 void ConfigurationRegistry.checkInConfiguration(MetamergeConfig configuration, java.lang.String configToken, Identity identity)
          Saves the specified configuration and releases the lock.
 void ConfigurationRegistry.checkInConfiguration(MetamergeConfig configuration, java.lang.String configToken, Identity identity, boolean encrypt)
          Encrypts and saves the specified configuration and releases the lock.
 MetamergeConfig ConfigurationRegistry.checkOutConfiguration(java.lang.String configToken, Identity identity)
          Checks out the specified configuration.
 MetamergeConfig ConfigurationRegistry.checkOutConfiguration(java.lang.String configToken, java.lang.String password, Identity identity)
          Checks out the specified password protected configuration.
 ConfigInstance ConfigurationRegistry.checkOutConfigurationAndLoad(java.lang.String configToken, Identity identity, SessionImpl session)
          Checks out the specified configuration and starts a temporary Config Instance on the Server.
 ConfigInstance ConfigurationRegistry.checkOutConfigurationAndLoad(java.lang.String configToken, java.lang.String password, Identity identity, SessionImpl session)
          Checks out the specified configuration and starts a temporary Config Instance on the Server.
 void ProcessRegistry.configInstanceStarted(RSInterface aConfigInstance)
          Marks that the configuration instance has been started.
static void APIEngine.configInstanceStarted(RSInterface aConfigInstance)
          This is a notification method, that notifies the engine that the specified Config Instance has been started.
 void ProcessRegistry.configInstanceStopped(RSInterface aConfigInstance)
          Marks that the configuration instance has been stopped.
static void APIEngine.configInstanceStopped(RSInterface aConfigInstance)
          This is a notification method, that notifies the engine that the specified Config Instance has been stopped.
 MetamergeConfig ConfigurationRegistry.createNewConfiguration(java.lang.String aRelativePath, boolean aOverwrite, Identity aIdentity)
          Creates a new empty configuration and immediately checks it out.
 ConfigInstance ConfigurationRegistry.createNewConfigurationAndLoad(java.lang.String aRelativePath, boolean aOverwrite, Identity aIdentity, SessionImpl aSession)
          Creates a new empty configuration, immediately checks it out and loads a temporary Config Instance on the Server.
 void ConfigurationRegistry.deleteConfiguration(java.lang.String relativePathOrSolutionName, Identity identity)
          Delete a file from the configuration codebase folder.
static java.util.Hashtable<RSInterface,java.util.Vector<AssemblyLine>> APIEngine.getAssemblyLines()
          Returns a hashtable whose key elements are the Configuration Instances currently started, and the values are vectors containing all Assembly Lines currently started in the corresponding Configuration Instance.
 java.lang.String ConfigurationRegistry.getConfigFilePath(java.lang.String token)
          Resolves a token to a configuration file path.
static RSInterface APIEngine.getConfigInstance(java.lang.String configId)
          Retrieves config instance.
static java.util.List<java.lang.String> APIEngine.getConfigInstanceIDs()
static java.util.Vector<RSInterface> APIEngine.getConfigInstances()
          Returns a vector containing all configuration instances currently started.
 java.lang.String ConfigurationRegistry.getConfigToken( configFile)
          If the specified config file has a Solution Name, then that name is returned, otherwise the path of the configuration, relative to the configuration codebase folder is returned.
static Identity APIEngine.getIdentity(java.lang.String aUserId)
          Returns the Identity object from the Security Registry corresponding to the user id passes as parameter.
static Session APIEngine.getLocalSession()
          Creates a local Session object using a local SessionFactory created during the initialization.
static Session APIEngine.getLocalSession(java.lang.String aUserName, java.lang.String aPassword)
          Creates a local Session object using a local SessionFactory created during the initialization.
static SessionFactory APIEngine.getLocalSessionFactory()
          Gets the local SessionFactory created during the initialization of the Local Server API.
 java.lang.String ConfigurationRegistry.getSolutionName( configFile)
          Retrieves the Solution Name of a TDI configuration file in the configuration codebase folder.
static void APIEngine.initialize()
          Initializes the Server API.
static void APIEngine.initializeRemote()
          Initializes the Server API for remote access.
static void APIEngine.initializeRestServer()
          Initializes the TP Server for remote access.
static void APIEngine.initializeTPServer()
          Initializes the TP Server for remote access.
static java.rmi.registry.Registry APIEngine.initRMIRegistry()
          Creates and initializes the RMI Registry.
 boolean ConfigurationRegistry.isConfigurationCheckedOut(java.lang.String configToken)
          Checks if the specified configuration is checked out on the Server.
 java.util.ArrayList<java.lang.String> ConfigurationRegistry.listAllConfigurations()
          Returns a list all configurations in the directory subtree of the Server configuration codebase folder.
 java.util.ArrayList<java.lang.String> ConfigurationRegistry.listConfigurations(java.lang.String aRelativePath)
          Returns a list of all configurations in the specified folder.
 java.util.ArrayList<java.lang.String> ConfigurationRegistry.listFolders(java.lang.String aRelativePath)
          Returns a list of the child folders of the specified folder.
static void APIEngine.logErrorAndThrowException(java.lang.String aErrorMsg)
          Logs a message using the ERROR log level and then throws a DIException using the same message.
static void APIEngine.logErrorAndThrowException(java.lang.String aErrorMsg, java.lang.Throwable e)
          Logs a message composed from the message passes as parameter and the message in the Throwable object.
 void APIAuthenticator.performCustomScriptAuthentication(java.lang.String aUserName, java.lang.String aPassword)
          Performs a user authentication using the provided user credentials.
 boolean ConfigurationRegistry.releaseConfigurationLock(java.lang.String configToken, Identity identity)
          This method is used to release the lock of a configuration file.
static boolean APIEngine.removeEventListener(DIEventListener aListener)
          Removes existing event listener.
static void APIEngine.sendCustomNotification(java.lang.String aType, java.lang.String aId, java.lang.Object aData)
          Sends a custom notification event using the API Engine's Event Notifier.
static void APIEngine.sendNotification(DIEvent event)
          Sends a notification event using the API Engine's Event Notifier.
static void APIEngine.sendNotification(java.lang.String type, java.lang.String id, java.lang.Object data, java.lang.String configInstanceId)
          Sends a notification event using the API Engine's Event Notifier.
static void APIEngine.serverStopped(long aServerStarted)
          This is a notification method, that notifies the engine that server has been stopped.
static void APIEngine.startTombstoneManager()
          Starts a TombstoneManager unless there is already one running.
 boolean ConfigurationRegistry.undoCheckOut(java.lang.String configToken, Identity identity)
          This method is used to release the lock of a previously checked out configuration file.
 void ConfigurationRegistry.updateLockTime(java.lang.String path)
          Updates the time the configuration is checked out.
 boolean ConfigurationRegistry.userCanSetConfiguration(java.lang.String configId, Identity identity)
          Check that the specified user can set the configuration.

Constructors in that throw DIException
ALEvent(java.lang.String aType, java.lang.String aId, java.lang.Object aData, java.lang.String aConfigInstanceId, TaskStatistics aStats)
          Creates new ALEvent instance.
ALEvent(java.lang.String aType, java.lang.String aId, java.lang.Object aData, java.lang.String aConfigInstanceId, TaskStatistics aStats, java.lang.String aGUID, java.lang.String aUserMessage)
          Creates new ALEvent instance.
APIAuthenticator(boolean aCustomScriptEnabled, java.lang.String aScript)
          This constructor creates an instance of the APIAuthenticator class.
CIEvent(java.lang.String aType, java.lang.String aId, java.lang.Object aData, java.lang.String aConfigInstanceId, long aStarted, java.lang.String aGUID, boolean aCreateTS)
          Default constructor used for creation and initialization of the configuration registry.
DIEvent(java.lang.String aType, java.lang.String aId, java.lang.Object aData)
          Create a new DIEvent instance.
DIEvent(java.lang.String aType, java.lang.String aId, java.lang.Object aData, java.lang.String aConfigInstanceId)
          Create a new DIEvent instance.

Uses of DIException in

Subclasses of DIException in
 class AuthenticationException
          An exception object thrown when the authentication of a user against a specific system fails.
 class ConfigurationExistsException
          An exception object thrown when an error arise while manipulating configuration files.
 class ConfigurationNotCheckedOutException
          An exception object thrown when an attempt is made to check in a configuration that was not previously checked out.
 class PasswordException
          The class PasswordException represents the Exception class used when a password protected configuration is opened remotely with a wrong or missing password.

Uses of DIException in

Methods in that throw DIException
static JMXAgent.getMBeanServer()
          Returns the created MBean server.
static SecurityRegistry JMXAgent.getSecRegistry()
          Returns the security register of the local session.
 void JMXServerAPIListener.handleEvent(DIEvent aEvent)
          Handles a specified event.
static void JMXAgent.initialize()
          Initializes the JMX layer of the Server API.
static void JMXAgent.initializeRemote()
          Initializes the remotely exposed JMX layer of the Server API.
static void JMXServerAPIListener.intializeListener(Session aLocalSession)
          Initializes the listener.
static JMXAgent.registerMBean(BaseAdmin aBaseAdmin)
          Registers a pre-existing object as an MBean with the MBean server.
static void JMXAgent.unregisterMBean( aObjectName)
          Unregisters an MBean from the MBean server.

Uses of DIException in

Methods in that throw DIException
 void AssemblyLineListenerBase.assemblyLineCycleDone(Entry aEntry)
          Called when specified entry drives a complete cycle trough the assembly line which AssemblyLineListener listens.
 void AssemblyLineListener.assemblyLineCycleDone(Entry aEntry)
          Called when specified entry drives a complete cycle trough the assembly line which AssemblyLineListener listens.
 void AssemblyLineListenerBase.assemblyLineFinished()
          Called when the assembly line which AssemblyLineListener listens has finished.
 void AssemblyLineListener.assemblyLineFinished()
          Called when the assembly line which AssemblyLineListener listens has finished.
 void AssemblyLineMBean.attachDebugger(int port, java.lang.String host, boolean onerror)
          Attach a debugger to the AssemblyLine.
 void AssemblyLine.attachDebugger(int port, java.lang.String host, boolean onerror)
          Attach a debugger to the AssemblyLine.
 void DIServerMBean.checkInAndLeaveCheckedOut(MetamergeConfig aConfiguration, java.lang.String aRelativePath)
          Checks in the specified configuration and leaves it checked out.
 void DIServer.checkInAndLeaveCheckedOut(MetamergeConfig aConfiguration, java.lang.String aRelativePath)
          Checks in the specified configuration and leaves it checked out.
 void DIServerMBean.checkInConfiguration(MetamergeConfig aConfiguration, java.lang.String aRelativePath)
          Saves the specified configuration and releases the lock.
 void DIServer.checkInConfiguration(MetamergeConfig aConfiguration, java.lang.String aRelativePath)
          Saves the specified configuration and releases the lock.
 void DIServerMBean.checkInConfiguration(MetamergeConfig aConfiguration, java.lang.String aRelativePath, boolean aEncrypt)
          Encrypts and saves the specified configuration and releases the lock.
 void DIServer.checkInConfiguration(MetamergeConfig aConfiguration, java.lang.String aRelativePath, boolean aEncrypt)
          Encrypts and saves the specified configuration and releases the lock.
 MetamergeConfig DIServerMBean.checkOutConfiguration(java.lang.String aRelativePath)
          Checks out the specified configuration.
 MetamergeConfig DIServer.checkOutConfiguration(java.lang.String aRelativePath)
          Checks out the specified configuration.
 MetamergeConfig DIServerMBean.checkOutConfiguration(java.lang.String aRelativePath, java.lang.String aPassword)
          Checks out the specified password protected configuration.
 MetamergeConfig DIServer.checkOutConfiguration(java.lang.String aRelativePath, java.lang.String aPassword)
          Checks out the specified password protected configuration. DIServerMBean.checkOutConfigurationAndLoad(java.lang.String aRelativePath)
          Checks out the specified configuration and starts a temporary Config Instance on the Server. DIServer.checkOutConfigurationAndLoad(java.lang.String aRelativePath)
          Checks out the specified configuration and starts a temporary Config Instance on the Server. DIServerMBean.checkOutConfigurationAndLoad(java.lang.String aRelativePath, java.lang.String aPassword)
          Checks out the specified configuration and starts a temporary Config Instance on the Server. DIServer.checkOutConfigurationAndLoad(java.lang.String aRelativePath, java.lang.String aPassword)
          Checks out the specified configuration and starts a temporary Config Instance on the Server.
 java.lang.String SystemLogMBean.cleanALLogs(java.lang.String aConfigId, java.lang.String aALName, java.lang.String[] logsToBeDeleted)
          Deletes all the logs which are specified in " logsToBeDeleted" array.
 java.lang.String SystemLog.cleanALLogs(java.lang.String aConfigId, java.lang.String aALName, java.lang.String[] logsToBeDeleted)
          Deletes all the logs which are specified in " logsToBeDeleted" array.
 void SystemLogMBean.cleanAllOldALLogs(java.util.Date aMinDate)
          Deletes all AssemblyLines' log files older than the specified date.
 void SystemLog.cleanAllOldALLogs(java.util.Date aMinDate)
          Deletes all AssemblyLines' log files older than the specified date.
 void SystemLogMBean.cleanAllOldALLogs(java.lang.Integer aKeepNum)
          Deletes all AssemblyLines' log files except those generated on the " aKeepNum" latest runs of all AssemblyLines.
 void SystemLog.cleanAllOldALLogs(java.lang.Integer aKeepNum)
          Deletes all AssemblyLines' log files except those generated on the " aKeepNum" latest runs of all AssemblyLines.
 void SystemLogMBean.cleanAllOldLogs(java.util.Date aMinDate)
          Deletes all log files older than the specified date.
 void SystemLog.cleanAllOldLogs(java.util.Date aMinDate)
          Deletes all log files older than the specified date.
 void SystemLogMBean.cleanAllOldLogs(java.lang.Integer aKeepNum)
          Deletes all log files except those generated on the " aKeepNum" latest runs of all components.
 void SystemLog.cleanAllOldLogs(java.lang.Integer aKeepNum)
          Deletes all log files except those generated on the " aKeepNum" latest runs of all components.
 java.lang.Boolean SystemLogMBean.cleanOldALLogs(java.lang.String aConfigId, java.lang.String aALName, java.util.Date aMinDate)
          Deletes those log files of the specified AssemblyLine, that are older than the specified date.
 java.lang.Boolean SystemLog.cleanOldALLogs(java.lang.String aConfigId, java.lang.String aALName, java.util.Date aMinDate)
          Deletes those log files of the specified AssemblyLine, that are older than the specified date.
 java.lang.Boolean SystemLogMBean.cleanOldALLogs(java.lang.String aConfigId, java.lang.String aALName, java.util.Date aMinDate, java.util.Date aMaxDate)
          Deletes those log files of the specified AssemblyLine, that are older than the specified date.
 java.lang.Boolean SystemLog.cleanOldALLogs(java.lang.String aConfigId, java.lang.String aALName, java.util.Date aMinDate, java.util.Date aMaxDate)
          Deletes those log files of the specified AssemblyLine, that are older than the specified date.
 java.lang.Boolean SystemLogMBean.cleanOldALLogs(java.lang.String aConfigId, java.lang.String aALName, java.lang.Integer aKeepNum)
          Deletes all log files of the specified AssemblyLine except those generated on the "aKeepNum" latest AssemblyLine runs.
 java.lang.Boolean SystemLog.cleanOldALLogs(java.lang.String aConfigId, java.lang.String aALName, java.lang.Integer aKeepNum)
          Deletes all log files of the specified AssemblyLine except those generated on the "aKeepNum" latest AssemblyLine runs.
 void AssemblyLineHandlerMBean.close()
          Closes the Assembly LineHandler MBean.
 void AssemblyLineHandler.close()
          Closes the Assembly LineHandler MBean. DIServerMBean.createNewConfigInstance(java.lang.String aConfigUrl)
          Deprecated. Not for public use in the future. Creates and starts a new Config Instance with an empty configuration. DIServer.createNewConfigInstance(java.lang.String aConfigUrl)
          Deprecated. DIServerMBean.createNewConfigInstance(java.lang.String aConfigUrl, java.lang.String aPassword)
          Deprecated. Not for public use in the future. Creates and starts a new Config Instance with an empty configuration. DIServer.createNewConfigInstance(java.lang.String aConfigUrl, java.lang.String aPassword)
 MetamergeConfig DIServerMBean.createNewConfiguration(java.lang.String aRelativePath, boolean aOverwrite)
          Creates a new empty configuration and immediately checks it out.
 MetamergeConfig DIServer.createNewConfiguration(java.lang.String aRelativePath, boolean aOverwrite)
          Creates a new empty configuration and immediately checks it out. DIServerMBean.createNewConfigurationAndLoad(java.lang.String aRelativePath, boolean aOverwrite)
          Creates a new empty configuration, immediately checks it out and loads a temporary Config Instance on the Server. DIServer.createNewConfigurationAndLoad(java.lang.String aRelativePath, boolean aOverwrite)
          Creates a new empty configuration, immediately checks it out and loads a temporary Config Instance on the Server.
 int TombstoneManagerMBean.deleteALTombstones(java.lang.String aAssemblyLineName, java.lang.String aConfigID)
          Deletes all tombstones for specified AssemblyLine.
 int TombstoneManager.deleteALTombstones(java.lang.String aAssemblyLineName, java.lang.String aConfigID)
          Deletes all tombstones for specified AssemblyLine.
 int TombstoneManagerMBean.deleteALTombstones(java.lang.String aAssemblyLineName, java.lang.String aConfigID, java.util.Date olderThan)
          Deletes all tombstones for the specified AssemblyLine that are older than the specified date.
 int TombstoneManager.deleteALTombstones(java.lang.String aAssemblyLineName, java.lang.String aConfigID, java.util.Date olderThan)
          Deletes all tombstones for the specified AssemblyLine that are older than the specified date.
 int TombstoneManagerMBean.deleteALTombstones(java.lang.String aAssemblyLineName, java.lang.String aConfigID, java.util.Date startDate, java.util.Date endDate)
          Deletes all tombstones for the specified AssemblyLine that are in the specified Date range
 int TombstoneManager.deleteALTombstones(java.lang.String aAssemblyLineName, java.lang.String aConfigID, java.util.Date startDate, java.util.Date endDate)
          Deletes all tombstones for the specified AssemblyLine that are in the specified Date range
 int TombstoneManagerMBean.deleteALTombstones(java.lang.String aAssemblyLineName, java.lang.String aConfigID, int aDays)
          Deletes all tombstones for the specified AssemblyLine that are older than the specified number of days.
 int TombstoneManager.deleteALTombstones(java.lang.String aAssemblyLineName, java.lang.String aConfigID, int aDays)
          Deletes all tombstones for the specified AssemblyLine that are older than the specified number of days.
 int TombstoneManagerMBean.deleteCITombstones(java.lang.String aConfigID)
          Deletes all tombstones for specified Config Instance.
 int TombstoneManager.deleteCITombstones(java.lang.String aConfigID)
          Deletes all tombstones for specified Config Instance.
 int TombstoneManagerMBean.deleteCITombstones(java.lang.String aConfigID, int aDays)
          Deletes all tombstones for the specified Config Instance that are older than the specified number of days.
 int TombstoneManager.deleteCITombstones(java.lang.String aConfigID, int aDays)
          Deletes all tombstones for the specified Config Instance that are older than the specified number of days.
 boolean TombstoneManagerMBean.deleteTombstone(java.lang.String aGUID)
          Deletes the tombstone with the specified GUID.
 boolean TombstoneManager.deleteTombstone(java.lang.String aGUID)
          Deletes the tombstone with the specified GUID.
 int TombstoneManagerMBean.deleteTombstones(int aDays)
          Deletes all tombstones that are older than the specified number of days.
 int TombstoneManager.deleteTombstones(int aDays)
          Deletes all tombstones that are older than the specified number of days.
 void AssemblyLineMBean.detachDebugger(java.lang.Object msg)
          Detach the current debugger from the AssemblyLine.
 void AssemblyLine.detachDebugger(java.lang.Object msg)
          Detach the current debugger from the AssemblyLine.
 Entry AssemblyLineHandlerMBean.executeCycle()
          Executes an AssemblyLine cycle with null work Entry attribute.
 Entry AssemblyLineHandler.executeCycle()
          Executes an AssemblyLine cycle with null work Entry attribute.
 Entry AssemblyLineHandlerMBean.executeCycle(Entry aEntry)
          Executes an AssemblyLine cycle.
 Entry AssemblyLineHandler.executeCycle(Entry aEntry)
          Executes an AssemblyLine cycle.
 Entry AssemblyLineHandlerMBean.executeCycle(Entry aEntry, java.lang.Boolean aProcessTCB)
          Executes an AssemblyLine cycle.
 Entry AssemblyLineHandler.executeCycle(Entry aEntry, java.lang.Boolean aProcessTCB)
          Executes an AssemblyLine cycle.
static TDIProperties.genObjectName(java.lang.String aUniqueCode)
          Generates object name for specified TDI-P.
static ConfigInstance.genObjectName(java.lang.String aConfigInstanceName)
          Generates object name for specified assembly line handler.
static AssemblyLineHandler.genObjectName(java.lang.String aName, int aUniqueCode)
          Generates object name for specified assembly line handler.
static AssemblyLine.genObjectName(java.lang.String aAssemblyLineName, int aUniqueCode)
          Generates object name for specified assembly line.
 java.lang.String ConfigInstanceMBean.getALLastLogFileName(java.lang.String aALName)
          Returns the name of the log file created on the last run of a given AssemblyLine.
 java.lang.String ConfigInstance.getALLastLogFileName(java.lang.String aALName)
          Returns the name of the log file created on the last run of a given AssemblyLine.
 java.lang.String SystemLogMBean.getALLastLogFileName(java.lang.String aConfigId, java.lang.String aALName)
          Returns the name of the log file created on the last run of a given AssemblyLine.
 java.lang.String SystemLog.getALLastLogFileName(java.lang.String aConfigId, java.lang.String aALName)
          Returns the name of the log file created on the last run of a given AssemblyLine.
 java.lang.String ConfigInstanceMBean.getALLog(java.lang.String aALName, java.lang.String aLogFileName)
          Given an AssemblyLine name, and a log file name, retrieves the log of this AssemblyLine, stored in the specified file.
 java.lang.String ConfigInstance.getALLog(java.lang.String aALName, java.lang.String aLogFileName)
          Given an AssemblyLine name, and a log file name, retrieves the log of this AssemblyLine, stored in the specified file.
 java.lang.String SystemLogMBean.getALLog(java.lang.String aConfigId, java.lang.String aALName, java.lang.String aLogFileName)
          Given an AssemblyLine identification, and a log file name, retrieves the log of this AssemblyLine, stored in the specified file.
 java.lang.String SystemLog.getALLog(java.lang.String aConfigId, java.lang.String aALName, java.lang.String aLogFileName)
          Given an AssemblyLine identification, and a log file name, retrieves the log of this AssemblyLine, stored in the specified file.
 java.lang.String[] ConfigInstanceMBean.getALLogFileNames(java.lang.String aALName)
          Returns the names of all available log files for a given AssemblyLine.
 java.lang.String[] ConfigInstance.getALLogFileNames(java.lang.String aALName)
          Returns the names of all available log files for a given AssemblyLine.
 java.lang.String[] SystemLogMBean.getALLogFileNames(java.lang.String aConfigId, java.lang.String aALName)
          Returns the names of all available log files for a given AssemblyLine.
 java.lang.String[] SystemLog.getALLogFileNames(java.lang.String aConfigId, java.lang.String aALName)
          Returns the names of all available log files for a given AssemblyLine.
 java.lang.String[] SystemLogMBean.getALLogFileNames(java.lang.String aConfigId, java.lang.String aALName, java.util.Date dDate)
          Returns the names of all available log files prior to the specified 'date' for a given AssemblyLine.
 java.lang.String[] SystemLog.getALLogFileNames(java.lang.String aConfigId, java.lang.String aALName, java.util.Date dDate)
          Returns the names of all available log files prior to the specified 'date' for a given AssemblyLine.
 java.lang.String[] SystemLogMBean.getALLogFileNames(java.lang.String aConfigId, java.lang.String aALName, java.util.Date startDate, java.util.Date endDate)
          Returns the names of all available log files prior to the specified 'date' for a given AssemblyLine.
 java.lang.String[] SystemLog.getALLogFileNames(java.lang.String aConfigId, java.lang.String aALName, java.util.Date startDate, java.util.Date endDate)
          Returns the names of all available log files prior to the specified 'date' for a given AssemblyLine.
 java.lang.String[] SystemLogMBean.getALLogFileNames(java.lang.String aConfigId, java.lang.String aALName, int n)
          Returns the names of all 'n' log files for a given AssemblyLine.
 java.lang.String[] SystemLog.getALLogFileNames(java.lang.String aConfigId, java.lang.String aALName, int n)
          Returns the names of all 'n' log files for a given AssemblyLine.
 java.lang.String ConfigInstanceMBean.getALLogLastChunk(java.lang.String aALName, java.lang.String aLogFileName, java.lang.Integer aKilobytes)
          Retrieves the last chunk from a specified AssemblyLine's log file.
 java.lang.String ConfigInstance.getALLogLastChunk(java.lang.String aALName, java.lang.String aLogFileName, java.lang.Integer aKilobytes)
          Retrieves the last chunk from a specified AssemblyLine's log file.
 java.lang.String SystemLogMBean.getALLogLastChunk(java.lang.String aConfigId, java.lang.String aALName, java.lang.String aLogFileName, java.lang.Integer aKilobytes)
          Retrieves the last chunk from a specified AssemblyLine's log file.
 java.lang.String SystemLog.getALLogLastChunk(java.lang.String aConfigId, java.lang.String aALName, java.lang.String aLogFileName, java.lang.Integer aKilobytes)
          Retrieves the last chunk from a specified AssemblyLine's log file. AssemblyLineHandlerMBean.getAssemblyLine()
          Returns an ObjectName generated from the AssemblyLine’s name and AssemblyLine’s unique code. AssemblyLineHandler.getAssemblyLine()
          Returns an ObjectName generated from the AssemblyLine’s name and AssemblyLine’s unique code.
 SchemaConfig ConfigInstanceMBean.getAssemblyLineInputParameters(java.lang.String aAssemblyLineName)
          Returns the AssemblyLine’s input parameters.
 SchemaConfig ConfigInstance.getAssemblyLineInputParameters(java.lang.String aAssemblyLineName)
          Returns the AssemblyLine’s input parameters.
 java.lang.String[] ConfigInstanceMBean.getAssemblyLineNames()
          Returns the AssemblyLines’ names.
 java.lang.String[] ConfigInstance.getAssemblyLineNames()
          Returns the AssemblyLines’ names.
 SchemaConfig ConfigInstanceMBean.getAssemblyLineOutputParameters(java.lang.String aAssemblyLineName)
          Returns the AssemblyLine’s output parameters.
 SchemaConfig ConfigInstance.getAssemblyLineOutputParameters(java.lang.String aAssemblyLineName)
          Returns the AssemblyLine’s output parameters.[] ConfigInstanceMBean.getAssemblyLines()
          Returns the names of currently started AssemblyLines of the configuration each represented as ObjectName generated from AssemblyLine’s name and unique code.[] ConfigInstance.getAssemblyLines()
          Returns the names of currently started AssemblyLines of the configuration each represented as ObjectName generated from AssemblyLine’s name and unique code.
 java.lang.String[] ConfigInstanceMBean.getAssemblyLinesNames()
          Deprecated. Use ConfigInstanceMBean.getAssemblyLineNames().
 java.lang.String[] ConfigInstance.getAssemblyLinesNames()
 Tombstone[] TombstoneManagerMBean.getAssemblyLineTombstones(java.lang.String aAssemblyLineName, java.lang.String aConfigID)
          Returns all available tombstones for the specified AssemblyLine.
 Tombstone[] TombstoneManager.getAssemblyLineTombstones(java.lang.String aAssemblyLineName, java.lang.String aConfigID)
          Returns all available tombstones for the specified AssemblyLine.
 Tombstone[] TombstoneManagerMBean.getAssemblyLineTombstones(java.lang.String aAssemblyLineName, java.lang.String aConfigID, java.util.Date aStartTime, java.util.Date aEndTime)
          Returns all available tombstones for the specified AssemblyLine with timestamps in the interval specified by aStartTime and aEndTime.
 Tombstone[] TombstoneManager.getAssemblyLineTombstones(java.lang.String aAssemblyLineName, java.lang.String aConfigID, java.util.Date aStartTime, java.util.Date aEndTime)
          Returns all available tombstones for the specified AssemblyLine with timestamps in the interval specified by aStartTime and aEndTime.
 Tombstone[] TombstoneManagerMBean.getAssemblyLineTombstones(java.lang.String aAssemblyLineName, java.lang.String aConfigID, int aRecentNumberOfTombstones)
          Returns the recent n number of tombstones for a specified AssemblyLine.
 Tombstone[] TombstoneManager.getAssemblyLineTombstones(java.lang.String aAssemblyLineName, java.lang.String aConfigID, int aRecentNumberOfTombstones)
          Returns the recent n number of tombstones for a specified AssemblyLine.
 byte[] SystemQueueMBean.getBytesMessage(java.lang.String aQueueName, int aTimeOut)
          Retrieves a BytesMessage from the specified System Queue
 byte[] SystemQueue.getBytesMessage(java.lang.String aQueueName, int aTimeOut)
          Retrieves a BytesMessage from the specified System Queue
 AssemblyLineConfig AssemblyLineMBean.getConfig()
          Returns configuration information about the AssemblyLine.
 AssemblyLineConfig AssemblyLine.getConfig()
          Returns configuration information about the AssemblyLine.
 java.lang.String ConfigInstanceMBean.getConfigId()
          Returns the configuration ID generated by the server.
 java.lang.String ConfigInstance.getConfigId()
          Returns the configuration ID generated by the server. AssemblyLineMBean.getConfigInstance()
          Returns ObjectName generated from the AssemblyLine’s configuration ID, gotten from the AssemblyLine’s configuration instance. AssemblyLine.getConfigInstance()
          Returns ObjectName generated from the AssemblyLine’s configuration ID, gotten from the AssemblyLine’s configuration instance.
 Tombstone[] TombstoneManagerMBean.getConfigInstanceTombstones(java.lang.String aConfigID)
          Returns all available tombstones for the specified Config Instance.
 Tombstone[] TombstoneManager.getConfigInstanceTombstones(java.lang.String aConfigID)
          Returns all available tombstones for the specified Config Instance.
 Tombstone[] TombstoneManagerMBean.getConfigInstanceTombstones(java.lang.String aConfigID, java.util.Date aStartTime, java.util.Date aEndTime)
          Returns all available tombstones for the specified Config Instance with timestamps in the interval specified by aStartTime and aEndTime.
 Tombstone[] TombstoneManager.getConfigInstanceTombstones(java.lang.String aConfigID, java.util.Date aStartTime, java.util.Date aEndTime)
          Returns all available tombstones for the specified Config Instance with timestamps in the interval specified by aStartTime and aEndTime.
 MetamergeConfig ConfigInstanceMBean.getConfiguration()
          Returns configuration instance representing this configuration.
 MetamergeConfig ConfigInstance.getConfiguration()
          Returns configuration instance representing this configuration.
 java.lang.String ServerInfoMBean.getConnectorDescription(java.lang.String aConnectorName)
          Retrieves the description of a Connector installed on the Server.
 java.lang.String ServerInfo.getConnectorDescription(java.lang.String aConnectorName)
          Retrieves the description of a Connector installed on the Server.
 PoolDefConfig ConfigInstanceMBean.getConnectorPoolConfig(java.lang.String aConnectorPoolName)
          Returns the Connector Pool configuration object.
 PoolDefConfig ConfigInstance.getConnectorPoolConfig(java.lang.String aConnectorPoolName)
          Returns the Connector Pool configuration object.
 int ConfigInstanceMBean.getConnectorPoolFreeNum(java.lang.String aConnectorPoolName)
          Returns the number of free Connectors in the specified Connector Pool.
 int ConfigInstance.getConnectorPoolFreeNum(java.lang.String aConnectorPoolName)
          Returns the number of free Connectors in the specified Connector Pool.
 java.lang.String[] ConfigInstanceMBean.getConnectorPoolNames()
          Returns the names of all Connector Pools in the Config Instance.
 java.lang.String[] ConfigInstance.getConnectorPoolNames()
          Returns the names of all Connector Pools in the Config Instance.
 int ConfigInstanceMBean.getConnectorPoolSize(java.lang.String aConnectorPoolName)
          Returns the size of the specified Connector Pool.
 int ConfigInstance.getConnectorPoolSize(java.lang.String aConnectorPoolName)
          Returns the size of the specified Connector Pool.
 java.lang.String ServerInfoMBean.getConnectorVersionInfo(java.lang.String aConnectorName)
          Retrieves the version of a Connector installed on the Server.
 java.lang.String ServerInfo.getConnectorVersionInfo(java.lang.String aConnectorName)
          Retrieves the version of a Connector installed on the Server.
 Entry SystemQueueMBean.getEntry(java.lang.String aQueueName, int aTimeOut)
          Retrieves an Entry object from the specified System Queue
 Entry SystemQueue.getEntry(java.lang.String aQueueName, int aTimeOut)
          Retrieves an Entry object from the specified System Queue
 ExternalPropertiesConfig ConfigInstanceMBean.getExternalProperties()
          Deprecated. use ConfigInstanceMBean.getTDIProperties() instead
 ExternalPropertiesConfig ConfigInstance.getExternalProperties()
          Returns the external properties of the configuration.
 ExternalPropertiesConfig ConfigInstanceMBean.getExternalProperties(java.lang.String aKey)
          Deprecated. use ConfigInstanceMBean.getTDIProperties() instead
 ExternalPropertiesConfig ConfigInstance.getExternalProperties(java.lang.String aKey)
          Returns the ExternalPropertiesConfig object for the named external properties object.
 java.lang.String[] ConfigInstanceMBean.getExternalPropertiesKeys()
          Deprecated. use ConfigInstanceMBean.getTDIProperties() instead
 java.lang.String[] ConfigInstance.getExternalPropertiesKeys()
          Returns the external properties object names.
 java.lang.String ServerInfoMBean.getFunctionComponentDescription(java.lang.String aFunctionComponentName)
          Retrieves the description of a Function Component installed on the Server.
 java.lang.String ServerInfo.getFunctionComponentDescription(java.lang.String aFunctionComponentName)
          Retrieves the description of a Function Component installed on the Server.
 java.lang.String ServerInfoMBean.getFunctionComponentVersionInfo(java.lang.String aFunctionComponentName)
          Retrieves the version of a Function Component installed on the Server.
 java.lang.String ServerInfo.getFunctionComponentVersionInfo(java.lang.String aFunctionComponentName)
          Retrieves the version of a Function Component installed on the Server.
 java.lang.String ConfigInstanceMBean.getGlobalUniqueID()
          Returns the Config Instance GUID.
 java.lang.String ConfigInstance.getGlobalUniqueID()
          Returns the Config Instance GUID.
 java.lang.String AssemblyLineMBean.getGlobalUniqueID()
          Returns AssemblyLine GUID.
 java.lang.String AssemblyLine.getGlobalUniqueID()
          Returns AssemblyLine GUID.
 java.lang.String ServerInfoMBean.getHostName()
          Returns Server machine host name.
 java.lang.String ServerInfo.getHostName()
          Returns Server machine host name.
 java.lang.String ServerInfo.getId()
          Reads attribute "Id".
 java.lang.String DIServer.getId()
          Reads attribute "Id".
 java.lang.String ConfigInstance.getId()
          Reads attribute "Id".
 java.lang.String BaseMBean.getId()
          Reads attribute "Id".
 java.util.Hashtable[] ServerInfoMBean.getInstalledConnectors()
          Retrieves information for all Connectors installed on the Server.
 java.util.Hashtable[] ServerInfo.getInstalledConnectors()
          Retrieves information for all Connectors installed on the Server.
 java.lang.String[] ServerInfoMBean.getInstalledConnectorsNames()
          Retrieves the names of all Connectors installed on the Server.
 java.lang.String[] ServerInfo.getInstalledConnectorsNames()
          Retrieves the names of all Connectors installed on the Server.
 java.util.Hashtable[] ServerInfoMBean.getInstalledFunctionComponents()
          Retrieves information for all Function Components installed on the Server.
 java.util.Hashtable[] ServerInfo.getInstalledFunctionComponents()
          Retrieves information for all Function Components installed on the Server.
 java.lang.String[] ServerInfoMBean.getInstalledFunctionComponentsNames()
          Retrieves the names of all Function Components installed on the Server.
 java.lang.String[] ServerInfo.getInstalledFunctionComponentsNames()
          Retrieves the names of all Function Components installed on the Server.
 java.util.Hashtable[] ServerInfoMBean.getInstalledParsers()
          Retrieves information for all Parsers installed on the Server.
 java.util.Hashtable[] ServerInfo.getInstalledParsers()
          Retrieves information for all Parsers installed on the Server.
 java.lang.String[] ServerInfoMBean.getInstalledParsersNames()
          Retrieves the names of all Parsers installed on the Server.
 java.lang.String[] ServerInfo.getInstalledParsersNames()
          Retrieves the names of all Parsers installed on the Server.
 java.util.Date ConfigInstanceMBean.getInstanceBootTime()
          Returns the Instance boot time.
 java.util.Date ConfigInstance.getInstanceBootTime()
          Returns the Instance boot time.
 java.lang.String ServerInfoMBean.getIPAddress()
          Returns Server machine IP address.
 java.lang.String ServerInfo.getIPAddress()
          Returns Server machine IP address.
 java.lang.String BaseAdmin.getKeyPropertyList()
          Returns the MBean key property list.
 javax.jms.Message SystemQueueMBean.getMessage(java.lang.String aQueueName, int aTimeOut)
          Retrieves a JMS Message from the specified System Queue
 javax.jms.Message SystemQueue.getMessage(java.lang.String aQueueName, int aTimeOut)
          Retrieves a JMS Message from the specified System Queue
 java.lang.String AssemblyLineMBean.getName()
          Returns the name of the AssemblyLine.
 java.lang.String AssemblyLine.getName()
          Returns the name of the AssemblyLine.
static Notifier Notifier.getNotifier()
          Returns the Notifier.
 java.lang.String AssemblyLineMBean.getNullBehavior()
          Gets the nullBehavior attribute of the AssemblyLine object
 java.lang.String AssemblyLine.getNullBehavior()
          Gets the nullBehavior attribute of the AssemblyLine object
 java.lang.String AssemblyLineMBean.getNullBehaviorValue()
          Gets the nullBehaviorValue attribute of the AssemblyLine object.
 java.lang.String AssemblyLine.getNullBehaviorValue()
          Gets the nullBehaviorValue attribute of the AssemblyLine object.
 java.lang.String ServerInfoMBean.getOperatingSystem()
          Returns the name of the operating system where the Server is running.
 java.lang.String ServerInfo.getOperatingSystem()
          Returns the name of the operating system where the Server is running.
 java.lang.String ServerInfoMBean.getParserDescription(java.lang.String aParserName)
          Retrieves the description of a Parser installed on the Server.
 java.lang.String ServerInfo.getParserDescription(java.lang.String aParserName)
          Retrieves the description of a Parser installed on the Server.
 java.lang.String ServerInfoMBean.getParserVersionInfo(java.lang.String aParserName)
          Retrieves the version of a Parser installed on the Server.
 java.lang.String ServerInfo.getParserVersionInfo(java.lang.String aParserName)
          Retrieves the version of a Parser installed on the Server.
 java.util.Vector ServerInfoMBean.getPasswordParameterNames(java.lang.String aJavaClassName)
          Returns password parameters names for specified class.
 java.util.Vector ServerInfo.getPasswordParameterNames(java.lang.String aJavaClassName)
          Returns password parameters names for specified class.
 Entry AssemblyLineMBean.getResult()
          This method returns the result entry object.
 Entry AssemblyLine.getResult()
          This method returns the result entry object.
 java.util.Date ServerInfoMBean.getServerBootTime()
          Returns the Server boot time.
 java.util.Date ServerInfo.getServerBootTime()
          Returns the Server boot time.
 java.lang.String ServerInfoMBean.getServerID()
          Returns the server unique identifier.
 java.lang.String ServerInfo.getServerID()
          Returns the server unique identifier.
 java.lang.String ServerInfoMBean.getServerVersion()
          Returns Server version.
 java.lang.String ServerInfo.getServerVersion()
          Returns Server version.
 TaskStatistics AssemblyLineMBean.getStatistics()
          This method returns the TaskStatistics object for this AssemblyLine.
 TaskStatistics AssemblyLine.getStatistics()
          This method returns the TaskStatistics object for this AssemblyLine.
 java.lang.String AssemblyLineMBean.getSystemLog()
          Retrieves the current AssemblyLine's system log.
 java.lang.String AssemblyLine.getSystemLog()
          Retrieves the current AssemblyLine's system log.
 java.lang.String AssemblyLineMBean.getSystemLogFileName()
          Returns the name of the log file of the AssemblyLine (not prefixed by folders path).
 java.lang.String AssemblyLine.getSystemLogFileName()
          Returns the name of the log file of the AssemblyLine (not prefixed by folders path).
 java.lang.String AssemblyLineMBean.getSystemLogFilePath()
          Returns the fully-qualified path of the log file of the AssemblyLine.
 java.lang.String AssemblyLine.getSystemLogFilePath()
          Returns the fully-qualified path of the log file of the AssemblyLine.
 java.lang.String AssemblyLineMBean.getSystemLogLastChunk(java.lang.Integer aLastKilobytes)
          Retrieves the last chunk from the current AssemblyLine's system log.
 java.lang.String AssemblyLine.getSystemLogLastChunk(java.lang.Integer aLastKilobytes)
          Retrieves the last chunk from the current AssemblyLine's system log.
 java.lang.String SystemQueueMBean.getTextMessage(java.lang.String aQueueName, int aTimeOut)
          Retrieves a TextMessage from the specified System Queue
 java.lang.String SystemQueue.getTextMessage(java.lang.String aQueueName, int aTimeOut)
          Retrieves a TextMessage from the specified System Queue
 Tombstone TombstoneManagerMBean.getTombstone(java.lang.String aGUID)
          Returns a single tombstone object uniquely identified by the specified GUID.
 Tombstone TombstoneManager.getTombstone(java.lang.String aGUID)
          Returns a single tombstone object uniquely identified by the specified GUID.
 Tombstone[] TombstoneManagerMBean.getTombstones(java.util.Date aStartTime, java.util.Date aEndTime)
          Returns all available tombstones with timestamps in the interval specified by aStartTime and aEndTime.
 Tombstone[] TombstoneManager.getTombstones(java.util.Date aStartTime, java.util.Date aEndTime)
          Returns all available tombstones with timestamps in the interval specified by aStartTime and aEndTime.
 java.lang.String BaseMBean.getType()
          Reads attribute "Type".
 java.lang.Integer AssemblyLineMBean.getUniqueCode()
          Returns the unique code of the AssemblyLine.
 java.lang.Integer AssemblyLine.getUniqueCode()
          Returns the unique code of the AssemblyLine.
static Notifier Notifier.init()
          Initializes the Notifier.
 java.lang.Boolean AssemblyLineMBean.isActive()
          Checks if the AssemblyLine is active.
 java.lang.Boolean AssemblyLine.isActive()
          Checks if the AssemblyLine is active.
 boolean DIServerMBean.isConfigurationCheckedOut(java.lang.String aRelativePath)
          Checks if the specified configuration is checked out on the Server.
 boolean DIServer.isConfigurationCheckedOut(java.lang.String aRelativePath)
          Checks if the specified configuration is checked out on the Server.
 boolean AssemblyLine.isSimulating()
          Check weather the AssemblyLine is simulating or not.
 boolean DIServerMBean.isSSLon()
          Checks if the SSL on the server is turned on.
 boolean DIServer.isSSLon()
          Checks if the SSL on the server is turned on.
 int TombstoneManagerMBean.keepMostRecentALTombstones(java.lang.String aAssemblyLineName, java.lang.String aConfigID, int aMostResentToKeep)
          After this method is executed only the aMostRecentToKeep most recent tombstone records for the specified AssemblyLine are kept and all other are deleted.
 int TombstoneManager.keepMostRecentALTombstones(java.lang.String aAssemblyLineName, java.lang.String aConfigID, int aMostResentToKeep)
          After this method is executed only the aMostRecentToKeep most recent tombstone records for the specified AssemblyLine are kept and all other are deleted.
 int TombstoneManagerMBean.keepMostRecentCITombstones(java.lang.String aConfigID, int aMostResentToKeep)
          After this method is executed only the aMostRecentToKeep most recent tombstone records for the specified Config Instance are kept and all other are deleted.
 int TombstoneManager.keepMostRecentCITombstones(java.lang.String aConfigID, int aMostResentToKeep)
          After this method is executed only the aMostRecentToKeep most recent tombstone records for the specified Config Instance are kept and all other are deleted.
 int TombstoneManagerMBean.keepMostRecentTombstones(int aMostResentToKeep)
          After this method is executed only the aMostRecentToKeep most recent tombstone records are kept and all other are deleted.
 int TombstoneManager.keepMostRecentTombstones(int aMostResentToKeep)
          After this method is executed only the aMostRecentToKeep most recent tombstone records are kept and all other are deleted.
 java.util.ArrayList DIServerMBean.listAllConfigurations()
          Returns a list of the file names of all configurations in the directory subtree of the Server configuration codebase folder.
 java.util.ArrayList DIServer.listAllConfigurations()
          Returns a list of the file names of all configurations in the directory subtree of the Server configuration codebase folder.
 java.util.ArrayList DIServerMBean.listConfigurations(java.lang.String aRelativePath)
          Returns a list of the file names of all configurations in the specified folder.
 java.util.ArrayList DIServer.listConfigurations(java.lang.String aRelativePath)
          Returns a list of the file names of all configurations in the specified folder.
 java.util.ArrayList DIServerMBean.listFolders(java.lang.String aRelativePath)
          Returns a list of the child folders of the specified folder.
 java.util.ArrayList DIServer.listFolders(java.lang.String aRelativePath)
          Returns a list of the child folders of the specified folder.
 void LogListener.messageLogged(java.lang.String aMessage)
          Called right after the specified message is logged.
 void AssemblyLineListenerBase.messageLogged(java.lang.String aMessage)
          Called right after the specified message is logged.
 int ConfigInstanceMBean.purgeConnectorPool(java.lang.String aConnectorPoolName)
          Unused Connectors will be released so that the Pool is shrunk to its minimum size.
 int ConfigInstance.purgeConnectorPool(java.lang.String aConnectorPoolName)
          Unused Connectors will be released so that the Pool is shrunk to its minimum size.
 void SystemQueueMBean.putBytesMessage(java.lang.String aQueueName, byte[] aMessageBytes)
          Stores a BytesMessage in the specified System Queue
 void SystemQueue.putBytesMessage(java.lang.String aQueueName, byte[] aMessageBytes)
          Stores a BytesMessage in the specified System Queue
 void SystemQueueMBean.putEntry(java.lang.String aQueueName, Entry aEntry)
          Stores an Entry object to the specified System Queue
 void SystemQueue.putEntry(java.lang.String aQueueName, Entry aEntry)
          Stores an Entry object to the specified System Queue
 void SystemQueueMBean.putMessage(java.lang.String aQueueName, javax.jms.Message aMessage)
          Stores a Message to the specified System Queue
 void SystemQueue.putMessage(java.lang.String aQueueName, javax.jms.Message aMessage)
          Stores a Message to the specified System Queue
 void SystemQueueMBean.putTextMessage(java.lang.String aQueueName, java.lang.String aMessageText)
          Stores a TextMessage to the System Queue
 void SystemQueue.putTextMessage(java.lang.String aQueueName, java.lang.String aMessageText)
          Stores a TextMessage to the System Queue
 boolean DIServerMBean.releaseConfigurationLock(java.lang.String aRelativePath)
          Administratively releases the lock of the specified configuration.
 boolean DIServer.releaseConfigurationLock(java.lang.String aRelativePath)
          Administratively releases the lock of the specified configuration.
 void ConfigInstanceMBean.reload()
          Reloads the Config Instance with its current configuration.
 void ConfigInstance.reload()
          Reloads the Config Instance with its current configuration.
 void ConfigInstanceMBean.saveConfiguration()
          Deprecated. Not supported.
 void ConfigInstance.saveConfiguration()
 void ConfigInstanceMBean.saveConfiguration(java.lang.Boolean aEncrypt)
          Deprecated. Not supported.
 void ConfigInstance.saveConfiguration(java.lang.Boolean aEncrypt)
 void ConfigInstanceMBean.saveExternalProperties()
          Deprecated. Not supported.
 void ConfigInstance.saveExternalProperties()
 void DIServerMBean.sendCustomNotification(java.lang.String aType, java.lang.String aId, java.lang.Object aData)
          Sends a custom, user defined notification to all registered listeners.
 void DIServer.sendCustomNotification(java.lang.String aType, java.lang.String aId, java.lang.Object aData)
          Sends a custom, user defined notification to all registered listeners.
 void ConfigInstanceMBean.setConfiguration(MetamergeConfig aConfiguration)
          Sets given configuration to this configuration.
 void ConfigInstance.setConfiguration(MetamergeConfig aConfiguration)
          Sets given configuration to this configuration.
 void ConfigInstanceMBean.setExternalProperties(ExternalPropertiesConfig aExPropConfig)
          Deprecated. Not supported.
 void ConfigInstance.setExternalProperties(ExternalPropertiesConfig aExPropConfig)
 void ConfigInstanceMBean.setExternalProperties(java.lang.String aKey, ExternalPropertiesConfig aExPropConfig)
          Deprecated. Not supported.
 void ConfigInstance.setExternalProperties(java.lang.String aKey, ExternalPropertiesConfig aExPropConfig)
 void AssemblyLine.setSimulating(boolean simulate)
          Changes the way the AssemblyLine treats the target systems it is connecting/interacting to/with.
 void DIServerMBean.shutDownServer()
          Shuts down the TDI Server.
 void DIServer.shutDownServer()
          Shuts down the TDI Server.
 void DIServerMBean.shutDownServer(java.lang.Integer aExitCode)
          Shuts down the TDI Server with the specified exit code.
 void DIServer.shutDownServer(java.lang.Integer aExitCode)
          Shuts down the TDI Server with the specified exit code. ConfigInstanceMBean.startAssemblyLine(java.lang.String aAssemblyLineName)
          Starts the specified AssemblyLine asynchronously. ConfigInstance.startAssemblyLine(java.lang.String aAssemblyLineName)
          Starts the specified AssemblyLine asynchronously. ConfigInstanceMBean.startAssemblyLine(java.lang.String aAssemblyLineName, java.lang.Boolean aSync)
          Starts the specified AssemblyLine. ConfigInstance.startAssemblyLine(java.lang.String aAssemblyLineName, java.lang.Boolean aSync)
          Starts the specified AssemblyLine. ConfigInstanceMBean.startAssemblyLine(java.lang.String aAssemblyLineName, Entry aInputData)
          Starts the specified AssemblyLine with the given input data asynchronously. ConfigInstance.startAssemblyLine(java.lang.String aAssemblyLineName, Entry aInputData)
          Starts the specified AssemblyLine with the given input data asynchronously. ConfigInstanceMBean.startAssemblyLine(java.lang.String aAssemblyLineName, Entry aInputData, AssemblyLineListener aListener, java.lang.Boolean aGetLogs)
          Starts asynchronously the specified AssemblyLine with the given input data and results listener. ConfigInstance.startAssemblyLine(java.lang.String aAssemblyLineName, Entry aInputData, AssemblyLineListener aListener, java.lang.Boolean aGetLogs)
          Starts asynchronously the specified AssemblyLine with the given input data and results listener. ConfigInstanceMBean.startAssemblyLine(java.lang.String aAssemblyLineName, Entry aInputData, AssemblyLineListener aListener, java.lang.Boolean aGetLogs, java.lang.Boolean aSync)
          Starts the specified AssemblyLine with the given input data and results listener. ConfigInstance.startAssemblyLine(java.lang.String aAssemblyLineName, Entry aInputData, AssemblyLineListener aListener, java.lang.Boolean aGetLogs, java.lang.Boolean aSync)
          Starts the specified AssemblyLine with the given input data and results listener. ConfigInstanceMBean.startAssemblyLine(java.lang.String aAssemblyLineName, Entry aInputData, AssemblyLineListener aListener, java.lang.Boolean aGetLogs, java.lang.Boolean aSync, java.lang.Boolean aGetEntryOnEachCycle)
          Starts the specified AssemblyLine with the given input data and results listener. ConfigInstance.startAssemblyLine(java.lang.String aAssemblyLineName, Entry aInputData, AssemblyLineListener aListener, java.lang.Boolean aGetLogs, java.lang.Boolean aSync, java.lang.Boolean aGetEntryOnEachCycle)
          Starts the specified AssemblyLine with the given input data and results listener. ConfigInstanceMBean.startAssemblyLine(java.lang.String aAssemblyLineName, Entry aInputData, java.lang.Boolean aSync)
          Starts the specified AssemblyLine with the given input data. ConfigInstance.startAssemblyLine(java.lang.String aAssemblyLineName, Entry aInputData, java.lang.Boolean aSync)
          Starts the specified AssemblyLine with the given input data. ConfigInstanceMBean.startAssemblyLine(java.lang.String aAssemblyLineName, TaskCallBlock aTcb)
          Starts asynchronously the specified AssemblyLine with the given TaskCallBlock. ConfigInstance.startAssemblyLine(java.lang.String aAssemblyLineName, TaskCallBlock aTcb)
          Starts asynchronously the specified AssemblyLine with the given TaskCallBlock. ConfigInstanceMBean.startAssemblyLine(java.lang.String aAssemblyLineName, TaskCallBlock aTcb, java.lang.Boolean aSync)
          Starts the specified AssemblyLine with the given TaskCallBlock. ConfigInstance.startAssemblyLine(java.lang.String aAssemblyLineName, TaskCallBlock aTcb, java.lang.Boolean aSync)
          Starts the specified AssemblyLine with the given TaskCallBlock. ConfigInstanceMBean.startAssemblyLineManual(java.lang.String aAssemblyLineName, Entry aInputData)
          Starts the specified AssemblyLine with the given input data in manual mode. ConfigInstance.startAssemblyLineManual(java.lang.String aAssemblyLineName, Entry aInputData)
          Starts the specified AssemblyLine with the given input data in manual mode. DIServerMBean.startConfigInstance(java.lang.String aConfigUrl)
          Starts a new Config Instance on the Server with the configuration given. DIServer.startConfigInstance(java.lang.String aConfigUrl)
          Starts a new Config Instance on the Server with the configuration given. DIServerMBean.startConfigInstance(java.lang.String aConfigUrl, java.lang.Boolean aKeepAlive, java.lang.String aPassword)
          Starts a new Config Instance on the Server with the configuration given. DIServer.startConfigInstance(java.lang.String aConfigUrl, java.lang.Boolean aKeepAlive, java.lang.String aPassword)
          Starts a new Config Instance on the Server with the configuration given.
 void ConfigInstanceMBean.stop()
          Stops the Config Instance.
 void ConfigInstance.stop()
          Stops the Config Instance.
 void AssemblyLineMBean.stop()
          Stops the execution of the AssemblyLine.
 void AssemblyLine.stop()
          Stops the execution of the AssemblyLine.
 boolean DIServerMBean.undoCheckOut(java.lang.String aRelativePath)
          Releases the lock on the specified configuration, thus aborting all changes being done.
 boolean DIServer.undoCheckOut(java.lang.String aRelativePath)
          Releases the lock on the specified configuration, thus aborting all changes being done.
 java.lang.Boolean SecurityRegistryMBean.userCanExecuteAL(java.lang.String aUserId, java.lang.String aConfigId, java.lang.String aAssemblyLine)
          Returns whether specified user is allowed to execute given AL from a given configuration.
 java.lang.Boolean SecurityRegistry.userCanExecuteAL(java.lang.String aUserId, java.lang.String aConfigId, java.lang.String aAssemblyLine)
          Returns whether specified user is allowed to execute given AL from a given configuration.
 java.lang.Boolean SecurityRegistryMBean.userCanExecuteAll(java.lang.String aUserId)
          Returns whether specified user is allowed to execute everything.
 java.lang.Boolean SecurityRegistry.userCanExecuteAll(java.lang.String aUserId)
          Returns whether specified user is allowed to execute everything.
 java.lang.Boolean SecurityRegistryMBean.userCanExecuteConfig(java.lang.String aUserId, java.lang.String aConfigId)
          Returns whether specified user is allowed to execute given configuration.
 java.lang.Boolean SecurityRegistry.userCanExecuteConfig(java.lang.String aUserId, java.lang.String aConfigId)
          Returns whether specified user is allowed to execute given configuration.
 java.lang.Boolean SecurityRegistryMBean.userCanExecuteConfigALs(java.lang.String aUserId, java.lang.String aConfigId)
          Returns whether specified user is allowed to execute assembly lines from a given configuration.
 java.lang.Boolean SecurityRegistry.userCanExecuteConfigALs(java.lang.String aUserId, java.lang.String aConfigId)
          Returns whether specified user is allowed to execute assembly lines from a given configuration.
 java.lang.Boolean SecurityRegistryMBean.userCanReadAll(java.lang.String aUserId)
          Returns whether specified user is allowed to read everything.
 java.lang.Boolean SecurityRegistry.userCanReadAll(java.lang.String aUserId)
          Returns whether specified user is allowed to read everything.
 java.lang.Boolean SecurityRegistryMBean.userCanReadConfig(java.lang.String aUserId, java.lang.String aConfigId)
          Returns whether specified user is allowed to read given configuration.
 java.lang.Boolean SecurityRegistry.userCanReadConfig(java.lang.String aUserId, java.lang.String aConfigId)
          Returns whether specified user is allowed to read given configuration.
 java.lang.Boolean SecurityRegistryMBean.userIsAdmin(java.lang.String aUserId)
          Returns whether specified user is granted admin role.
 java.lang.Boolean SecurityRegistry.userIsAdmin(java.lang.String aUserId)
          Returns whether specified user is granted admin role.

Constructors in that throw DIException
AssemblyLine(AssemblyLine aAssemblyLine)
          Class constructor
AssemblyLineHandler(AssemblyLineHandler aALHandler)
          Class constructor
ConfigInstance(ConfigInstance aConfigInstance)
          Class constructor.
SystemQueue(SystemQueue aLocalSystemQueue)
TDIProperties(TDIProperties aLocalTDIProperties, java.lang.String aId)
          Class constructor.
TombstoneManager(TombstoneManager aTombstoneManager)
          Class constructor.

Uses of DIException in

Methods in that throw DIException
 void Session.addEventListener(ConfigurationFileListener listener)
          Registers a Event Listener to monitor for Configuration File changes.
 void Session.addEventListener(DIEventListener aListener, java.lang.String aTypeFilter, java.lang.String aIdFilter)
          Registers an Event Listener with the Session.
 void AssemblyLine.addListener(AssemblyLineListener listener, boolean getLogs, boolean getEntryOnEachCycle)
          Register a listener for AssemblyLine events.
 void ConfigInstance.addLogListener(LogListener listener)
          Register listener for messages logged by this configuration instance.
 void AssemblyLineListener.assemblyLineCycleDone(Entry aEntry)
          Called when specified entry drives a complete cycle trough the assembly line which AssemblyLineListener listens.
 void AssemblyLineListener.assemblyLineFinished()
          Called when the assembly line which AssemblyLineListener listens has finished.
 void AssemblyLine.attachDebugger(int port, java.lang.String host, boolean onerror)
          Attach a debugger to the AssemblyLine.
 void Session.checkInAndLeaveCheckedOut(MetamergeConfig configuration, java.lang.String relativePathOrSolutionName)
          Checks in the specified configuration and leaves it checked out.
 void Session.checkInAndLeaveCheckedOut(MetamergeConfig configuration, java.lang.String relativePathOrSolutionName, boolean encrypt)
          Checks in the specified configuration and leaves it checked out.
 void Session.checkInConfiguration(MetamergeConfig configuration, java.lang.String relativePathOrSolutionName)
          Saves the specified configuration and releases the lock.
 void Session.checkInConfiguration(MetamergeConfig configuration, java.lang.String relativePathOrSolutionName, boolean encrypt)
          Encrypts and saves the specified configuration and releases the lock.
 MetamergeConfig Session.checkOutConfiguration(java.lang.String relativePathOrSolutionName)
          Checks out the specified configuration.
 MetamergeConfig Session.checkOutConfiguration(java.lang.String relativePathOrSolutionName, java.lang.String password)
          Checks out the specified password protected configuration.
 ConfigInstance Session.checkOutConfigurationAndLoad(java.lang.String relativePathOrSolutionName)
          Checks out the specified configuration and starts a temporary Config Instance on the Server.
 ConfigInstance Session.checkOutConfigurationAndLoad(java.lang.String relativePathOrSolutionName, java.lang.String password)
          Checks out the specified configuration and starts a temporary Config Instance on the Server.
 java.lang.String SystemLog.cleanALLogs(java.lang.String aConfigId, java.lang.String aALName, java.lang.String[] logsToBeDeleted)
          Deletes all the logs which are specified in " logsToBeDeleted" array.
 void SystemLog.cleanAllOldALLogs(java.util.Date aMinDate)
          Deletes all AssemblyLines' log files older than the specified date.
 void SystemLog.cleanAllOldALLogs(int aKeepNum)
          Deletes all AssemblyLines' log files except those generated on the " aKeepNum" latest runs of all AssemblyLines.
 void SystemLog.cleanAllOldLogs(java.util.Date aMinDate)
          Deletes all log files older than the specified date.
 void SystemLog.cleanAllOldLogs(int aKeepNum)
          Deletes all log files except those generated on the " aKeepNum" latest runs of all components.
 java.lang.Boolean SystemLog.cleanOldALLogs(java.lang.String aConfigId, java.lang.String aALName, java.util.Date aMinDate)
          Deletes those log files of the specified AssemblyLine, that are older than the specified date.
 java.lang.Boolean SystemLog.cleanOldALLogs(java.lang.String aConfigId, java.lang.String aALName, java.util.Date aMinDate, java.util.Date aMaxDate)
          Deletes those log files of the specified AssemblyLine, that are older than the specified date.
 java.lang.Boolean SystemLog.cleanOldALLogs(java.lang.String aConfigId, java.lang.String aALName, int aKeepNum)
          Deletes all log files of the specified AssemblyLine except those generated on the "aKeepNum" latest AssemblyLine runs.
 void AssemblyLineHandler.close()
          Closes an AssemblyLine.
 ConfigInstance Session.createNewConfigInstance(java.lang.String aConfigUrl)
          Deprecated. Not supported. Creates and starts a new Config Instance with an empty configuration.
 ConfigInstance Session.createNewConfigInstance(java.lang.String aConfigUrl, java.lang.String aPassword)
          Deprecated. Not supported. Creates and starts a new Config Instance with an empty configuration.
 MetamergeConfig Session.createNewConfiguration(java.lang.String aRelativePath, boolean aOverwrite)
          Creates a new empty configuration and immediately checks it out.
 ConfigInstance Session.createNewConfigurationAndLoad(java.lang.String aRelativePath, boolean aOverwrite)
          Creates a new empty configuration, immediately checks it out and loads a temporary Config Instance on the Server.
 Session SessionFactory.createSession()
          Creates a session object.
 Session SessionFactory.createSession(java.lang.String aUserName, java.lang.String aPassword)
          Creates a session object with the specified username and password.
 int TombstoneManager.deleteALTombstones(java.lang.String aAssemblyLineName, java.lang.String aConfigID)
          Deletes all tombstones for specified AssemblyLine.
 int TombstoneManager.deleteALTombstones(java.lang.String aAssemblyLineName, java.lang.String aConfigID, java.util.Date olderThan)
          Deletes all tombstones for the specified AssemblyLine that are older than the specified date.
 int TombstoneManager.deleteALTombstones(java.lang.String aAssemblyLineName, java.lang.String aConfigID, java.util.Date startDate, java.util.Date endDate)
          Deletes all tombstones for the specified AssemblyLine that are in the specified Date range.
 int TombstoneManager.deleteALTombstones(java.lang.String aAssemblyLineName, java.lang.String aConfigID, int aDays)
          Deletes all tombstones for the specified AssemblyLine that are older than the specified number of days.
 int TombstoneManager.deleteCITombstones(java.lang.String aConfigID)
          Deletes all tombstones for specified Config Instance.
 int TombstoneManager.deleteCITombstones(java.lang.String aConfigID, int aDays)
          Deletes all tombstones for the specified Config Instance that are older than the specified number of days.
 void Session.deleteConfiguration(java.lang.String relativePathOrSolutionName)
          Delete a file from the configuration codebase folder.
 java.lang.Object Session.deletePersistentObject(java.lang.String key)
          This method deletes a named object in the default system property store.
 boolean TombstoneManager.deleteTombstone(java.lang.String aGUID)
          Deletes the tombstone with the specified GUID.
 int TombstoneManager.deleteTombstones(int aDays)
          Deletes all tombstones that are older than the specified number of days.
 void AssemblyLine.detachDebugger(java.lang.Object msg)
          Detach the current debugger from the AssemblyLine. AssemblyLineHandler.eval(java.lang.String script)
          Evaluates the passed in as parameter script in the context of this AssemblyLine.
 Entry AssemblyLineHandler.executeCycle()
          Executes an AssemblyLine cycle with null work Entry attribute.
 Entry AssemblyLineHandler.executeCycle(Entry aEntry)
          Executes an AssemblyLine cycle.
 Entry AssemblyLineHandler.executeCycle(Entry aEntry, boolean aProcessTCB)
          Executes an AssemblyLine cycle.
 java.lang.String ConfigInstance.getALLastLogFileName(java.lang.String aALName)
          Returns the name of the log file created on the last run of a given AssemblyLine.
 java.lang.String SystemLog.getALLastLogFileName(java.lang.String aConfigId, java.lang.String aALName)
          Returns the name of the log file created on the last run of a given AssemblyLine.
 java.lang.String ConfigInstance.getALLog(java.lang.String aALName, java.lang.String aLogFileName)
          Given an AssemblyLine name, and a log file name, retrieves the log of this AssemblyLine, stored in the specified file.
 java.lang.String SystemLog.getALLog(java.lang.String aConfigId, java.lang.String aALName, java.lang.String aLogFileName)
          Given an AssemblyLine identification, and a log file name, retrieves the log of this AssemblyLine, stored in the specified file.
 java.lang.String[] ConfigInstance.getALLogFileNames(java.lang.String aALName)
          Returns the names of all available log files for a given AssemblyLine.
 java.lang.String[] SystemLog.getALLogFileNames(java.lang.String aConfigId, java.lang.String aALName)
          Returns the names of all available log files for a given AssemblyLine.
 java.lang.String[] SystemLog.getALLogFileNames(java.lang.String aConfigId, java.lang.String aALName, java.util.Date dDate)
          Returns the names of all available log files prior to the specified 'date' for a given AssemblyLine.
 java.lang.String[] SystemLog.getALLogFileNames(java.lang.String aConfigId, java.lang.String aALName, java.util.Date startDate, java.util.Date endDate)
          Returns the names of all available log files prior to the specified 'date' for a given AssemblyLine.
 java.lang.String[] SystemLog.getALLogFileNames(java.lang.String aConfigId, java.lang.String aALName, int iNumber)
          Returns the names of first 'n' log files for a given AssemblyLine.
 java.lang.String ConfigInstance.getALLogLastChunk(java.lang.String aALName, java.lang.String aLogFileName, int aKilobytes)
          Retrieves the last chunk from a specified AssemblyLine's log file.
 java.lang.String SystemLog.getALLogLastChunk(java.lang.String aConfigId, java.lang.String aALName, java.lang.String aLogFileName, int aKilobytes)
          Retrieves the last chunk from a specified AssemblyLine's log file.
 AssemblyLine AssemblyLineHandler.getAssemblyLine()
          Returns an AssemblyLine instance.
 AssemblyLine ConfigInstance.getAssemblyLineByUniqueCode(int alId)
          Searches the list of AssemblyLines for the specified unique code (one returned by the ConfigInstance.getAssemblyLineUniqueCodes() method)
 SchemaConfig ConfigInstance.getAssemblyLineInputParameters(java.lang.String aAssemblyLineName)
          Returns the AssemblyLine’s input parameters.
 java.lang.String[] ConfigInstance.getAssemblyLineNames()
          Returns the AssemblyLines’ names.
 java.util.List<java.lang.String> TombstoneManager.getAssemblyLineNames(java.lang.String configInstanceId)
          Obtains a list of AssemblyLine Names of the AssemblyLines for which a tombstone has been created.
 SchemaConfig ConfigInstance.getAssemblyLineOutputParameters(java.lang.String aAssemblyLineName)
          Returns the AssemblyLine’s output parameters.
 AssemblyLine[] Session.getAssemblyLines()
          Returns started AssemblyLines corresponding to the currently started configurations.
 AssemblyLine[] ConfigInstance.getAssemblyLines()
          Returns currently started AssemblyLines of the configuration instance.
 java.lang.String[] ConfigInstance.getAssemblyLinesNames()
          Deprecated. Use ConfigInstance.getAssemblyLineNames().
 Tombstone[] TombstoneManager.getAssemblyLineTombstones(java.lang.String aAssemblyLineName, java.lang.String aConfigID)
          Returns all available tombstones for the specified AssemblyLine.
 Tombstone[] TombstoneManager.getAssemblyLineTombstones(java.lang.String aAssemblyLineName, java.lang.String aConfigID, java.util.Date aStartTime, java.util.Date aEndTime)
          Returns all available tombstones for the specified AssemblyLine with timestamps in the interval specified by aStartTime and aEndTime.
 Tombstone[] TombstoneManager.getAssemblyLineTombstones(java.lang.String aAssemblyLineName, java.lang.String aConfigID, int aRecentNumberOfTombstones)
          Returns the recent n number of tombstones for a specified AssemblyLine.
 int[] ConfigInstance.getAssemblyLineUniqueCodes()
          Returns a list of integers uniquely identify all the AssemblyLines within the ConfigInstance.
 byte[] SystemQueue.getBytesMessage(java.lang.String aQueueName, int aTimeOut)
          Retrieves a BytesMessage from the specified System Queue
 boolean AssemblyLine.getComponentDebugMode(java.lang.String componentName)
          Query the debug mode setting of the specified component (Connector or Function Component).
 AssemblyLineConfig AssemblyLine.getConfig()
          Returns configuration information about the AssemblyLine.
 java.lang.String ConfigInstance.getConfigId()
          Returns the configuration ID generated by the server.
 ConfigInstance Sequence.getConfigInstance()
          Returns the configuration instance of the Sequence.
 ConfigInstance AssemblyLine.getConfigInstance()
          Returns the configuration instance of the AssemblyLine.
 ConfigInstance Session.getConfigInstance(java.lang.String aConfigId)
          Returns configuration instance corresponding to a specific configuration ID.
 java.util.List<java.lang.String> TombstoneManager.getConfigInstanceIDs()
          Obtains a list of IDs of configInstances for which a tombstone has been created.
 ConfigInstance[] Session.getConfigInstances()
          Returns all currently started configuration instances.
 java.util.List<java.lang.String> Session.getConfigInstancesIDs()
          Returns the IDs of all currently started configuration instances.
 Tombstone[] TombstoneManager.getConfigInstanceTombstones(java.lang.String aConfigID)
          Returns all available tombstones for the specified Config Instance.
 Tombstone[] TombstoneManager.getConfigInstanceTombstones(java.lang.String aConfigID, java.util.Date aStartTime, java.util.Date aEndTime)
          Returns all available tombstones for the specified Config Instance with timestamps in the interval specified by aStartTime and aEndTime.
 MetamergeConfig ConfigInstance.getConfiguration()
          Returns configuration instance representing this configuration.
 java.lang.String ConfigInstance.getConfigurationFile()
          Retrieves a reference to the Configuration file used to load this instance from.
 java.lang.String ServerInfo.getConnectorDescription(java.lang.String aConnectorName)
          Retrieves the description of a Connector installed on the Server.
 PoolDefConfig ConfigInstance.getConnectorPoolConfig(java.lang.String aConnectorPoolName)
          Returns the Connector Pool configuration object.
 int ConfigInstance.getConnectorPoolFreeNum(java.lang.String aConnectorPoolName)
          Returns the number of free Connectors in the specified Connector Pool.
 java.lang.String[] ConfigInstance.getConnectorPoolNames()
          Returns the names of all Connector Pools in the Config Instance.
 int ConfigInstance.getConnectorPoolSize(java.lang.String aConnectorPoolName)
          Returns the size of the specified Connector Pool.
 java.lang.String ServerInfo.getConnectorVersionInfo(java.lang.String aConnectorName)
          Retrieves the version of a Connector installed on the Server.
 Entry SystemQueue.getEntry(java.lang.String aQueueName, int aTimeOut)
          Retrieves an Entry object from the specified System Queue
 ExternalPropertiesConfig ConfigInstance.getExternalProperties()
          Deprecated. use ConfigInstance.getTDIProperties() instead
 ExternalPropertiesConfig ConfigInstance.getExternalProperties(java.lang.String aKey)
          Deprecated. use ConfigInstance.getTDIProperties() instead
 java.lang.String[] ConfigInstance.getExternalPropertiesKeys()
          Deprecated. use ConfigInstance.getTDIProperties() instead
 java.lang.String ServerInfo.getFunctionComponentDescription(java.lang.String aFunctionComponentName)
          Retrieves the description of a Function Component installed on the Server.
 java.lang.String ServerInfo.getFunctionComponentVersionInfo(java.lang.String aFunctionComponentName)
          Retrieves the version of a Function Component installed on the Server.
 java.lang.String ConfigInstance.getGlobalUniqueID()
          Returns the Config Instance GUID.
 java.lang.String AssemblyLine.getGlobalUniqueID()
          Returns AssemblyLine GUID.
 java.lang.String ServerInfo.getHostName()
          Returns Server machine host name.
 ComponentDescriptor ServerInfo.getInstalledComponentDescriptor(java.lang.String componentName)
          Returns the localized form information about a specific component as component descriptor object.
 java.util.Hashtable<?,?>[] ServerInfo.getInstalledConnectors()
          Retrieves information for all Connectors installed on the Server.
 java.lang.String[] ServerInfo.getInstalledConnectorsNames()
          Retrieves the names of all Connectors installed on the Server.
 java.util.Hashtable<?,?>[] ServerInfo.getInstalledFunctionComponents()
          Retrieves information for all Function Components installed on the Server.
 java.lang.String[] ServerInfo.getInstalledFunctionComponentsNames()
          Retrieves the names of all Function Components installed on the Server.
 java.util.Hashtable<?,?>[] ServerInfo.getInstalledParsers()
          Retrieves information for all Parsers installed on the Server.
 java.lang.String[] ServerInfo.getInstalledParsersNames()
          Retrieves the names of all Parsers installed on the Server.
 java.util.Date ConfigInstance.getInstanceBootTime()
          Returns the Instance boot time.
 java.lang.String ServerInfo.getIPAddress()
          Returns Server machine IP address.
 java.lang.String Session.getJavaProperty(java.lang.String prop)
          Returns the value of a Java System property.
 javax.jms.Message SystemQueue.getMessage(java.lang.String aQueueName, int aTimeOut)
          Retrieves a JMS Message from the specified System Queue
 java.lang.String Sequence.getName()
          Returns the name of the Sequence.
 java.lang.String AssemblyLine.getName()
          Returns the name of the AssemblyLine.
 java.lang.String AssemblyLine.getNullBehavior()
          Gets the nullBehavior attribute of the AssemblyLine object
 java.lang.String AssemblyLine.getNullBehaviorValue()
          Gets the nullBehaviorValue attribute of the AssemblyLine object.
 java.lang.String ServerInfo.getOperatingSystem()
          Returns the name of the operating system where the Server is running.
 java.lang.String ServerInfo.getParserDescription(java.lang.String aParserName)
          Retrieves the description of a Parser installed on the Server.
 java.lang.String ServerInfo.getParserVersionInfo(java.lang.String aParserName)
          Retrieves the version of a Parser installed on the Server.
 java.util.Vector<java.lang.String> ServerInfo.getPasswordParameterNames(java.lang.String aJavaClassName)
          Returns password parameters names for specified class.
 java.lang.Object Session.getPersistentObject(java.lang.String key)
          This method retrieves a named object from the default system property store.
 Entry Sequence.getResult()
          This method returns the result entry object.
 Entry AssemblyLine.getResult()
          This method returns the result entry object.
 SecurityRegistry Session.getSecurityRegistry()
          Returns information about the restrictions the current user has.
 java.util.Date ServerInfo.getServerBootTime()
          Returns the Server boot time.
 java.lang.String ServerInfo.getServerID()
          Returns the server unique identifier.
 ServerInfo Session.getServerInfo()
          Retrieves the Server information.
 java.lang.String ServerInfo.getServerVersion()
          Returns Server version.
 TaskStatistics Sequence.getStatistics()
          This method returns the TaskStatistics object for this Sequence.
 TaskStatistics AssemblyLine.getStatistics()
          This method returns the TaskStatistics object for this AssemblyLine.
 SystemLog Session.getSystemLog()
          Returns information about the System logging.
 java.lang.String AssemblyLine.getSystemLog()
          Retrieves the current AssemblyLine's system log.
 java.lang.String AssemblyLine.getSystemLogFileName()
          Returns the name of the log file of the AssemblyLine (not prefixed by folders path).
 java.lang.String AssemblyLine.getSystemLogFilePath()
          Returns the fully-qualified path of the log file of the AssemblyLine.
 java.lang.String AssemblyLine.getSystemLogLastChunk(int aLastKilobytes)
          Retrieves the last chunk from the current AssemblyLine's system log.
 SystemQueue Session.getSystemQueue()
          Gets the SystemQueue Server API object
 java.lang.String SystemQueue.getTextMessage(java.lang.String aQueueName, int aTimeOut)
          Retrieves a TextMessage from the specified System Queue
 Tombstone TombstoneManager.getTombstone(java.lang.String aGUID)
          Returns a single tombstone object uniquely identified by the specified GUID.
 TombstoneManager Session.getTombstoneManager()
          Returns the TombstoneManager object.
 Tombstone[] TombstoneManager.getTombstones(java.util.Date aStartTime, java.util.Date aEndTime)
          Returns all available tombstones with timestamps in the interval specified by aStartTime and aEndTime.
 int Sequence.getUniqueCode()
          Returns the unique code of the AssemblyLine.
 int AssemblyLine.getUniqueCode()
          Returns the unique code of the AssemblyLine.
 void DIEventListener.handleEvent(DIEvent aEvent)
          Handles a specified event.
 boolean TombstoneManager.hasTombstones(java.lang.String configInstanceId)
          Checks whether there are tombstone records for a configInstance with the specified ID.
 boolean TombstoneManager.hasTombstones(java.lang.String configInstanceId, java.lang.String alName)
          Checks whether there are tombstone records for an AssemblyLine with the specified name.
 java.lang.Object Session.invokeCustom(java.lang.String aCustomClassName, java.lang.String aMethodName, java.lang.Object[] aParams)
          Invokes the specified method from the specified class.
 java.lang.Object Session.invokeCustom(java.lang.String aCustomClassName, java.lang.String aMethodName, java.lang.Object[] aParamsValue, java.lang.String[] aParamsClass)
          Invokes the specified method from the specified class.
 boolean Sequence.isActive()
          Checks if the Sequence is active.
 boolean AssemblyLine.isActive()
          Checks if the AssemblyLine is active.
 boolean Session.isConfigurationCheckedOut(java.lang.String relativePathOrSolutionName)
          Checks if the specified configuration is checked out on the Server.
 boolean AssemblyLine.isSimulating()
          Check whether the AssemblyLine is simulating or not
 boolean Session.isSSLon()
          Checks if current session is over SSL.
 int TombstoneManager.keepMostRecentALTombstones(java.lang.String aAssemblyLineName, java.lang.String aConfigID, int aMostResentToKeep)
          After this method is executed only the aMostRecentToKeep most recent tombstone records for the specified AssemblyLine are kept and all other are deleted.
 int TombstoneManager.keepMostRecentCITombstones(java.lang.String aConfigID, int aMostResentToKeep)
          After this method is executed only the aMostRecentToKeep most recent tombstone records for the specified Config Instance are kept and all other are deleted.
 int TombstoneManager.keepMostRecentTombstones(int aMostResentToKeep)
          After this method is executed only the aMostRecentToKeep most recent tombstone records are kept and all other are deleted.
 java.util.ArrayList<java.lang.String> Session.listAllConfigurations()
          Returns a list of all configurations in the directory subtree of the Server configuration codebase folder.
 java.util.ArrayList<java.lang.String> Session.listConfigurations(java.lang.String aRelativePath)
          Returns a list of all configurations in the specified folder.
 java.util.ArrayList<java.lang.String> Session.listFolders(java.lang.String aRelativePath)
          Returns a list of the child folders of the specified folder.
 void LogListener.messageLogged(java.lang.String aMessage)
          Called right after the specified message is logged.
 int ConfigInstance.purgeConnectorPool(java.lang.String aConnectorPoolName)
          Unused Connectors will be released so that the Pool is shrunk to its minimum size.
 void SystemQueue.putBytesMessage(java.lang.String aQueueName, byte[] aMessageBytes)
          Stores a BytesMessage in the specified System Queue
 void SystemQueue.putEntry(java.lang.String aQueueName, Entry aEntry)
          Stores an Entry object to the specified System Queue
 void SystemQueue.putMessage(java.lang.String aQueueName, javax.jms.Message aMessage)
          Stores a Message to the specified System Queue
 void SystemQueue.putTextMessage(java.lang.String aQueueName, java.lang.String aMessageText)
          Stores a TextMessage to the System Queue
 boolean Session.releaseConfigurationLock(java.lang.String relativePathOrSolutionName)
          Administratively releases the lock of the specified configuration.
 void ConfigInstance.reload()
          Reloads the Config Instance with its current configuration.
 boolean Session.removeEventListener(ConfigurationFileListener listener)
          Unregisters an Event Listener with the Session.
 boolean Session.removeEventListener(DIEventListener aListener)
          Unregisters an Event Listener with the Session.
 void AssemblyLine.removeListener(AssemblyLineListener listener)
           Unregister a listener for AssemblyLine events.
 void ConfigInstance.removeLogListener(LogListener listener)
           Unregister listener for messages logged by this configuration instance.
 void ConfigInstance.saveConfiguration()
          Deprecated. Not supported.
 void ConfigInstance.saveConfiguration(boolean aEncrypt)
          Deprecated. Not supported.
 void ConfigInstance.saveExternalProperties()
          Deprecated. Not supported.
 void Session.sendCustomNotification(java.lang.String aType, java.lang.String aId, java.lang.Object aData)
          Sends a custom, user defined notification to all registered listeners.
 void AssemblyLine.setComponentDebugMode(java.lang.String componentName, boolean debug)
          Modify the debug mode setting of the specified component (Connector or Function Component).
 void ConfigInstance.setConfiguration(MetamergeConfig aConfiguration)
          Sets given configuration to this configuration.
 void ConfigInstance.setExternalProperties(ExternalPropertiesConfig aExPropConfig)
          Deprecated. Not supported.
 void ConfigInstance.setExternalProperties(java.lang.String aKey, ExternalPropertiesConfig aExPropConfig)
          Deprecated. Not supported.
 void Session.setJavaProperty(java.lang.String prop, java.lang.String value)
          Sets the value of a Java System property.
 java.lang.Object Session.setPersistentObject(java.lang.String key, java.lang.Object value)
          This method stores a named object in the default system property store.
 void AssemblyLine.setSimulating(boolean simulate)
          Changes the way the AssemblyLine treats the target systems it is connecting/interacting to/with.
 void Session.shutDownServer()
          Shuts down the TDI server.
 void Session.shutDownServer(int aExitCode)
          Shuts down the TDI Server with the specified exit code.
 void Session.shutDownServer(int aExitCode, boolean sync)
          Shuts down the TDI Server with the specified exit code, after stopping all AssemblyLines and waiting a while for them to finish.
 AssemblyLine ConfigInstance.startAssemblyLine(java.lang.String aAssemblyLineName)
          Starts the specified AssemblyLine asynchronously.
 AssemblyLine ConfigInstance.startAssemblyLine(java.lang.String aAssemblyLineName, boolean aSync)
          Starts the specified AssemblyLine.
 AssemblyLine ConfigInstance.startAssemblyLine(java.lang.String aAssemblyLineName, Entry aInputData)
          Starts the specified AssemblyLine with the given input data asynchronously.
 AssemblyLine ConfigInstance.startAssemblyLine(java.lang.String aAssemblyLineName, Entry aInputData, AssemblyLineListener aListener, boolean aGetLogs)
          Starts asynchronously the specified AssemblyLine with the given input data and results listener.
 AssemblyLine ConfigInstance.startAssemblyLine(java.lang.String aAssemblyLineName, Entry aInputData, AssemblyLineListener aListener, boolean aGetLogs, boolean aSync)
          Starts the specified AssemblyLine with the given input data and results listener.
 AssemblyLine ConfigInstance.startAssemblyLine(java.lang.String aAssemblyLineName, Entry aInputData, AssemblyLineListener aListener, boolean aGetLogs, boolean aSync, boolean aGetEntryOnEachCycle)
          Starts the specified AssemblyLine with the given input data and results listener.
 AssemblyLine ConfigInstance.startAssemblyLine(java.lang.String aAssemblyLineName, Entry aInputData, boolean aSync)
          Starts the specified AssemblyLine with the given input data.
 AssemblyLine ConfigInstance.startAssemblyLine(java.lang.String aAssemblyLineName, TaskCallBlock aTcb)
          Starts asynchronously the specified AssemblyLine with the given TaskCallBlock.
 AssemblyLine ConfigInstance.startAssemblyLine(java.lang.String aAssemblyLineName, TaskCallBlock aTcb, boolean aSync)
          Starts the specified AssemblyLine with the given TaskCallBlock.
 AssemblyLineHandler ConfigInstance.startAssemblyLineManual(java.lang.String aAssemblyLineName, Entry aInputData)
          Starts the specified AssemblyLine with the given input data in manual mode.
 ConfigInstance Session.startConfigInstance(java.lang.String configPathOrSolutionName)
          Starts a new Config Instance on the Server with the configuration given.
 ConfigInstance Session.startConfigInstance(java.lang.String configPathOrSolutionName, boolean keepAlive, java.lang.String password)
          Starts a new Config Instance on the Server with the configuration given.
 ConfigInstance Session.startConfigInstance(java.lang.String configPathOrSolutionName, boolean keepAlive, java.lang.String password, java.lang.String runName, java.lang.String overrideProps)
          Starts a new Config Instance on the Server with the configuration given.
 ConfigInstance Session.startConfigInstance(java.lang.String configPathOrSolutionName, boolean keepAlive, java.lang.String password, java.lang.String runName, java.lang.String overrideProps, LogListener logListener)
          Starts a new Config Instance on the Server with the configuration given.
 Sequence ConfigInstance.startSequence(java.lang.String name)
          Starts the specified Sequence.
 Sequence ConfigInstance.startSequence(java.lang.String name, TaskCallBlock tcb, AssemblyLineListener listener)
          Starts the specified Sequence with the given TaskCallBlock and a Listener
 Sequence ConfigInstance.startSequence(java.lang.String name, TaskCallBlock tcb, boolean sync)
          Starts the specified Sequence specifying a TaskCallBlock, synchronous or asynchronous.
 ConfigInstance Session.startTempConfigInstance(java.lang.String xmlConfig, boolean keepAlive, java.lang.String runName, java.lang.String overrideProps)
          Start a configuration instance which has no associated configuration file.
 ConfigInstance Session.startTempConfigInstance(java.lang.String xmlConfig, boolean keepAlive, java.lang.String runName, java.lang.String overrideProps, LogListener logListener)
          Start a configuration instance which has no associated configuration file.
 void Session.startTombstoneManager()
          Starts the TombstoneManager.
 void Sequence.stop()
          Stops the execution of the Sequence.
 void ConfigInstance.stop()
          Stops the Config Instance.
 void AssemblyLine.stop()
          Stops the execution of the AssemblyLine.
 void Sequence.stop(boolean sync)
          Stops the execution of the Sequence, and waits for it to stop.
 void ConfigInstance.stop(boolean sync)
          Stops the Config Instance and all AssemblyLines run by it, and waits a while for the stopping to finish.
 void AssemblyLine.stop(boolean sync)
          Stops the execution of the AssemblyLine, and waits for it to stop.
 boolean Session.undoCheckOut(java.lang.String relativePathOrSolutionName)
          Releases the lock on the specified configuration, thus aborting all changes being done.
 boolean SecurityRegistry.userCanExecuteAL(java.lang.String aUserId, java.lang.String aConfigId, java.lang.String aAssemblyLine)
          Returns whether specified user is allowed to execute given AL from a given configuration.
 boolean SecurityRegistry.userCanExecuteAll(java.lang.String aUserId)
          Returns whether specified user is allowed to execute everything.
 boolean SecurityRegistry.userCanExecuteConfig(java.lang.String aUserId, java.lang.String aConfigId)
          Returns whether specified user is allowed to execute given configuration.
 boolean SecurityRegistry.userCanExecuteConfigALs(java.lang.String aUserId, java.lang.String aConfigId)
          Returns whether specified user is allowed to execute assembly lines from a given configuration.
 boolean SecurityRegistry.userCanReadAll(java.lang.String aUserId)
          Returns whether specified user is allowed to read everything.
 boolean SecurityRegistry.userCanReadConfig(java.lang.String aUserId, java.lang.String aConfigId)
          Returns whether specified user is allowed to read given configuration.
 boolean SecurityRegistry.userIsAdmin(java.lang.String aUserId)
          Returns whether specified user is granted admin role.

Uses of DIException in

Methods in that throw DIException
 void SessionImpl.addEventListener(ConfigurationFileListener listener)
 void SessionImpl.addEventListener(DIEventListener aListener, java.lang.String aTypeFilter, java.lang.String aIdFilter)
          Registers an Event Listener with the Session.
 void AssemblyLineImpl.addListener(AssemblyLineListener listener, boolean getLogs, boolean getEntryOnEachCycle)
          Register a listener for AssemblyLine events.
 void ConfigInstanceImpl.addLogListener(LogListener listener)
          Register listener for messages logged by this configuration instance.
 void AssemblyLineImpl.attachDebugger(int port, java.lang.String host, boolean onerror)
          Attach a debugger to the AssemblyLine.
 void SessionImpl.checkInAndLeaveCheckedOut(MetamergeConfig aConfiguration, java.lang.String aRelativePath)
          Checks in the specified configuration and leaves it checked out.
 void SessionImpl.checkInAndLeaveCheckedOut(MetamergeConfig configuration, java.lang.String relativePathOrSolutionName, boolean encrypt)
          Checks in the specified configuration and leaves it checked out.
 void SessionImpl.checkInConfiguration(MetamergeConfig aConfiguration, java.lang.String aRelativePath)
          Saves the specified configuration and releases the lock.
 void SessionImpl.checkInConfiguration(MetamergeConfig aConfiguration, java.lang.String aRelativePath, boolean aEncrypt)
          Encrypts and saves the specified configuration and releases the lock.
 MetamergeConfig SessionImpl.checkOutConfiguration(java.lang.String aRelativePath)
          Checks out the specified configuration.
 MetamergeConfig SessionImpl.checkOutConfiguration(java.lang.String aRelativePath, java.lang.String aPassword)
          Checks out the specified password protected configuration.
 ConfigInstance SessionImpl.checkOutConfigurationAndLoad(java.lang.String aRelativePath)
          Checks out the specified configuration and starts a temporary Config Instance on the Server.
 ConfigInstance SessionImpl.checkOutConfigurationAndLoad(java.lang.String aRelativePath, java.lang.String aPassword)
          Checks out the specified configuration and starts a temporary Config Instance on the Server.
 java.lang.String SystemLogImpl.cleanALLogs(java.lang.String aConfigId, java.lang.String aALName, java.lang.String[] logsToBeDeleted)
          Deletes all the logs which are specified in " logsToBeDeleted" array.
 void SystemLogImpl.cleanAllOldALLogs(java.util.Date aMinDate)
          Deletes all AssemblyLines' log files older than the specified date.
 void SystemLogImpl.cleanAllOldALLogs(int aKeepNum)
          Deletes all AssemblyLines' log files except those generated on the " aKeepNum" latest runs of all AssemblyLines.
 void SystemLogImpl.cleanAllOldLogs(java.util.Date aMinDate)
          Deletes all log files older than the specified date.
 void SystemLogImpl.cleanAllOldLogs(int aKeepNum)
          Deletes all log files except those generated on the " aKeepNum" latest runs of all components.
 java.lang.Boolean SystemLogImpl.cleanOldALLogs(java.lang.String aConfigId, java.lang.String aALName, java.util.Date aMinDate)
          Deletes those log files of the specified AssemblyLine, that are older than the specified date.
 java.lang.Boolean SystemLogImpl.cleanOldALLogs(java.lang.String aConfigId, java.lang.String aALName, java.util.Date aMinDate, java.util.Date aMaxDate)
          Deletes those log files of the specified AssemblyLine, that are older than the specified date.
 java.lang.Boolean SystemLogImpl.cleanOldALLogs(java.lang.String aConfigId, java.lang.String aALName, int aKeepNum)
          Deletes all log files of the specified AssemblyLine except those generated on the "aKeepNum" latest AssemblyLine runs.
 void AssemblyLineHandlerImpl.close()
          Closes an AssemblyLine.
 ConfigInstance SessionImpl.createNewConfigInstance(java.lang.String aConfigUrl)
 ConfigInstance SessionImpl.createNewConfigInstance(java.lang.String aConfigUrl, java.lang.String aPassword)
 MetamergeConfig SessionImpl.createNewConfiguration(java.lang.String aRelativePath, boolean aOverwrite)
          Creates a new empty configuration and immediately checks it out.
 ConfigInstance SessionImpl.createNewConfigurationAndLoad(java.lang.String aRelativePath, boolean aOverwrite)
          Creates a new empty configuration, immediately checks it out and loads a temporary Config Instance on the Server.
 Session SessionFactoryImpl.createSession()
          Creates a session object.
 Session SessionFactoryImpl.createSession(java.lang.String aUserName, java.lang.String aPassword)
          Creates a session object with the specified username and password.
 int TombstoneManagerImpl.deleteALTombstones(java.lang.String aAssemblyLineName, java.lang.String aConfigID)
          Deletes all tombstones for specified AssemblyLine.
 int TombstoneManagerImpl.deleteALTombstones(java.lang.String aAssemblyLineName, java.lang.String aConfigID, java.util.Date olderThan)
          Deletes all tombstones for the specified AssemblyLine that are older than the specified date.
 int TombstoneManagerImpl.deleteALTombstones(java.lang.String aAssemblyLineName, java.lang.String aConfigID, java.util.Date startDate, java.util.Date endDate)
          Deletes all tombstones for the specified AssemblyLine that are in the specified Date range.
 int TombstoneManagerImpl.deleteALTombstones(java.lang.String aAssemblyLineName, java.lang.String aConfigID, int aDays)
          Deletes all tombstones for the specified AssemblyLine that are older than the specified number of days.
 int TombstoneManagerImpl.deleteCITombstones(java.lang.String aConfigID)
          Deletes all tombstones for specified Config Instance.
 int TombstoneManagerImpl.deleteCITombstones(java.lang.String aConfigID, int aDays)
          Deletes all tombstones for the specified Config Instance that are older than the specified number of days.
 void SessionImpl.deleteConfiguration(java.lang.String relativePathOrSolutionName)
          Delete a file from the configuration codebase folder.
 java.lang.Object SessionImpl.deletePersistentObject(java.lang.String key)
 boolean TombstoneManagerImpl.deleteTombstone(java.lang.String aGUID)
          Deletes the tombstone with the specified GUID.
 int TombstoneManagerImpl.deleteTombstones(int aDays)
          Deletes all tombstones that are older than the specified number of days.
 void AssemblyLineImpl.detachDebugger(java.lang.Object msg)
          Detach the current debugger from the AssemblyLine. AssemblyLineHandlerImpl.eval(java.lang.String script)
          Evaluates the passed in as parameter script in the context of this AssemblyLine.
 Entry AssemblyLineHandlerImpl.executeCycle()
          Executes an AssemblyLine cycle with null work Entry attribute.
 Entry AssemblyLineHandlerImpl.executeCycle(Entry aEntry)
          Executes an AssemblyLine cycle.
 Entry AssemblyLineHandlerImpl.executeCycle(Entry aEntry, boolean aProcessTCB)
          Executes an AssemblyLine cycle.
 java.lang.String ConfigInstanceImpl.getALLastLogFileName(java.lang.String aALName)
          Returns the name of the log file created on the last run of a given AssemblyLine.
 java.lang.String SystemLogImpl.getALLastLogFileName(java.lang.String aConfigId, java.lang.String aALName)
          Returns the name of the log file created on the last run of a given AssemblyLine.
 java.lang.String ConfigInstanceImpl.getALLog(java.lang.String aALName, java.lang.String aLogFileName)
          Given an AssemblyLine name, and a log file name, retrieves the log of this AssemblyLine, stored in the specified file.
 java.lang.String SystemLogImpl.getALLog(java.lang.String aConfigId, java.lang.String aALName, java.lang.String aLogFileName)
          Given an AssemblyLine identification, and a log file name, retrieves the log of this AssemblyLine, stored in the specified file.
 java.lang.String[] ConfigInstanceImpl.getALLogFileNames(java.lang.String aALName)
          Returns the names of all available log files for a given AssemblyLine.
 java.lang.String[] SystemLogImpl.getALLogFileNames(java.lang.String aConfigId, java.lang.String aALName)
          Returns the names of all available log files for a given AssemblyLine.
 java.lang.String[] SystemLogImpl.getALLogFileNames(java.lang.String aConfigId, java.lang.String aALName, java.util.Date dDate)
          Returns the names of all available log files for a given AssemblyLine.
 java.lang.String[] SystemLogImpl.getALLogFileNames(java.lang.String aConfigId, java.lang.String aALName, java.util.Date startDate, java.util.Date endDate)
          Returns the names of all available log files for a given AssemblyLine.
 java.lang.String[] SystemLogImpl.getALLogFileNames(java.lang.String aConfigId, java.lang.String aALName, int iNumber)
          Returns the names of all available log files for a given AssemblyLine.
 java.lang.String ConfigInstanceImpl.getALLogLastChunk(java.lang.String aALName, java.lang.String aLogFileName, int aKilobytes)
          Retrieves the last chunk from a specified AssemblyLine's log file.
 java.lang.String SystemLogImpl.getALLogLastChunk(java.lang.String aConfigId, java.lang.String aALName, java.lang.String aLogFileName, int aKilobytes)
          Retrieves the last chunk from a specified AssemblyLine's log file.
 AssemblyLine AssemblyLineHandlerImpl.getAssemblyLine()
          Returns an AssemblyLine instance.
 AssemblyLine ConfigInstanceImpl.getAssemblyLineByUniqueCode(int alId)
          Searches the list of AssemblyLines for the specified unique code (one returned by the ConfigInstance.getAssemblyLineUniqueCodes() method)
 SchemaConfig ConfigInstanceImpl.getAssemblyLineInputParameters(java.lang.String aAssemblyLineName)
          Returns the AssemblyLine’s input parameters.
 java.lang.String[] ConfigInstanceImpl.getAssemblyLineNames()
          Returns the AssemblyLines’ names.
 java.util.List<java.lang.String> TombstoneManagerImpl.getAssemblyLineNames(java.lang.String configInstanceId)
 SchemaConfig ConfigInstanceImpl.getAssemblyLineOutputParameters(java.lang.String aAssemblyLineName)
          Returns the AssemblyLine’s output parameters.
 AssemblyLine[] SessionImpl.getAssemblyLines()
          Returns started AssemblyLines corresponding to the currently started configurations.
 AssemblyLine[] ConfigInstanceImpl.getAssemblyLines()
          Returns currently started AssemblyLines of the configuration instance.
 java.lang.String[] ConfigInstanceImpl.getAssemblyLinesNames()
 Tombstone[] TombstoneManagerImpl.getAssemblyLineTombstones(java.lang.String aAssemblyLineName, java.lang.String aConfigID)
          Returns all available tombstones for the specified AssemblyLine.
 Tombstone[] TombstoneManagerImpl.getAssemblyLineTombstones(java.lang.String aAssemblyLineName, java.lang.String aConfigID, java.util.Date aStartTime, java.util.Date aEndTime)
          Returns all available tombstones for the specified AssemblyLine with timestamps in the interval specified by aStartTime and aEndTime.
 Tombstone[] TombstoneManagerImpl.getAssemblyLineTombstones(java.lang.String aAssemblyLineName, java.lang.String aConfigID, int aRecentNumberOfTombstones)
          Returns the recent n number of tombstones for a specified AssemblyLine.
 int[] ConfigInstanceImpl.getAssemblyLineUniqueCodes()
          Returns a list of integers uniquely identify all the AssemblyLines within the ConfigInstance.
 byte[] SystemQueueImpl.getBytesMessage(java.lang.String aQueueName, int aTimeOut)
          Retrieves a BytesMessage from the specified System Queue
 boolean AssemblyLineImpl.getComponentDebugMode(java.lang.String componentName)
          Query the debug mode setting of the specified component (Connector or Function Component).
 AssemblyLineConfig AssemblyLineImpl.getConfig()
          Returns configuration information about the AssemblyLine.
 java.lang.String ConfigInstanceImpl.getConfigId()
          Returns the configuration ID generated by the server.
 ConfigInstance SequenceImpl.getConfigInstance()
 ConfigInstance AssemblyLineImpl.getConfigInstance()
          Returns the configuration instance of the AssemblyLine.
 ConfigInstance SessionImpl.getConfigInstance(java.lang.String aConfigId)
          Returns configuration instance corresponding to a specific configuration ID.
 java.util.List<java.lang.String> TombstoneManagerImpl.getConfigInstanceIDs()
 ConfigInstance[] SessionImpl.getConfigInstances()
          Returns all currently started configuration instances.
 java.util.List<java.lang.String> SessionImpl.getConfigInstancesIDs()
          Returns the IDs of all currently started configuration instances.
 Tombstone[] TombstoneManagerImpl.getConfigInstanceTombstones(java.lang.String aConfigID)
          Returns all available tombstones for the specified Config Instance.
 Tombstone[] TombstoneManagerImpl.getConfigInstanceTombstones(java.lang.String aConfigID, java.util.Date aStartTime, java.util.Date aEndTime)
          Returns all available tombstones for the specified Config Instance with timestamps in the interval specified by aStartTime and aEndTime.
 MetamergeConfig ConfigInstanceImpl.getConfiguration()
          Returns configuration instance representing this configuration.
 java.lang.String ConfigInstanceImpl.getConfigurationFile()
 java.lang.String ServerInfoImpl.getConnectorDescription(java.lang.String aConnectorName)
          Retrieves the description of a Connector installed on the Server.
 PoolDefConfig ConfigInstanceImpl.getConnectorPoolConfig(java.lang.String aConnectorPoolName)
          Returns the Connector Pool configuration object.
 int ConfigInstanceImpl.getConnectorPoolFreeNum(java.lang.String aConnectorPoolName)
          Returns the number of free Connectors in the specified Connector Pool.
 java.lang.String[] ConfigInstanceImpl.getConnectorPoolNames()
          Returns the names of all Connector Pools in the Config Instance.
 int ConfigInstanceImpl.getConnectorPoolSize(java.lang.String aConnectorPoolName)
          Returns the size of the specified Connector Pool.
 java.lang.String ServerInfoImpl.getConnectorVersionInfo(java.lang.String aConnectorName)
          Retrieves the version of a Connector installed on the Server.
 Entry SystemQueueImpl.getEntry(java.lang.String aQueueName, int aTimeOut)
          Retrieves an Entry object from the specified System Queue
 ExternalPropertiesConfig ConfigInstanceImpl.getExternalProperties()
          Returns the external properties of the configuration.
 ExternalPropertiesConfig ConfigInstanceImpl.getExternalProperties(java.lang.String aKey)
          Returns the ExternalPropertiesConfig object for the named external properties object.
 java.lang.String[] ConfigInstanceImpl.getExternalPropertiesKeys()
          Returns the external properties object names.
 java.lang.String ServerInfoImpl.getFunctionComponentDescription(java.lang.String aFunctionComponentName)
          Retrieves the description of a Function Component installed on the Server.
 java.lang.String ServerInfoImpl.getFunctionComponentVersionInfo(java.lang.String aFunctionComponentName)
          Retrieves the version of a Function Component installed on the Server.
 java.lang.String ServerInfoImpl.getHostName()
          Returns Server machine host name.
 Identity SessionImpl.getIdentity()
 ComponentDescriptor ServerInfoImpl.getInstalledComponentDescriptor(java.lang.String componentName)
          Returns the localized form information about a specific component as component descriptor object.
 java.util.Hashtable<?,?>[] ServerInfoImpl.getInstalledConnectors()
          Retrieves information for all Connectors installed on the Server.
 java.lang.String[] ServerInfoImpl.getInstalledConnectorsNames()
          Retrieves the names of all Connectors installed on the Server.
 java.util.Hashtable<?,?>[] ServerInfoImpl.getInstalledFunctionComponents()
          Retrieves information for all Function Components installed on the Server.
 java.lang.String[] ServerInfoImpl.getInstalledFunctionComponentsNames()
          Retrieves the names of all Function Components installed on the Server.
 java.util.Hashtable<?,?>[] ServerInfoImpl.getInstalledParsers()
          Retrieves information for all Parsers installed on the Server.
 java.lang.String[] ServerInfoImpl.getInstalledParsersNames()
          Retrieves the names of all Parsers installed on the Server.
 java.util.Date ConfigInstanceImpl.getInstanceBootTime()
          Returns the Instance boot time.
 java.lang.String ServerInfoImpl.getIPAddress()
          Returns Server machine IP address.
 java.lang.String SessionImpl.getJavaProperty(java.lang.String prop)
 javax.jms.Message SystemQueueImpl.getMessage(java.lang.String aQueueName, int aTimeOut)
          Retrieves a JMS Message from the specified System Queue
 java.lang.String SequenceImpl.getName()
 java.lang.String AssemblyLineImpl.getName()
          Returns the name of the AssemblyLine.
 java.lang.String AssemblyLineImpl.getNullBehavior()
          Gets the nullBehavior attribute of the AssemblyLine object
 java.lang.String AssemblyLineImpl.getNullBehaviorValue()
          Gets the nullBehaviorValue attribute of the AssemblyLine object.
 java.lang.String ServerInfoImpl.getOperatingSystem()
          Returns the name of the operating system where the Server is running.
 java.lang.String ServerInfoImpl.getParserDescription(java.lang.String aParserName)
          Retrieves the description of a Parser installed on the Server.
 java.lang.String ServerInfoImpl.getParserVersionInfo(java.lang.String aParserName)
          Retrieves the version of a Parser installed on the Server.
 java.util.Vector<java.lang.String> ServerInfoImpl.getPasswordParameterNames(java.lang.String aJavaClassName)
          Returns password parameters names for specified class.
 java.lang.Object SessionImpl.getPersistentObject(java.lang.String key)
 Entry SequenceImpl.getResult()
 Entry AssemblyLineImpl.getResult()
          This method returns the result entry object.
 SecurityRegistry SessionImpl.getSecurityRegistry()
          Returns information about the restrictions the current user has.
 java.util.Date ServerInfoImpl.getServerBootTime()
          Returns the Server boot time.
 ServerInfo SessionImpl.getServerInfo()
          Retrieves the Server information.
 java.lang.String ServerInfoImpl.getServerVersion()
          Returns Server version.
 TaskStatistics SequenceImpl.getStatistics()
 TaskStatistics AssemblyLineImpl.getStatistics()
          This method returns the TaskStatistics object for this AssemblyLine.
 SystemLog SessionImpl.getSystemLog()
          Returns information about the System logging.
 java.lang.String AssemblyLineImpl.getSystemLog()
          Retrieves the current AssemblyLine's system log.
 java.lang.String AssemblyLineImpl.getSystemLogFileName()
          Returns the name of the log file of the AssemblyLine (not prefixed by folders path).
 java.lang.String AssemblyLineImpl.getSystemLogFilePath()
          Returns the fully-qualified path of the log file of the AssemblyLine.
 java.lang.String AssemblyLineImpl.getSystemLogLastChunk(int aLastKilobytes)
          Retrieves the last chunk from the current AssemblyLine's system log.
 SystemQueue SessionImpl.getSystemQueue()
          Gets the SystemQueue Server API object
 java.lang.String SystemQueueImpl.getTextMessage(java.lang.String aQueueName, int aTimeOut)
          Retrieves a TextMessage from the specified System Queue
 Tombstone TombstoneManagerImpl.getTombstone(java.lang.String aGUID)
          Returns a single tombstone object uniquely identified by the specified GUID.
 TombstoneManager SessionImpl.getTombstoneManager()
          Returns the TombstoneManager object.
 Tombstone[] TombstoneManagerImpl.getTombstones(java.util.Date aStartTime, java.util.Date aEndTime)
          Returns all available tombstones with timestamps in the interval specified by aStartTime and aEndTime.
 int SequenceImpl.getUniqueCode()
 int AssemblyLineImpl.getUniqueCode()
          Returns the unique code of the AssemblyLine.
 boolean TombstoneManagerImpl.hasTombstones(java.lang.String configInstanceId)
 boolean TombstoneManagerImpl.hasTombstones(java.lang.String configInstanceId, java.lang.String alName)
 java.lang.Object SessionImpl.invokeCustom(java.lang.String aCustomClassName, java.lang.String aMethodName, java.lang.Object[] aParams)
          Invokes the specified method from the specified class.
 java.lang.Object SessionImpl.invokeCustom(java.lang.String aCustomClassName, java.lang.String aMethodName, java.lang.Object[] aParamsValue, java.lang.String[] aParamsClass)
          Invokes the specified method from the specified class.
 boolean SequenceImpl.isActive()
 boolean AssemblyLineImpl.isActive()
          Checks if the AssemblyLine is active.
 boolean SessionImpl.isConfigurationCheckedOut(java.lang.String aRelativePath)
          Checks if the specified configuration is checked out on the Server.
 boolean AssemblyLineImpl.isSimulating()
          Check whether the AssemblyLine is simulating or not
 boolean SessionImpl.isSSLon()
          Checks if current session is over SSL.
 int TombstoneManagerImpl.keepMostRecentALTombstones(java.lang.String aAssemblyLineName, java.lang.String aConfigID, int aMostResentToKeep)
          After this method is executed only the aMostRecentToKeep most recent tombstone records for the specified AssemblyLine are kept and all other are deleted.
 int TombstoneManagerImpl.keepMostRecentCITombstones(java.lang.String aConfigID, int aMostResentToKeep)
          After this method is executed only the aMostRecentToKeep most recent tombstone records for the specified Config Instance are kept and all other are deleted.
 int TombstoneManagerImpl.keepMostRecentTombstones(int aMostResentToKeep)
          After this method is executed only the aMostRecentToKeep most recent tombstone records are kept and all other are deleted.
 java.util.ArrayList<java.lang.String> SessionImpl.listAllConfigurations()
          Returns a list of all configurations in the directory subtree of the Server configuration codebase folder.
 java.util.ArrayList<java.lang.String> SessionImpl.listConfigurations(java.lang.String aRelativePath)
          Returns a list of all configurations in the specified folder.
 java.util.ArrayList<java.lang.String> SessionImpl.listFolders(java.lang.String aRelativePath)
          Returns a list of the child folders of the specified folder.
static SystemQueue SystemQueueImpl.newInstance()
          Gets a new Instance of this class.
 int ConfigInstanceImpl.purgeConnectorPool(java.lang.String aConnectorPoolName)
          Unused Connectors will be released so that the Pool is shrunk to its minimum size.
 void SystemQueueImpl.putBytesMessage(java.lang.String aQueueName, byte[] aMessageBytes)
          Stores a BytesMessage in the specified System Queue
 void SystemQueueImpl.putEntry(java.lang.String aQueueName, Entry aEntry)
          Stores an Entry object to the specified System Queue
 void SystemQueueImpl.putMessage(java.lang.String aQueueName, javax.jms.Message aMessage)
          Stores a Message to the specified System Queue
 void SystemQueueImpl.putTextMessage(java.lang.String aQueueName, java.lang.String aMessageText)
          Stores a TextMessage to the System Queue
 boolean SessionImpl.releaseConfigurationLock(java.lang.String aRelativePath)
          Administratively releases the lock of the specified configuration.
 void ConfigInstanceImpl.reload()
          Reloads the Config Instance with its current configuration.
 boolean SessionImpl.removeEventListener(ConfigurationFileListener listener)
 boolean SessionImpl.removeEventListener(DIEventListener aListener)
          Unregisters an Event Listener with the Session.
 void AssemblyLineImpl.removeListener(AssemblyLineListener listener)
           Unregister a listener for AssemblyLine events.
 void ConfigInstanceImpl.removeLogListener(LogListener listener)
           Unregister listener for messages logged by this configuration instance.
 void ConfigInstanceImpl.saveConfiguration()
          Deprecated. not supported.
 void ConfigInstanceImpl.saveConfiguration(boolean aEncrypt)
          Deprecated. not supported.
 void ConfigInstanceImpl.saveExternalProperties()
 void SessionImpl.sendCustomNotification(java.lang.String aType, java.lang.String aId, java.lang.Object aData)
          Sends a custom, user defined notification to all registered listeners.
 void AssemblyLineImpl.setComponentDebugMode(java.lang.String componentName, boolean debug)
          Modify the debug mode setting of the specified component (Connector or Function Component).
 void ConfigInstanceImpl.setConfiguration(MetamergeConfig aConfiguration)
          Sets given configuration to this configuration.
 void ConfigInstanceImpl.setExternalProperties(ExternalPropertiesConfig aExPropConfig)
 void ConfigInstanceImpl.setExternalProperties(java.lang.String aKey, ExternalPropertiesConfig aExPropConfig)
 void SessionImpl.setJavaProperty(java.lang.String prop, java.lang.String value)
          Sets the value of a Java System property.
 java.lang.Object SessionImpl.setPersistentObject(java.lang.String key, java.lang.Object value)
 void AssemblyLineImpl.setSimulating(boolean simulate)
          Changes the way the AssemblyLine treats the target systems it is connecting/interacting to/with.
 void SessionImpl.shutDownServer()
          Shuts down the TDI server.
 void SessionImpl.shutDownServer(int aExitCode)
          Shuts down the TDI Server with the specified exit code.
 void SessionImpl.shutDownServer(int aExitCode, boolean sync)
          Shuts down the TDI Server with the specified exit code, after stopping all AssemblyLines and waiting a while for them to finish.
 AssemblyLine ConfigInstanceImpl.startAssemblyLine(java.lang.String aAssemblyLineName)
          Starts the specified AssemblyLine asynchronously.
 AssemblyLine ConfigInstanceImpl.startAssemblyLine(java.lang.String aAssemblyLineName, boolean aSync)
          Starts the specified AssemblyLine.
 AssemblyLine ConfigInstanceImpl.startAssemblyLine(java.lang.String aAssemblyLineName, Entry aInputData)
          Starts the specified AssemblyLine with the given input data asynchronously.
 AssemblyLine ConfigInstanceImpl.startAssemblyLine(java.lang.String aAssemblyLineName, Entry aInputData, AssemblyLineListener aListener, boolean aGetLogs)
          Starts asynchronously the specified AssemblyLine with the given input data and results listener.
 AssemblyLine ConfigInstanceImpl.startAssemblyLine(java.lang.String aAssemblyLineName, Entry aInputData, AssemblyLineListener aListener, boolean aGetLogs, boolean aSync)
          Starts the specified AssemblyLine with the given input data and results listener.
 AssemblyLine ConfigInstanceImpl.startAssemblyLine(java.lang.String aAssemblyLineName, Entry aInputData, AssemblyLineListener aListener, boolean aGetLogs, boolean aSync, boolean aGetEntryOnEachCycle)
          Starts the specified AssemblyLine with the given input data and results listener.
 AssemblyLine ConfigInstanceImpl.startAssemblyLine(java.lang.String aAssemblyLineName, Entry aInputData, boolean aSync)
          Starts the specified AssemblyLine with the given input data.
 AssemblyLine ConfigInstanceImpl.startAssemblyLine(java.lang.String aAssemblyLineName, TaskCallBlock aTcb)
          Starts asynchronously the specified AssemblyLine with the given TaskCallBlock.
 AssemblyLine ConfigInstanceImpl.startAssemblyLine(java.lang.String aAssemblyLineName, TaskCallBlock aTcb, boolean aSync)
          Starts the specified AssemblyLine with the given TaskCallBlock.
 AssemblyLineHandler ConfigInstanceImpl.startAssemblyLineManual(java.lang.String aAssemblyLineName, Entry aInputData)
          Starts the specified AssemblyLine with the given input data in manual mode.
 ConfigInstance SessionImpl.startConfigInstance(java.lang.String configToken)
          Starts a new Config Instance on the Server with the configuration given.
 ConfigInstance SessionImpl.startConfigInstance(java.lang.String configToken, boolean aKeepAlive, java.lang.String aPassword)
          Starts a new Config Instance on the Server with the configuration given.
 ConfigInstance SessionImpl.startConfigInstance(java.lang.String configPathOrSolutionName, boolean keepAlive, java.lang.String password, java.lang.String runName, java.lang.String overrideProps)
          Starts a new Config Instance on the Server with the configuration given.
 ConfigInstance SessionImpl.startConfigInstance(java.lang.String configPathOrSolutionName, boolean keepAlive, java.lang.String password, java.lang.String runName, java.lang.String overrideProps, LogListener logListener)
          Starts a new Config Instance on the Server with the configuration given.
 Sequence ConfigInstanceImpl.startSequence(java.lang.String name)
 Sequence ConfigInstanceImpl.startSequence(java.lang.String name, TaskCallBlock tcb, AssemblyLineListener listener)
 Sequence ConfigInstanceImpl.startSequence(java.lang.String name, TaskCallBlock tcb, boolean sync)
 ConfigInstance SessionImpl.startTempConfigInstance(java.lang.String xmlConfig, boolean keepAlive, java.lang.String runName, java.lang.String overrideProps)
          Start a configuration instance which has no associated configuration file.
 ConfigInstance SessionImpl.startTempConfigInstance(java.lang.String xmlConfig, boolean keepAlive, java.lang.String runName, java.lang.String overrideProps, LogListener logListener)
          Start a configuration instance which has no associated configuration file.
 void SessionImpl.startTombstoneManager()
 void SequenceImpl.stop()
 void ConfigInstanceImpl.stop()
          Stops the Config Instance.
 void AssemblyLineImpl.stop()
          Stops the execution of the AssemblyLine.
 void SequenceImpl.stop(boolean sync)
 void ConfigInstanceImpl.stop(boolean sync)
          Stops the Config Instance and all AssemblyLines run by it, and waits a while for the stopping to finish.
 void AssemblyLineImpl.stop(boolean sync)
          Stops the execution of the AssemblyLine, and waits for it to stop.
 boolean SessionImpl.undoCheckOut(java.lang.String aRelativePath)
          Releases the lock on the specified configuration, thus aborting all changes being done.
 boolean SecurityRegistryImpl.userCanExecuteAL(java.lang.String aUserId, java.lang.String aConfigId, java.lang.String aAssemblyLine)
          Returns whether specified user is allowed to execute given AL from a given configuration.
 boolean SecurityRegistryImpl.userCanExecuteAll(java.lang.String aUserId)
          Returns whether specified user is allowed to execute everything.
 boolean SecurityRegistryImpl.userCanExecuteConfig(java.lang.String aUserId, java.lang.String aConfigId)
          Returns whether specified user is allowed to execute given configuration.
 boolean SecurityRegistryImpl.userCanExecuteConfigALs(java.lang.String aUserId, java.lang.String aConfigId)
          Returns whether specified user is allowed to execute assembly lines from a given configuration.
 boolean SecurityRegistryImpl.userCanReadAll(java.lang.String aUserId)
          Returns whether specified user is allowed to read everything.
 boolean SecurityRegistryImpl.userCanReadConfig(java.lang.String aUserId, java.lang.String aConfigId)
          Returns whether specified user is allowed to read given configuration.
 boolean SecurityRegistryImpl.userIsAdmin(java.lang.String aUserId)
          Returns whether specified user is granted admin role.

Constructors in that throw DIException
AssemblyLineHandlerImpl(AssemblyLine aAssemblyLine, AssemblyLine aRawAssemblyLine, SessionImpl aSession)
AssemblyLineImpl(AssemblyLine aAssemblyLine, ConfigInstanceImpl aConfigInstance, SessionImpl aSession)
          Class constructor.
ConfigInstanceImpl(RS aConfigInstance, SessionImpl aSession)
SequenceImpl(Sequence sequence, ConfigInstanceImpl configInstance, SessionImpl session)
          Class constructor.
SessionImpl(java.lang.String aUserId)
          Creates a SessionImpl by specified user id.
TDIPropertiesImpl(TDIProperties aTDIProperties, SessionImpl aSession)

Uses of DIException in

Methods in that throw DIException
 void Session.addEventListener(ConfigurationFileListener listener)
          Registers a Event Listener to monitor for Configuration File changes.
 void Session.addEventListener(DIEventListener aListener, java.lang.String aTypeFilter, java.lang.String aIdFilter)
          Registers an Event Listener with the Session.
 void AssemblyLine.addListener(AssemblyLineListener listener, boolean getLogs, boolean getEntryOnEachCycle)
          Register a listener for AssemblyLine events.
 void ConfigInstance.addLogListener(LogListener listener)
          Register listener for messages logged by this configuration instance.
 void AssemblyLineListener.assemblyLineCycleDone(Entry aEntry)
          Called when specified entry drives a complete cycle trough the assembly line which AssemblyLineListener listens.
 void AssemblyLineListener.assemblyLineFinished()
          Called when the assembly line which AssemblyLineListener listens has finished.
 void AssemblyLine.attachDebugger(int port, java.lang.String host, boolean onerror)
          Attach a debugger to the AssemblyLine.
 void Session.checkInAndLeaveCheckedOut(MetamergeConfig configuration, java.lang.String relativePathOrSolutionName)
          Checks in the specified configuration and leaves it checked out.
 void Session.checkInAndLeaveCheckedOut(MetamergeConfig configuration, java.lang.String relativePathOrSolutionName, boolean encrypt)
          Checks in the specified configuration and leaves it checked out.
 void Session.checkInConfiguration(MetamergeConfig configuration, java.lang.String relativePathOrSolutionName)
          Saves the specified configuration and releases the lock.
 void Session.checkInConfiguration(MetamergeConfig configuration, java.lang.String relativePathOrSolutionName, boolean encrypt)
          Encrypts and saves the specified configuration and releases the lock.
 MetamergeConfig Session.checkOutConfiguration(java.lang.String relativePathOrSolutionName)
          Checks out the specified configuration.
 MetamergeConfig Session.checkOutConfiguration(java.lang.String relativePathOrSolutionName, java.lang.String password)
          Checks out the specified password protected configuration.
 ConfigInstance Session.checkOutConfigurationAndLoad(java.lang.String relativePathOrSolutionName)
          Checks out the specified configuration and starts a temporary Config Instance on the Server.
 ConfigInstance Session.checkOutConfigurationAndLoad(java.lang.String relativePathOrSolutionName, java.lang.String password)
          Checks out the specified configuration and starts a temporary Config Instance on the Server.
 java.lang.String SystemLog.cleanALLogs(java.lang.String aConfigid, java.lang.String aALName, java.lang.String[] logsToBeDeleted)
          Deletes all the logs which are specified in " logsToBeDeleted" array.
 void SystemLog.cleanAllOldALLogs(java.util.Date aMinDate)
          Deletes all AssemblyLines' log files older than the specified date.
 void SystemLog.cleanAllOldALLogs(int aKeepNum)
          Deletes all AssemblyLines' log files except those generated on the " aKeepNum" latest runs of all AssemblyLines.
 void SystemLog.cleanAllOldLogs(java.util.Date aMinDate)
          Deletes all log files older than the specified date.
 void SystemLog.cleanAllOldLogs(int aKeepNum)
          Deletes all log files except those generated on the " aKeepNum" latest runs of all components.
 java.lang.Boolean SystemLog.cleanOldALLogs(java.lang.String aConfigId, java.lang.String aALName, java.util.Date aMinDate)
          Deletes those log files of the specified AssemblyLine, that are older than the specified date.
 java.lang.Boolean SystemLog.cleanOldALLogs(java.lang.String aConfigId, java.lang.String aALName, java.util.Date aMinDate, java.util.Date aMaxDate)
          Deletes those log files of the specified AssemblyLine, that are older than the specified date.
 java.lang.Boolean SystemLog.cleanOldALLogs(java.lang.String aConfigId, java.lang.String aALName, int aKeepNum)
          Deletes all log files of the specified AssemblyLine except those generated on the "aKeepNum" latest AssemblyLine runs.
 void AssemblyLineHandler.close()
          Closes the handler
 ConfigInstance Session.createNewConfigInstance(java.lang.String aConfigUrl)
          Deprecated. Not supported. Creates and starts a new Config Instance with an empty configuration.
 ConfigInstance Session.createNewConfigInstance(java.lang.String aConfigUrl, java.lang.String aPassword)
          Deprecated. Not supported. Creates and starts a new Config Instance with an empty configuration.
 MetamergeConfig Session.createNewConfiguration(java.lang.String aRelativePath, boolean aOverwrite)
          Creates a new empty configuration and immediately checks it out.
 ConfigInstance Session.createNewConfigurationAndLoad(java.lang.String aRelativePath, boolean aOverwrite)
          Creates a new empty configuration, immediately checks it out and loads a temporary Config Instance on the Server.
 Session SessionFactory.createSession()
          Creates a session object.
 Session SessionFactory.createSession(java.lang.String aUserName, java.lang.String aPassword)
          Creates a session object with the specified username and password.
 int TombstoneManager.deleteALTombstones(java.lang.String aAssemblyLineName, java.lang.String aConfigID)
          Deletes all tombstones for specified AssemblyLine.
 int TombstoneManager.deleteALTombstones(java.lang.String aAssemblyLineName, java.lang.String aConfigID, java.util.Date olderThan)
          Deletes all tombstones for the specified AssemblyLine that are older than the specified number of days.
 int TombstoneManager.deleteALTombstones(java.lang.String aAssemblyLineName, java.lang.String aConfigID, java.util.Date startDate, java.util.Date endDate)
          Deletes all tombstones for the specified AssemblyLine that are in the specified Date range
 int TombstoneManager.deleteALTombstones(java.lang.String aAssemblyLineName, java.lang.String aConfigID, int aDays)
          Deletes all tombstones for the specified AssemblyLine that are older than the specified number of days.
 int TombstoneManager.deleteCITombstones(java.lang.String aConfigID)
          Deletes all tombstones for specified Config Instance.
 int TombstoneManager.deleteCITombstones(java.lang.String aConfigID, int aDays)
          Deletes all tombstones for the specified Config Instance that are older than the specified number of days.
 void Session.deleteConfiguration(java.lang.String relativePathOrSolutionName)
          Delete a file from the configuration codebase folder.
 java.lang.Object Session.deletePersistentObject(java.lang.String key)
          This method deletes a named object in the default system property store.
 boolean TombstoneManager.deleteTombstone(java.lang.String aGUID)
          Deletes the tombstone with the specified GUID.
 int TombstoneManager.deleteTombstones(int aDays)
          Deletes all tombstones that are older than the specified number of days.
 void AssemblyLine.detachDebugger(java.lang.Object msg)
          Detach the current debugger from the AssemblyLine. AssemblyLineHandler.eval(java.lang.String script)
          Evaluates the passed in as parameter script in the context of this AssemblyLine.
 Entry AssemblyLineHandler.executeCycle()
          Executes an AssemblyLine cycle with null work Entry attribute.
 Entry AssemblyLineHandler.executeCycle(Entry aEntry)
          Executes an AssemblyLine cycle.
 Entry AssemblyLineHandler.executeCycle(Entry aEntry, boolean aProcessTCB)
          Executes an AssemblyLine cycle.
 java.lang.String ConfigInstance.getALLastLogFileName(java.lang.String aALName)
          Returns the name of the log file created on the last run of a given AssemblyLine.
 java.lang.String SystemLog.getALLastLogFileName(java.lang.String aConfigId, java.lang.String aALName)
          Returns the name of the log file created on the last run of a given AssemblyLine.
 java.lang.String ConfigInstance.getALLog(java.lang.String aALName, java.lang.String aLogFileName)
          Given an AssemblyLine name, and a log file name, retrieves the log of this AssemblyLine, stored in the specified file.
 java.lang.String SystemLog.getALLog(java.lang.String aConfigId, java.lang.String aALName, java.lang.String aLogFileName)
          Given an AssemblyLine identification, and a log file name, retrieves the log of this AssemblyLine, stored in the specified file.
 java.lang.String[] ConfigInstance.getALLogFileNames(java.lang.String aALName)
          Returns the names of all available log files for a given AssemblyLine.
 java.lang.String[] SystemLog.getALLogFileNames(java.lang.String aConfigId, java.lang.String aALName)
          Returns the names of all available log files for a given AssemblyLine.
 java.lang.String[] SystemLog.getALLogFileNames(java.lang.String aConfigId, java.lang.String aALName, java.util.Date dDate)
          Returns the names of all available log files prior to the specified 'date' for a given AssemblyLine.
 java.lang.String[] SystemLog.getALLogFileNames(java.lang.String aConfigId, java.lang.String aALName, java.util.Date startDate, java.util.Date endDate)
          Returns the names of all available log files prior to the specified 'date' for a given AssemblyLine.
 java.lang.String[] SystemLog.getALLogFileNames(java.lang.String aConfigId, java.lang.String aALName, int iNumber)
          Returns the names of first 'n' log files for a given AssemblyLine.
 java.lang.String ConfigInstance.getALLogLastChunk(java.lang.String aALName, java.lang.String aLogFileName, int aKilobytes)
          Retrieves the last chunk from a specified AssemblyLine's log file.
 java.lang.String SystemLog.getALLogLastChunk(java.lang.String aConfigId, java.lang.String aALName, java.lang.String aLogFileName, int aKilobytes)
          Retrieves the last chunk from a specified AssemblyLine's log file.
 AssemblyLine AssemblyLineHandler.getAssemblyLine()
          Returns an AssemblyLine instance.
 AssemblyLine ConfigInstance.getAssemblyLineByUniqueCode(int alId)
          Searches the list of AssemblyLines for the specified unique code (one returned by the ConfigInstance.getAssemblyLineUniqueCodes() method)
 SchemaConfig ConfigInstance.getAssemblyLineInputParameters(java.lang.String aAssemblyLineName)
          Returns the AssemblyLine’s input parameters.
 java.lang.String[] ConfigInstance.getAssemblyLineNames()
          Returns the AssemblyLines’ names.
 java.util.List<java.lang.String> TombstoneManager.getAssemblyLineNames(java.lang.String configInstanceId)
          Obtains a list of AssemblyLine Names of the AssemblyLines for which a tombstone has been created.
 SchemaConfig ConfigInstance.getAssemblyLineOutputParameters(java.lang.String aAssemblyLineName)
          Returns the AssemblyLine’s output parameters.
 AssemblyLine[] Session.getAssemblyLines()
          Returns started AssemblyLines corresponding to the currently started configurations.
 AssemblyLine[] ConfigInstance.getAssemblyLines()
          Returns currently started AssemblyLines of the configuration instance.
 java.lang.String[] ConfigInstance.getAssemblyLinesNames()
          Deprecated. Use ConfigInstance.getAssemblyLineNames().
 Tombstone[] TombstoneManager.getAssemblyLineTombstones(java.lang.String aAssemblyLineName, java.lang.String aConfigID)
          Returns all available tombstones for the specified AssemblyLine.
 Tombstone[] TombstoneManager.getAssemblyLineTombstones(java.lang.String aAssemblyLineName, java.lang.String aConfigID, java.util.Date aStartTime, java.util.Date aEndTime)
          Returns all available tombstones for the specified AssemblyLine with timestamps in the interval specified by aStartTime and aEndTime.
 Tombstone[] TombstoneManager.getAssemblyLineTombstones(java.lang.String aAssemblyLineName, java.lang.String aConfigID, int aRecentNumberOfTombstones)
          Returns the recent n number of tombsones for a specified AssemblyLine.
 int[] ConfigInstance.getAssemblyLineUniqueCodes()
          Returns a list of integers uniquely identify all the AssemblyLines within the ConfigInstance.
 byte[] SystemQueue.getBytesMessage(java.lang.String aQueueName, int aTimeOut)
          Retrieves a BytesMessage from the specified System Queue
 boolean AssemblyLine.getComponentDebugMode(java.lang.String componentName)
          Query the debug mode setting of the specified component (Connector or Function Component).
 AssemblyLineConfig AssemblyLine.getConfig()
          Returns configuration information about the AssemblyLine.
 java.lang.String ConfigInstance.getConfigId()
          Returns the configuration ID generated by the server.
 ConfigInstance Sequence.getConfigInstance()
          Returns the configuration instance of the Sequence.
 ConfigInstance AssemblyLine.getConfigInstance()
          Returns the configuration instance of the AssemblyLine.
 ConfigInstance Session.getConfigInstance(java.lang.String aConfigId)
          Returns configuration instance corresponding to a specific configuration ID.
 java.util.List<java.lang.String> TombstoneManager.getConfigInstanceIDs()
          Obtains a list of IDs of configInstances for which a tombstone has been created.
 ConfigInstance[] Session.getConfigInstances()
          Returns all currently started configuration instances.
 java.util.List<java.lang.String> Session.getConfigInstancesIDs()
          Returns the IDs of all currently started configuration instances.
 Tombstone[] TombstoneManager.getConfigInstanceTombstones(java.lang.String aConfigID)
          Returns all available tombstones for the specified Config Instance.
 Tombstone[] TombstoneManager.getConfigInstanceTombstones(java.lang.String aConfigID, java.util.Date aStartTime, java.util.Date aEndTime)
          Returns all available tombstones for the specified Config Instance with timestamps in the interval specified by aStartTime and aEndTime.
 MetamergeConfig ConfigInstance.getConfiguration()
          Returns configuration instance representing this configuration.
 java.lang.String ConfigInstance.getConfigurationFile()
          Retrieves a reference to the Configuration file used to load this instance from.
 java.lang.String ServerInfo.getConnectorDescription(java.lang.String aConnectorName)
          Retrieves the description of a Connector installed on the Server.
 PoolDefConfig ConfigInstance.getConnectorPoolConfig(java.lang.String aConnectorPoolName)
          Returns the Connector Pool configuration object.
 int ConfigInstance.getConnectorPoolFreeNum(java.lang.String aConnectorPoolName)
          Returns the number of free Connectors in the specified Connector Pool.
 java.lang.String[] ConfigInstance.getConnectorPoolNames()
          Returns the names of all Connector Pools in the Config Instance.
 int ConfigInstance.getConnectorPoolSize(java.lang.String aConnectorPoolName)
          Returns the size of the specified Connector Pool.
 java.lang.String ServerInfo.getConnectorVersionInfo(java.lang.String aConnectorName)
          Retrieves the version of a Connector installed on the Server.
 Entry SystemQueue.getEntry(java.lang.String aQueueName, int aTimeOut)
          Retrieves an Entry object from the specified System Queue
 ExternalPropertiesConfig ConfigInstance.getExternalProperties()
          Deprecated. use ConfigInstance.getTDIProperties() instead
 ExternalPropertiesConfig ConfigInstance.getExternalProperties(java.lang.String aKey)
          Deprecated. use ConfigInstance.getTDIProperties() instead
 java.lang.String[] ConfigInstance.getExternalPropertiesKeys()
          Deprecated. use ConfigInstance.getTDIProperties() instead
 java.lang.String ServerInfo.getFunctionComponentDescription(java.lang.String aFunctionComponentName)
          Retrieves the description of a Function Component installed on the Server.
 java.lang.String ServerInfo.getFunctionComponentVersionInfo(java.lang.String aFunctionComponentName)
          Retrieves the version of a Function Component installed on the Server.
 java.lang.String ConfigInstance.getGlobalUniqueID()
          Returns the Config Instance GUID.
 java.lang.String AssemblyLine.getGlobalUniqueID()
          Returns AssemblyLine GUID.
 java.lang.String ServerInfo.getHostName()
          Returns Server machine host name.
 ComponentDescriptor ServerInfo.getInstalledComponentDescriptor(java.lang.String componentName)
          Returns the localized form information about a specific component as component descriptor object.
 java.util.Hashtable<?,?>[] ServerInfo.getInstalledConnectors()
          Retrieves information for all Connectors installed on the Server.
 java.lang.String[] ServerInfo.getInstalledConnectorsNames()
          Retrieves the names of all Connectors installed on the Server.
 java.util.Hashtable<?,?>[] ServerInfo.getInstalledFunctionComponents()
          Retrieves information for all Function Components installed on the Server.
 java.lang.String[] ServerInfo.getInstalledFunctionComponentsNames()
          Retrieves the names of all Function Components installed on the Server.
 java.util.Hashtable<?,?>[] ServerInfo.getInstalledParsers()
          Retrieves information for all Parsers installed on the Server.
 java.lang.String[] ServerInfo.getInstalledParsersNames()
          Retrieves the names of all Parsers installed on the Server.
 java.util.Date ConfigInstance.getInstanceBootTime()
          Returns the Instance boot time.
 java.lang.String ServerInfo.getIPAddress()
          Returns Server machine IP address.
 java.lang.String Session.getJavaProperty(java.lang.String prop)
          Returns the value of a Java System property.
 javax.jms.Message SystemQueue.getMessage(java.lang.String aQueueName, int aTimeOut)
          Retrieves a JMS Message from the specified System Queue
 java.lang.String Sequence.getName()
          Returns the name of the Sequence.
 java.lang.String AssemblyLine.getName()
          Returns the name of the AssemblyLine.
 java.lang.String AssemblyLine.getNullBehavior()
          Gets the nullBehavior attribute of the AssemblyLine object
 java.lang.String AssemblyLine.getNullBehaviorValue()
          Gets the nullBehaviorValue attribute of the AssemblyLine object.
 java.lang.String ServerInfo.getOperatingSystem()
          Returns the name of the operating system where the Server is running.
 java.lang.String ServerInfo.getParserDescription(java.lang.String aParserName)
          Retrieves the description of a Parser installed on the Server.
 java.lang.String ServerInfo.getParserVersionInfo(java.lang.String aParserName)
          Retrieves the version of a Parser installed on the Server.
 java.util.Vector<java.lang.String> ServerInfo.getPasswordParameterNames(java.lang.String aJavaClassName)
          Returns password parameters names for specified class.
 java.lang.Object Session.getPersistentObject(java.lang.String key)
          This method retrieves a named object from the default system property store.
 Entry Sequence.getResult()
          This method returns the result entry object.
 Entry AssemblyLine.getResult()
          This method returns the result entry object.
 SecurityRegistry Session.getSecurityRegistry()
          Returns information about the restrictions the current user has.
 java.util.Date ServerInfo.getServerBootTime()
          Returns the Server boot time.
 java.lang.String ServerInfo.getServerID()
          Returns the server unique identifier.
 ServerInfo Session.getServerInfo()
          Retrieves the Server information.
 java.lang.String ServerInfo.getServerVersion()
          Returns Server version.
 TaskStatistics Sequence.getStatistics()
          This method returns the TaskStatistics object for this Sequence.
 TaskStatistics AssemblyLine.getStatistics()
          This method returns the TaskStatistics object for this AssemblyLine.
 SystemLog Session.getSystemLog()
          Returns information about the System logging.
 java.lang.String AssemblyLine.getSystemLog()
          Retrieves the current AssemblyLine's system log.
 java.lang.String AssemblyLine.getSystemLogFileName()
          Returns the name of the log file of the AssemblyLine (not prefixed by folders path).
 java.lang.String AssemblyLine.getSystemLogFilePath()
          Returns the fully-qualified path of the log file of the AssemblyLine.
 java.lang.String AssemblyLine.getSystemLogLastChunk(int aLastKilobytes)
          Retrieves the last chunk from the current AssemblyLine's system log.
 SystemQueue Session.getSystemQueue()
          Gets the remote Server API SystemQueue representation object
 java.lang.String SystemQueue.getTextMessage(java.lang.String aQueueName, int aTimeOut)
          Retrieves a TextMessage from the specified System Queue
 Tombstone TombstoneManager.getTombstone(java.lang.String aGUID)
          Returns a single tombstone object uniquely identified by the specified GUID.
 TombstoneManager Session.getTombstoneManager()
          Returns the TombstoneManager object.
 Tombstone[] TombstoneManager.getTombstones(java.util.Date aStartTime, java.util.Date aEndTime)
          Returns all available tombstones with timestamps in the interval specified by aStartTime and aEndTime.
 int Sequence.getUniqueCode()
          Returns the unique code of the Sequence.
 int AssemblyLine.getUniqueCode()
          Returns the unique code of the AssemblyLine.
 void DIEventListener.handleEvent(DIEvent aEvent)
          Handles a specified event.
 boolean TombstoneManager.hasTombstones(java.lang.String configInstanceId)
          Checks whether there are tombstone records for a configInstance with the specified ID.
 boolean TombstoneManager.hasTombstones(java.lang.String configInstanceId, java.lang.String alName)
          Checks whether there are tombstone records for an AssemblyLine with the specified name.
 java.lang.Object Session.invokeCustom(java.lang.String aCustomClassName, java.lang.String aMethodName, java.lang.Object[] aParams)
          Invokes the specified method from the specified class.
 java.lang.Object Session.invokeCustom(java.lang.String aCustomClassName, java.lang.String aMethodName, java.lang.Object[] aParamsValue, java.lang.String[] aParamsClass)
          Invokes the specified method from the specified class.
 boolean Sequence.isActive()
          Checks if the Sequence is active.
 boolean AssemblyLine.isActive()
          Checks if the AssemblyLine is active.
 boolean Session.isConfigurationCheckedOut(java.lang.String relativePathOrSolutionName)
          Checks if the specified configuration is checked out on the Server.
 boolean AssemblyLine.isSimulating()
          Check weather the AssemblyLine is simulating or not
 boolean Session.isSSLon()
          Checks if current session is over SSL.
 int TombstoneManager.keepMostRecentALTombstones(java.lang.String aAssemblyLineName, java.lang.String aConfigID, int aMostResentToKeep)
          After this method is executed only the aMostRecentToKeep most recent tombstone records for the specified AssemblyLine are kept and all other are deleted.
 int TombstoneManager.keepMostRecentCITombstones(java.lang.String aConfigID, int aMostResentToKeep)
          After this method is executed only the aMostRecentToKeep most recent tombstone records for the specified Config Instance are kept and all other are deleted.
 int TombstoneManager.keepMostRecentTombstones(int aMostResentToKeep)
          After this method is executed only the aMostRecentToKeep most recent tombstone records are kept and all other are deleted.
 java.util.ArrayList Session.listAllConfigurations()
          Returns a list all configurations in the directory subtree of the Server configuration codebase folder.
 java.util.ArrayList Session.listConfigurations(java.lang.String aRelativePath)
          Returns a list of all configurations in the specified folder.
 java.util.ArrayList Session.listFolders(java.lang.String aRelativePath)
          Returns a list of the child folders of the specified folder.
 void LogListener.messageLogged(java.lang.String aMessage)
          Called right after the specified message is logged.
 int ConfigInstance.purgeConnectorPool(java.lang.String aConnectorPoolName)
          Unused Connectors will be released so that the Pool is shrunk to its minimum size.
 void SystemQueue.putBytesMessage(java.lang.String aQueueName, byte[] aMessageBytes)
          Stores a BytesMessage in the specified System Queue
 void SystemQueue.putEntry(java.lang.String aQueueName, Entry aEntry)
          Stores an Entry object to the specified System Queue
 void SystemQueue.putMessage(java.lang.String aQueueName, javax.jms.Message aMessage)
          Stores a Message to the specified System Queue
 void SystemQueue.putTextMessage(java.lang.String aQueueName, java.lang.String aMessageText)
          Stores a TextMessage to the System Queue
 boolean Session.releaseConfigurationLock(java.lang.String relativePathOrSolutionName)
          Administratively releases the lock of the specified configuration.
 void ConfigInstance.reload()
          Reloads the Config Instance with its current configuration.
 boolean Session.removeEventListener(ConfigurationFileListener listener)
          Unregisters an Event Listener with the Session.
 boolean Session.removeEventListener(DIEventListener aListener)
          Unregisters an Event Listener with the Session.
 void AssemblyLine.removeListener(AssemblyLineListener listener)
           Unregister a listener for AssemblyLine events.
 void ConfigInstance.removeLogListener(LogListener listener)
           Unregister listener for messages logged by this configuration instance.
 void ConfigInstance.saveConfiguration()
          Deprecated. Not supported.
 void ConfigInstance.saveConfiguration(boolean aEncrypt)
          Deprecated. Not supported.
 void ConfigInstance.saveExternalProperties()
          Deprecated. Not supported.
 void Session.sendCustomNotification(java.lang.String aType, java.lang.String aId, java.lang.Object aData)
          Sends a custom, user defined notification to all registered listeners.
 void AssemblyLine.setComponentDebugMode(java.lang.String componentName, boolean debug)
          Modify the debug mode setting of the specified component (Connector or Function Component).
 void ConfigInstance.setConfiguration(MetamergeConfig aConfiguration)
          Sets given configuration to this configuration.
 void ConfigInstance.setExternalProperties(ExternalPropertiesConfig aExPropConfig)
          Deprecated. Not supported.
 void ConfigInstance.setExternalProperties(java.lang.String aKey, ExternalPropertiesConfig aExPropConfig)
          Deprecated. Not supported.
 void Session.setJavaProperty(java.lang.String prop, java.lang.String value)
          Sets the value of a Java System property.
 java.lang.Object Session.setPersistentObject(java.lang.String key, java.lang.Object value)
          This method stores a named object in the default system property store.
 void AssemblyLine.setSimulating(boolean simulate)
          Changes the way the AssemblyLine treats the target systems it is connectig/interacting to/with.
 void Session.shutDownServer()
          Shuts down the TDI server.
 void Session.shutDownServer(int aExitCode)
          Shuts down the TDI Server with the specified exit code.
 void Session.shutDownServer(int aExitCode, boolean sync)
          Shuts down the TDI Server with the specified exit code, after stopping all AssemblyLines and waiting a while for them to finish.
 AssemblyLine ConfigInstance.startAssemblyLine(java.lang.String aAssemblyLineName)
          Starts the specified AssemblyLine asynchronously.
 AssemblyLine ConfigInstance.startAssemblyLine(java.lang.String aAssemblyLineName, boolean aSync)
          Starts the specified AssemblyLine.
 AssemblyLine ConfigInstance.startAssemblyLine(java.lang.String aAssemblyLineName, Entry aInputData)
          Starts the specified AssemblyLine with the given input data asynchronously.
 AssemblyLine ConfigInstance.startAssemblyLine(java.lang.String aAssemblyLineName, Entry aInputData, AssemblyLineListener aListener, boolean aGetLogs)
          Starts asynchronously the specified AssemblyLine with the given input data and results listener.
 AssemblyLine ConfigInstance.startAssemblyLine(java.lang.String aAssemblyLineName, Entry aInputData, AssemblyLineListener aListener, boolean aGetLogs, boolean aSync)
          Starts the specified AssemblyLine with the given input data and results listener.
 AssemblyLine ConfigInstance.startAssemblyLine(java.lang.String aAssemblyLineName, Entry aInputData, AssemblyLineListener aListener, boolean aGetLogs, boolean aSync, boolean aGetEntryOnEachCycle)
          Starts the specified AssemblyLine with the given input data and results listener.
 AssemblyLine ConfigInstance.startAssemblyLine(java.lang.String aAssemblyLineName, Entry aInputData, boolean aSync)
          Starts the specified AssemblyLine with the given input data.
 AssemblyLine ConfigInstance.startAssemblyLine(java.lang.String aAssemblyLineName, TaskCallBlock aTcb)
          Starts asynchronously the specified AssemblyLine with the given TaskCallBlock.
 AssemblyLine ConfigInstance.startAssemblyLine(java.lang.String aAssemblyLineName, TaskCallBlock aTcb, boolean aSync)
          Starts the specified AssemblyLine with the given TaskCallBlock.
 AssemblyLineHandler ConfigInstance.startAssemblyLineManual(java.lang.String aAssemblyLineName, Entry aInputData)
          Starts the specified AssemblyLine with the given input data in manual mode.
 ConfigInstance Session.startConfigInstance(java.lang.String configPathOrSolutionName)
          Starts a new Config Instance on the Server with the configuration given.
 ConfigInstance Session.startConfigInstance(java.lang.String configPathOrSolutionName, boolean keepAlive, java.lang.String password)
          Starts a new Config Instance on the Server with the configuration given.
 ConfigInstance Session.startConfigInstance(java.lang.String configPathOrSolutionName, boolean keepAlive, java.lang.String password, java.lang.String runName, java.lang.String overrideProps)
          Starts a new Config Instance on the Server with the configuration given.
 ConfigInstance Session.startConfigInstance(java.lang.String configPathOrSolutionName, boolean keepAlive, java.lang.String password, java.lang.String runName, java.lang.String overrideProps, LogListener logListener)
          Starts a new Config Instance on the Server with the configuration given.
 Sequence ConfigInstance.startSequence(java.lang.String name)
          Starts the specified Sequence.
 Sequence ConfigInstance.startSequence(java.lang.String name, TaskCallBlock tcb, AssemblyLineListener listener)
          Starts the specified Sequence with the given TaskCallBlock and a Listener
 Sequence ConfigInstance.startSequence(java.lang.String name, TaskCallBlock tcb, boolean sync)
          Starts the specified Sequence specifying a TaskCallBlock, synchronous or asynchronous.
 ConfigInstance Session.startTempConfigInstance(java.lang.String xmlConfig, boolean keepAlive, java.lang.String runName, java.lang.String overrideProps)
          Start a configuration instance which has no associated configuration file.
 ConfigInstance Session.startTempConfigInstance(java.lang.String xmlConfig, boolean keepAlive, java.lang.String runName, java.lang.String overrideProps, LogListener logListener)
          Start a configuration instance which has no associated configuration file.
 void Session.startTombstoneManager()
          Starts the TombstoneManager.
 void Sequence.stop()
          Stops the execution of the Sequence.
 void ConfigInstance.stop()
          Stops the Config Instance.
 void AssemblyLine.stop()
          Stops the execution of the AssemblyLine.
 void Sequence.stop(boolean sync)
          Stops the execution of the Sequence, and waits for it to stop.
 void ConfigInstance.stop(boolean sync)
          Stops the Config Instance, and all AssemblyLines started by it, and waits a while for the stopping.
 void AssemblyLine.stop(boolean sync)
          Stops the execution of the AssemblyLine, and waits for it to stop.
 boolean Session.undoCheckOut(java.lang.String relativePathOrSolutionName)
          Releases the lock on the specified configuration, thus aborting all changes being done.
 boolean SecurityRegistry.userCanExecuteAL(java.lang.String aUserId, java.lang.String aConfigId, java.lang.String aAssemblyLine)
          Returns whether specified user is allowed to execute given AL from a given configuration.
 boolean SecurityRegistry.userCanExecuteAll(java.lang.String aUserId)
          Returns whether specified user is allowed to execute everything.
 boolean SecurityRegistry.userCanExecuteConfig(java.lang.String aUserId, java.lang.String aConfigId)
          Returns whether specified user is allowed to execute given configuration.
 boolean SecurityRegistry.userCanExecuteConfigALs(java.lang.String aUserId, java.lang.String aConfigId)
          Returns whether specified user is allowed to execute assembly lines from a given configuration.
 boolean SecurityRegistry.userCanReadAll(java.lang.String aUserId)
          Returns whether specified user is allowed to read everything.
 boolean SecurityRegistry.userCanReadConfig(java.lang.String aUserId, java.lang.String aConfigId)
          Returns whether specified user is allowed to read given configuration.
 boolean SecurityRegistry.userIsAdmin(java.lang.String aUserId)
          Returns whether specified user is granted admin role.

Uses of DIException in

Methods in that throw DIException
 void SessionImpl.addEventListener(ConfigurationFileListener listener)
 void SessionImpl.addEventListener(DIEventListener aListener, java.lang.String aTypeFilter, java.lang.String aIdFilter)
          Registers an Event Listener with the Session.
 void AssemblyLineImpl.addListener(AssemblyLineListener listener, boolean getLogs, boolean getEntryOnEachCycle)
          Register a listener for AssemblyLine events.
 void ConfigInstanceImpl.addLogListener(LogListener listener)
          Register listener for messages logged by this configuration instance.
 void AssemblyLineListenerBase.assemblyLineCycleDone(Entry aEntry)
          Called when specified entry drives a complete cycle trough the assembly line which AssemblyLineListener listens.
 void AssemblyLineListenerBase.assemblyLineFinished()
          Called when the assembly line which AssemblyLineListener listens has finished.
 void AssemblyLineImpl.attachDebugger(int port, java.lang.String host, boolean onerror)
          Attach a debugger to the AssemblyLine.
 void SessionImpl.checkInAndLeaveCheckedOut(MetamergeConfig aConfiguration, java.lang.String aRelativePath)
          Checks in the specified configuration and leaves it checked out.
 void SessionImpl.checkInAndLeaveCheckedOut(MetamergeConfig configuration, java.lang.String relativePathOrSolutionName, boolean encrypt)
          Checks in the specified configuration and leaves it checked out.
 void SessionImpl.checkInConfiguration(MetamergeConfig aConfiguration, java.lang.String aRelativePath)
          Saves the specified configuration and releases the lock.
 void SessionImpl.checkInConfiguration(MetamergeConfig aConfiguration, java.lang.String aRelativePath, boolean aEncrypt)
          Encrypts and saves the specified configuration and releases the lock.
 MetamergeConfig SessionImpl.checkOutConfiguration(java.lang.String aRelativePath)
          Checks out the specified configuration.
 MetamergeConfig SessionImpl.checkOutConfiguration(java.lang.String aRelativePath, java.lang.String aPassword)
          Checks out the specified password protected configuration.
 ConfigInstance SessionImpl.checkOutConfigurationAndLoad(java.lang.String aRelativePath)
          Checks out the specified configuration and starts a temporary Config Instance on the Server.
 ConfigInstance SessionImpl.checkOutConfigurationAndLoad(java.lang.String aRelativePath, java.lang.String aPassword)
          Checks out the specified configuration and starts a temporary Config Instance on the Server.
 java.lang.String SystemLogImpl.cleanALLogs(java.lang.String aConfigId, java.lang.String aALName, java.lang.String[] logsToBeDeleted)
          Deletes all the logs which are specified in " logsToBeDeleted" array.
 void SystemLogImpl.cleanAllOldALLogs(java.util.Date aMinDate)
          Deletes all AssemblyLines' log files older than the specified date.
 void SystemLogImpl.cleanAllOldALLogs(int aKeepNum)
          Deletes all AssemblyLines' log files except those generated on the " aKeepNum" latest runs of all AssemblyLines.
 void SystemLogImpl.cleanAllOldLogs(java.util.Date aMinDate)
          Deletes all log files older than the specified date.
 void SystemLogImpl.cleanAllOldLogs(int aKeepNum)
          Deletes all log files except those generated on the " aKeepNum" latest runs of all components.
 java.lang.Boolean SystemLogImpl.cleanOldALLogs(java.lang.String aConfigId, java.lang.String aALName, java.util.Date aMinDate)
          Deletes those log files of the specified AssemblyLine, that are older than the specified date.
 java.lang.Boolean SystemLogImpl.cleanOldALLogs(java.lang.String aConfigId, java.lang.String aALName, java.util.Date aMinDate, java.util.Date aMaxDate)
          Deletes those log files of the specified AssemblyLine, that are older than the specified date.
 java.lang.Boolean SystemLogImpl.cleanOldALLogs(java.lang.String aConfigId, java.lang.String aALName, int aKeepNum)
          Deletes all log files of the specified AssemblyLine except those generated on the "aKeepNum" latest AssemblyLine runs.
 void AssemblyLineHandlerImpl.close()
          Closes the handler
static SessionFactoryImpl SessionFactoryImpl.createInstance()
          Creates new instance of this class.
static AssemblyLineHandlerImpl AssemblyLineHandlerImpl.createInstance(AssemblyLine aAssemblyLine, AssemblyLineHandler aLocalHandler, SessionImpl aSession)
          Creates new instance of this class.
static AssemblyLineImpl AssemblyLineImpl.createInstance(AssemblyLine aLocalAssemblyLine, SessionImpl aSession)
          Creates new instance of this class.
static ConfigInstanceImpl ConfigInstanceImpl.createInstance(ConfigInstance aLocalConfigInstance, SessionImpl aSession)
          Creates new instance of this class.
static SecurityRegistryImpl SecurityRegistryImpl.createInstance(SecurityRegistry aLocalSecurityRegistry, SessionImpl aSession)
          Creates new instance of this class.
static SequenceImpl SequenceImpl.createInstance(Sequence sequence, SessionImpl session)
static ServerInfoImpl ServerInfoImpl.createInstance(ServerInfo aLocalServerInfo, SessionImpl aSession)
          Creates new instance of this class.
static SystemLogImpl SystemLogImpl.createInstance(SystemLog aLocalSystemLog, SessionImpl aSession)
          Creates new instance of this class.
static TDIPropertiesImpl TDIPropertiesImpl.createInstance(TDIProperties localTDIP, SessionImpl aSession)
          Creates TDIPropertiesImpl instance.
static TombstoneManagerImpl TombstoneManagerImpl.createInstance(TombstoneManager aLocalTombstoneManager, SessionImpl aSession)
          Creates TombstoneManagerImpl instance.
 ConfigInstance SessionImpl.createNewConfigInstance(java.lang.String aConfigUrl)
 ConfigInstance SessionImpl.createNewConfigInstance(java.lang.String aConfigUrl, java.lang.String aPassword)
 MetamergeConfig SessionImpl.createNewConfiguration(java.lang.String aRelativePath, boolean aOverwrite)
          Creates a new empty configuration and immediately checks it out.
 ConfigInstance SessionImpl.createNewConfigurationAndLoad(java.lang.String aRelativePath, boolean aOverwrite)
          Creates a new empty configuration, immediately checks it out and loads a temporary Config Instance on the Server.
 Session SessionFactoryImpl.createSession()
          Creates a session object.
 Session SessionFactoryImpl.createSession(java.lang.String aUserName, java.lang.String aPassword)
          Creates a session object with the specified username and password.
 int TombstoneManagerImpl.deleteALTombstones(java.lang.String aAssemblyLineName, java.lang.String aConfigID)
          Deletes all tombstones for specified AssemblyLine.
 int TombstoneManagerImpl.deleteALTombstones(java.lang.String aAssemblyLineName, java.lang.String aConfigID, java.util.Date olderThan)
          Deletes all tombstones for the specified AssemblyLine that are older than the specified number of days.
 int TombstoneManagerImpl.deleteALTombstones(java.lang.String aAssemblyLineName, java.lang.String aConfigID, java.util.Date startDate, java.util.Date endDate)
          Deletes all tombstones for the specified AssemblyLine that are in the specified Date range
 int TombstoneManagerImpl.deleteALTombstones(java.lang.String aAssemblyLineName, java.lang.String aConfigID, int aDays)
          Deletes all tombstones for the specified AssemblyLine that are older than the specified number of days.
 int TombstoneManagerImpl.deleteCITombstones(java.lang.String aConfigID)
          Deletes all tombstones for specified Config Instance.
 int TombstoneManagerImpl.deleteCITombstones(java.lang.String aConfigID, int aDays)
          Deletes all tombstones for the specified Config Instance that are older than the specified number of days.
 void SessionImpl.deleteConfiguration(java.lang.String relativePathOrSolutionName)
          Delete a file from the configuration codebase folder.
 java.lang.Object SessionImpl.deletePersistentObject(java.lang.String key)
 boolean TombstoneManagerImpl.deleteTombstone(java.lang.String aGUID)
          Deletes the tombstone with the specified GUID.
 int TombstoneManagerImpl.deleteTombstones(int aDays)
          Deletes all tombstones that are older than the specified number of days.
 void AssemblyLineImpl.detachDebugger(java.lang.Object msg)
          Detach the current debugger from the AssemblyLine. AssemblyLineHandlerImpl.eval(java.lang.String script)
 Entry AssemblyLineHandlerImpl.executeCycle()
          Executes an AssemblyLine cycle with null work Entry attribute.
 Entry AssemblyLineHandlerImpl.executeCycle(Entry aEntry)
          Executes an AssemblyLine cycle.
 Entry AssemblyLineHandlerImpl.executeCycle(Entry aEntry, boolean aProcessTCB)
          Executes an AssemblyLine cycle.
 java.lang.String ConfigInstanceImpl.getALLastLogFileName(java.lang.String aALName)
          Returns the name of the log file created on the last run of a given AssemblyLine.
 java.lang.String SystemLogImpl.getALLastLogFileName(java.lang.String aConfigId, java.lang.String aALName)
          Returns the name of the log file created on the last run of a given AssemblyLine.
 java.lang.String ConfigInstanceImpl.getALLog(java.lang.String aALName, java.lang.String aLogFileName)
          Given an AssemblyLine name, and a log file name, retrieves the log of this AssemblyLine, stored in the specified file.
 java.lang.String SystemLogImpl.getALLog(java.lang.String aConfigId, java.lang.String aALName, java.lang.String aLogFileName)
          Given an AssemblyLine identification, and a log file name, retrieves the log of this AssemblyLine, stored in the specified file.
 java.lang.String[] ConfigInstanceImpl.getALLogFileNames(java.lang.String aALName)
          Returns the names of all available log files for a given AssemblyLine.
 java.lang.String[] SystemLogImpl.getALLogFileNames(java.lang.String aConfigId, java.lang.String aALName)
          Returns the names of all available log files for a given AssemblyLine.
 java.lang.String[] SystemLogImpl.getALLogFileNames(java.lang.String aConfigId, java.lang.String aALName, java.util.Date dDate)
          Returns the names of all available log files prior to the specified 'date' for a given AssemblyLine.
 java.lang.String[] SystemLogImpl.getALLogFileNames(java.lang.String aConfigId, java.lang.String aALName, java.util.Date startDate, java.util.Date endDate)
          Returns the names of all available log files prior to the specified 'date' for a given AssemblyLine.
 java.lang.String[] SystemLogImpl.getALLogFileNames(java.lang.String aConfigId, java.lang.String aALName, int iNumber)
          Returns the names of first 'n' log files for a given AssemblyLine.
 java.lang.String ConfigInstanceImpl.getALLogLastChunk(java.lang.String aALName, java.lang.String aLogFileName, int aKilobytes)
          Retrieves the last chunk from a specified AssemblyLine's log file.
 java.lang.String SystemLogImpl.getALLogLastChunk(java.lang.String aConfigId, java.lang.String aALName, java.lang.String aLogFileName, int aKilobytes)
          Retrieves the last chunk from a specified AssemblyLine's log file.
 AssemblyLine AssemblyLineHandlerImpl.getAssemblyLine()
          Returns an AssemblyLine instance.
 AssemblyLine ConfigInstanceImpl.getAssemblyLineByUniqueCode(int alId)
          Searches the list of AssemblyLines for the specified unique code (one returned by the ConfigInstance.getAssemblyLineUniqueCodes() method)
 SchemaConfig ConfigInstanceImpl.getAssemblyLineInputParameters(java.lang.String aAssemblyLineName)
          Returns the AssemblyLine’s input parameters.
 java.lang.String[] ConfigInstanceImpl.getAssemblyLineNames()
          Returns the AssemblyLines’ names.
 java.util.List<java.lang.String> TombstoneManagerImpl.getAssemblyLineNames(java.lang.String configInstanceId)
 SchemaConfig ConfigInstanceImpl.getAssemblyLineOutputParameters(java.lang.String aAssemblyLineName)
          Returns the AssemblyLine’s output parameters.
 AssemblyLine[] SessionImpl.getAssemblyLines()
          Returns started AssemblyLines corresponding to the currently started configurations.
 AssemblyLine[] ConfigInstanceImpl.getAssemblyLines()
          Returns currently started AssemblyLines of the configuration instance.
 java.lang.String[] ConfigInstanceImpl.getAssemblyLinesNames()
 Tombstone[] TombstoneManagerImpl.getAssemblyLineTombstones(java.lang.String aAssemblyLineName, java.lang.String aConfigID)
          Returns all available tombstones for the specified AssemblyLine.
 Tombstone[] TombstoneManagerImpl.getAssemblyLineTombstones(java.lang.String aAssemblyLineName, java.lang.String aConfigID, java.util.Date aStartTime, java.util.Date aEndTime)
          Returns all available tombstones for the specified AssemblyLine with timestamps in the interval specified by aStartTime and aEndTime.
 Tombstone[] TombstoneManagerImpl.getAssemblyLineTombstones(java.lang.String aAssemblyLineName, java.lang.String aConfigID, int aRecentNumberOfTombstones)
          Returns the recent n number of tombsones for a specified AssemblyLine.
 int[] ConfigInstanceImpl.getAssemblyLineUniqueCodes()
          Returns a list of integers uniquely identify all the AssemblyLines within the ConfigInstance.
 byte[] SystemQueueImpl.getBytesMessage(java.lang.String aQueueName, int aTimeOut)
          Retrieves a BytesMessage from the specified System Queue
 boolean AssemblyLineImpl.getComponentDebugMode(java.lang.String componentName)
          Query the debug mode setting of the specified component (Connector or Function Component).
 AssemblyLineConfig AssemblyLineImpl.getConfig()
          Returns configuration information about the AssemblyLine.
 java.lang.String ConfigInstanceImpl.getConfigId()
          Returns the configuration ID generated by the server.
 ConfigInstance SequenceImpl.getConfigInstance()
 ConfigInstance AssemblyLineImpl.getConfigInstance()
          Returns the configuration instance of the AssemblyLine.
 ConfigInstance SessionImpl.getConfigInstance(java.lang.String aConfigId)
          Returns configuration instance corresponding to a specific configuration ID.
 java.util.List<java.lang.String> TombstoneManagerImpl.getConfigInstanceIDs()
 ConfigInstance[] SessionImpl.getConfigInstances()
          Returns all currently started configuration instances.
 java.util.List<java.lang.String> SessionImpl.getConfigInstancesIDs()
          Returns the IDs of all currently started configuration instances.
 Tombstone[] TombstoneManagerImpl.getConfigInstanceTombstones(java.lang.String aConfigID)
          Returns all available tombstones for the specified Config Instance.
 Tombstone[] TombstoneManagerImpl.getConfigInstanceTombstones(java.lang.String aConfigID, java.util.Date aStartTime, java.util.Date aEndTime)
          Returns all available tombstones for the specified Config Instance with timestamps in the interval specified by aStartTime and aEndTime.
 MetamergeConfig ConfigInstanceImpl.getConfiguration()
          Returns configuration instance representing this configuration.
 java.lang.String ConfigInstanceImpl.getConfigurationFile()
 java.lang.String ServerInfoImpl.getConnectorDescription(java.lang.String aConnectorName)
          Retrieves the description of a Connector installed on the Server.
 PoolDefConfig ConfigInstanceImpl.getConnectorPoolConfig(java.lang.String aConnectorPoolName)
          Returns the Connector Pool configuration object.
 int ConfigInstanceImpl.getConnectorPoolFreeNum(java.lang.String aConnectorPoolName)
          Returns the number of free Connectors in the specified Connector Pool.
 java.lang.String[] ConfigInstanceImpl.getConnectorPoolNames()
          Returns the names of all Connector Pools in the Config Instance.
 int ConfigInstanceImpl.getConnectorPoolSize(java.lang.String aConnectorPoolName)
          Returns the size of the specified Connector Pool.
 java.lang.String ServerInfoImpl.getConnectorVersionInfo(java.lang.String aConnectorName)
          Retrieves the version of a Connector installed on the Server.
 Entry SystemQueueImpl.getEntry(java.lang.String aQueueName, int aTimeOut)
          Retrieves an Entry object from the specified System Queue
 ExternalPropertiesConfig ConfigInstanceImpl.getExternalProperties()
          Returns the external properties of the configuration.
 ExternalPropertiesConfig ConfigInstanceImpl.getExternalProperties(java.lang.String aKey)
          Returns the ExternalPropertiesConfig object for the named external properties object.
 java.lang.String[] ConfigInstanceImpl.getExternalPropertiesKeys()
          Returns the external properties object names.
 java.lang.String ServerInfoImpl.getFunctionComponentDescription(java.lang.String aFunctionComponentName)
          Retrieves the description of a Function Component installed on the Server.
 java.lang.String ServerInfoImpl.getFunctionComponentVersionInfo(java.lang.String aFunctionComponentName)
          Retrieves the version of a Function Component installed on the Server.
 java.lang.String ConfigInstanceImpl.getGlobalUniqueID()
          Returns the Config Instance GUID.
 java.lang.String AssemblyLineImpl.getGlobalUniqueID()
          Returns AssemblyLine GUID.
 java.lang.String ServerInfoImpl.getHostName()
          Returns Server machine host name.
 ComponentDescriptor ServerInfoImpl.getInstalledComponentDescriptor(java.lang.String componentName)
          Returns the localized form information about a specific component as component descriptor object.
 java.util.Hashtable<?,?>[] ServerInfoImpl.getInstalledConnectors()
          Retrieves information for all Connectors installed on the Server.
 java.lang.String[] ServerInfoImpl.getInstalledConnectorsNames()
          Retrieves the names of all Connectors installed on the Server.
 java.util.Hashtable<?,?>[] ServerInfoImpl.getInstalledFunctionComponents()
          Retrieves information for all Function Components installed on the Server.
 java.lang.String[] ServerInfoImpl.getInstalledFunctionComponentsNames()
          Retrieves the names of all Function Components installed on the Server.
 java.util.Hashtable<?,?>[] ServerInfoImpl.getInstalledParsers()
          Retrieves information for all Parsers installed on the Server.
 java.lang.String[] ServerInfoImpl.getInstalledParsersNames()
          Retrieves the names of all Parsers installed on the Server.
 java.util.Date ConfigInstanceImpl.getInstanceBootTime()
          Returns the Instance boot time.
 java.lang.String ServerInfoImpl.getIPAddress()
          Returns Server machine IP address.
 java.lang.String SessionImpl.getJavaProperty(java.lang.String prop)
 javax.jms.Message SystemQueueImpl.getMessage(java.lang.String aQueueName, int aTimeOut)
          Retrieves a JMS Message from the specified System Queue
 java.lang.String SequenceImpl.getName()
 java.lang.String AssemblyLineImpl.getName()
          Returns the name of the AssemblyLine.
 java.lang.String AssemblyLineImpl.getNullBehavior()
          Gets the nullBehavior attribute of the AssemblyLine object
 java.lang.String AssemblyLineImpl.getNullBehaviorValue()
          Gets the nullBehaviorValue attribute of the AssemblyLine object.
 java.lang.String ServerInfoImpl.getOperatingSystem()
          Returns the name of the operating system where the Server is running.
 java.lang.String ServerInfoImpl.getParserDescription(java.lang.String aParserName)
          Retrieves the description of a Parser installed on the Server.
 java.lang.String ServerInfoImpl.getParserVersionInfo(java.lang.String aParserName)
          Retrieves the version of a Parser installed on the Server.
 java.util.Vector<java.lang.String> ServerInfoImpl.getPasswordParameterNames(java.lang.String aJavaClassName)
          Returns password parameters names for specified class.
 java.lang.Object SessionImpl.getPersistentObject(java.lang.String key)
 Entry SequenceImpl.getResult()
 Entry AssemblyLineImpl.getResult()
          This method returns the result entry object.
 SecurityRegistry SessionImpl.getSecurityRegistry()
          Returns information about the restrictions the current user has.
 java.util.Date ServerInfoImpl.getServerBootTime()
          Returns the Server boot time.
 java.lang.String ServerInfoImpl.getServerID()
          Returns the server unique identifier.
 ServerInfo SessionImpl.getServerInfo()
          Retrieves the Server information.
 java.lang.String ServerInfoImpl.getServerVersion()
          Returns Server version.
 TaskStatistics SequenceImpl.getStatistics()
 TaskStatistics AssemblyLineImpl.getStatistics()
          This method returns the TaskStatistics object for this AssemblyLine.
 SystemLog SessionImpl.getSystemLog()
          Returns information about the System logging.
 java.lang.String AssemblyLineImpl.getSystemLog()
          Retrieves the current AssemblyLine's system log.
 java.lang.String AssemblyLineImpl.getSystemLogFileName()
          Returns the name of the log file of the AssemblyLine (not prefixed by folders path).
 java.lang.String AssemblyLineImpl.getSystemLogFilePath()
          Returns the fully-qualified path of the log file of the AssemblyLine.
 java.lang.String AssemblyLineImpl.getSystemLogLastChunk(int aLastKilobytes)
          Retrieves the last chunk from the current AssemblyLine's system log.
 SystemQueue SessionImpl.getSystemQueue()
          Gets the remote Server API SystemQueue representation object
 java.lang.String SystemQueueImpl.getTextMessage(java.lang.String aQueueName, int aTimeOut)
          Retrieves a TextMessage from the specified System Queue
 Tombstone TombstoneManagerImpl.getTombstone(java.lang.String aGUID)
          Returns a single tombstone object uniquely identified by the specified GUID.
 TombstoneManager SessionImpl.getTombstoneManager()
          Returns the TombstoneManager object.
 Tombstone[] TombstoneManagerImpl.getTombstones(java.util.Date aStartTime, java.util.Date aEndTime)
          Returns all available tombstones with timestamps in the interval specified by aStartTime and aEndTime.
 int SequenceImpl.getUniqueCode()
 int AssemblyLineImpl.getUniqueCode()
          Returns the unique code of the AssemblyLine.
 void DIEventListenerBase.handleEvent(DIEvent aEvent)
          Handles a specified event.
 boolean TombstoneManagerImpl.hasTombstones(java.lang.String configInstanceId)
 boolean TombstoneManagerImpl.hasTombstones(java.lang.String configInstanceId, java.lang.String alName)
 java.lang.Object SessionImpl.invokeCustom(java.lang.String aCustomClassName, java.lang.String aMethodName, java.lang.Object[] aParams)
          Invokes the specified method from the specified class.
 java.lang.Object SessionImpl.invokeCustom(java.lang.String aCustomClassName, java.lang.String aMethodName, java.lang.Object[] aParamsValue, java.lang.String[] aParamsClass)
          Invokes the specified method from the specified class.
 boolean SequenceImpl.isActive()
 boolean AssemblyLineImpl.isActive()
          Checks if the AssemblyLine is active.
 boolean SessionImpl.isConfigurationCheckedOut(java.lang.String aRelativePath)
          Checks if the specified configuration is checked out on the Server.
 boolean AssemblyLineImpl.isSimulating()
          Check weather the AssemblyLine is simulating or not
 boolean SessionImpl.isSSLon()
          Checks if current session is over SSL.
 int TombstoneManagerImpl.keepMostRecentALTombstones(java.lang.String aAssemblyLineName, java.lang.String aConfigID, int aMostResentToKeep)
          After this method is executed only the aMostRecentToKeep most recent tombstone records for the specified AssemblyLine are kept and all other are deleted.
 int TombstoneManagerImpl.keepMostRecentCITombstones(java.lang.String aConfigID, int aMostResentToKeep)
          After this method is executed only the aMostRecentToKeep most recent tombstone records for the specified Config Instance are kept and all other are deleted.
 int TombstoneManagerImpl.keepMostRecentTombstones(int aMostResentToKeep)
          After this method is executed only the aMostRecentToKeep most recent tombstone records are kept and all other are deleted.
 java.util.ArrayList SessionImpl.listAllConfigurations()
          Returns a list all configurations in the directory subtree of the Server configuration codebase folder.
 java.util.ArrayList SessionImpl.listConfigurations(java.lang.String aRelativePath)
          Returns a list of all configurations in the specified folder.
 java.util.ArrayList SessionImpl.listFolders(java.lang.String aRelativePath)
          Returns a list of the child folders of the specified folder.
 void LogListenerBase.messageLogged(java.lang.String message)
          Called right after the specified message is logged.
 void AssemblyLineListenerBase.messageLogged(java.lang.String aMessage)
          Called right after the specified message is logged.
 int ConfigInstanceImpl.purgeConnectorPool(java.lang.String aConnectorPoolName)
          Unused Connectors will be released so that the Pool is shrunk to its minimum size.
 void SystemQueueImpl.putBytesMessage(java.lang.String aQueueName, byte[] aMessageBytes)
          Stores a BytesMessage in the specified System Queue
 void SystemQueueImpl.putEntry(java.lang.String aQueueName, Entry aEntry)
          Stores an Entry object to the specified System Queue
 void SystemQueueImpl.putMessage(java.lang.String aQueueName, javax.jms.Message aMessage)
          Stores a Message to the specified System Queue
 void SystemQueueImpl.putTextMessage(java.lang.String aQueueName, java.lang.String aMessageText)
          Stores a TextMessage to the System Queue
 boolean SessionImpl.releaseConfigurationLock(java.lang.String aRelativePath)
          Administratively releases the lock of the specified configuration.
 void ConfigInstanceImpl.reload()
          Reloads the Config Instance with its current configuration.
 boolean SessionImpl.removeEventListener(ConfigurationFileListener listener)
 boolean SessionImpl.removeEventListener(DIEventListener aListener)
          Unregisters an Event Listener with the Session.
 void AssemblyLineImpl.removeListener(AssemblyLineListener listener)
           Unregister a listener for AssemblyLine events.
 void ConfigInstanceImpl.removeLogListener(LogListener listener)
           Unregister listener for messages logged by this configuration instance.
 void ConfigInstanceImpl.saveConfiguration()
          Deprecated. not supported.
 void ConfigInstanceImpl.saveConfiguration(boolean aEncrypt)
          Deprecated. not supported.
 void ConfigInstanceImpl.saveExternalProperties()
 void SessionImpl.sendCustomNotification(java.lang.String aType, java.lang.String aId, java.lang.Object aData)
          Sends a custom, user defined notification to all registered listeners.
 void AssemblyLineImpl.setComponentDebugMode(java.lang.String componentName, boolean debug)
          Modify the debug mode setting of the specified component (Connector or Function Component).
 void ConfigInstanceImpl.setConfiguration(MetamergeConfig aConfiguration)
          Sets given configuration to this configuration.
 void ConfigInstanceImpl.setExternalProperties(ExternalPropertiesConfig aExPropConfig)
 void ConfigInstanceImpl.setExternalProperties(java.lang.String aKey, ExternalPropertiesConfig aExPropConfig)
 void SessionImpl.setJavaProperty(java.lang.String prop, java.lang.String value)
 java.lang.Object SessionImpl.setPersistentObject(java.lang.String key, java.lang.Object value)
 void AssemblyLineImpl.setSimulating(boolean simulate)
          Changes the way the AssemblyLine treats the target systems it is connectig/interacting to/with.
 void SessionImpl.shutDownServer()
          Shuts down the TDI server.
 void SessionImpl.shutDownServer(int aExitCode)
          Shuts down the TDI Server with the specified exit code.
 void SessionImpl.shutDownServer(int aExitCode, boolean sync)
          Shuts down the TDI Server with the specified exit code, after stopping all AssemblyLines and waiting a while for them to finish.
 AssemblyLine ConfigInstanceImpl.startAssemblyLine(java.lang.String aAssemblyLineName)
          Starts the specified AssemblyLine asynchronously.
 AssemblyLine ConfigInstanceImpl.startAssemblyLine(java.lang.String aAssemblyLineName, boolean aSync)
          Starts the specified AssemblyLine.
 AssemblyLine ConfigInstanceImpl.startAssemblyLine(java.lang.String aAssemblyLineName, Entry aInputData)
          Starts the specified AssemblyLine with the given input data asynchronously.
 AssemblyLine ConfigInstanceImpl.startAssemblyLine(java.lang.String aAssemblyLineName, Entry aInputData, AssemblyLineListener aListener, boolean aGetLogs)
          Starts asynchronously the specified AssemblyLine with the given input data and results listener.
 AssemblyLine ConfigInstanceImpl.startAssemblyLine(java.lang.String aAssemblyLineName, Entry aInputData, AssemblyLineListener aListener, boolean aGetLogs, boolean aSync)
          Starts the specified AssemblyLine with the given input data and results listener.
 AssemblyLine ConfigInstanceImpl.startAssemblyLine(java.lang.String aAssemblyLineName, Entry aInputData, AssemblyLineListener aListener, boolean aGetLogs, boolean aSync, boolean aGetEntryOnEachCycle)
          Starts the specified AssemblyLine with the given input data and results listener.
 AssemblyLine ConfigInstanceImpl.startAssemblyLine(java.lang.String aAssemblyLineName, Entry aInputData, boolean aSync)
          Starts the specified AssemblyLine with the given input data.
 AssemblyLine ConfigInstanceImpl.startAssemblyLine(java.lang.String aAssemblyLineName, TaskCallBlock aTcb)
          Starts asynchronously the specified AssemblyLine with the given TaskCallBlock.
 AssemblyLine ConfigInstanceImpl.startAssemblyLine(java.lang.String aAssemblyLineName, TaskCallBlock aTcb, boolean aSync)
          Starts the specified AssemblyLine with the given TaskCallBlock.
 AssemblyLineHandler ConfigInstanceImpl.startAssemblyLineManual(java.lang.String aAssemblyLineName, Entry aInputData)
          Starts the specified AssemblyLine with the given input data in manual mode.
 ConfigInstance SessionImpl.startConfigInstance(java.lang.String aConfigUrl)
          Starts a new Config Instance on the Server with the configuration given.
 ConfigInstance SessionImpl.startConfigInstance(java.lang.String aConfigUrl, boolean aKeepAlive, java.lang.String aPassword)
          Starts a new Config Instance on the Server with the configuration given.
 ConfigInstance SessionImpl.startConfigInstance(java.lang.String configPathOrSolutionName, boolean keepAlive, java.lang.String password, java.lang.String runName, java.lang.String overrideProps)
          Starts a new Config Instance on the Server with the configuration given.
 ConfigInstance SessionImpl.startConfigInstance(java.lang.String configPathOrSolutionName, boolean keepAlive, java.lang.String password, java.lang.String runName, java.lang.String overrideProps, LogListener logListener)
          Starts a new Config Instance on the Server with the configuration given.
 Sequence ConfigInstanceImpl.startSequence(java.lang.String name)
 Sequence ConfigInstanceImpl.startSequence(java.lang.String name, TaskCallBlock tcb, AssemblyLineListener listener)
 Sequence ConfigInstanceImpl.startSequence(java.lang.String name, TaskCallBlock tcb, boolean sync)
 ConfigInstance SessionImpl.startTempConfigInstance(java.lang.String xmlConfig, boolean keepAlive, java.lang.String runName, java.lang.String overrideProps)
          Start a configuration instance which has no associated configuration file.
 ConfigInstance SessionImpl.startTempConfigInstance(java.lang.String xmlConfig, boolean keepAlive, java.lang.String runName, java.lang.String overrideProps, LogListener logListener)
          Start a configuration instance which has no associated configuration file.
 void SessionImpl.startTombstoneManager()
 void SequenceImpl.stop()
 void ConfigInstanceImpl.stop()
          Stops the Config Instance.
 void AssemblyLineImpl.stop()
          Stops the execution of the AssemblyLine.
 void SequenceImpl.stop(boolean sync)
 void ConfigInstanceImpl.stop(boolean sync)
          Stops the Config Instance, and all AssemblyLines started by it, and waits a while for the stopping.
 void AssemblyLineImpl.stop(boolean sync)
          Stops the execution of the AssemblyLine, and waits for it to stop.
 boolean SessionImpl.undoCheckOut(java.lang.String aRelativePath)
          Releases the lock on the specified configuration, thus aborting all changes being done.
 boolean SecurityRegistryImpl.userCanExecuteAL(java.lang.String aUserId, java.lang.String aConfigId, java.lang.String aAssemblyLine)
          Returns whether specified user is allowed to execute given AL from a given configuration.
 boolean SecurityRegistryImpl.userCanExecuteAll(java.lang.String aUserId)
          Returns whether specified user is allowed to execute everything.
 boolean SecurityRegistryImpl.userCanExecuteConfig(java.lang.String aUserId, java.lang.String aConfigId)
          Returns whether specified user is allowed to execute given configuration.
 boolean SecurityRegistryImpl.userCanExecuteConfigALs(java.lang.String aUserId, java.lang.String aConfigId)
          Returns whether specified user is allowed to execute assembly lines from a given configuration.
 boolean SecurityRegistryImpl.userCanReadAll(java.lang.String aUserId)
          Returns whether specified user is allowed to read everything.
 boolean SecurityRegistryImpl.userCanReadConfig(java.lang.String aUserId, java.lang.String aConfigId)
          Returns whether specified user is allowed to read given configuration.
 boolean SecurityRegistryImpl.userIsAdmin(java.lang.String aUserId)
          Returns whether specified user is granted admin role.

Constructors in that throw DIException
SessionImpl(java.rmi.server.RMIClientSocketFactory aClientSF, java.rmi.server.RMIServerSocketFactory aServerSF)
SessionImpl(java.lang.String aUserId, java.rmi.server.RMIClientSocketFactory aClientSF, java.rmi.server.RMIServerSocketFactory aServerSF)

Uses of DIException in

Methods in that throw DIException
 void Registry.initialize(java.lang.String aRegistryFileName, RS.ConfigInstanceNamingPolicy configInstanceNamingPolicy)
          Parses the User Registry file and creates a vector with all Identities found in it with their corresponding permissions.

Constructors in that throw DIException
Role(java.lang.String aRole, java.util.TreeMap<java.lang.String,java.util.TreeMap<java.lang.String,java.util.Vector<java.lang.String>>> aMap)
          Constructs a role

Uses of DIException in

Methods in that throw DIException
static java.lang.String LogUtils.cleanALLogs(java.lang.String aConfigId, java.lang.String aALName, java.lang.String[] logsToBeDeleted)
          Deletes all the logs which are specified in " logsToBeDeleted" array.
static void LogUtils.cleanAllOldALLogs(java.util.Date aMinDate)
          Cleans all AL logs created after the given Date
static void LogUtils.cleanAllOldALLogs(int aKeepNum)
          Cleans all AL logs and leaves only aKeepNum of them
static void LogUtils.cleanAllOldLogs(java.util.Date aMinDate)
          Cleans all logs(AL and EH) created after the given Date
static void LogUtils.cleanAllOldLogs(int aKeepNum)
          Cleans all logs(AL and EH) and leaves only aKeepNum of them
static java.lang.Boolean LogUtils.cleanOldALLogs(java.lang.String aConfigId, java.lang.String aALName, java.util.Date aMinDate)
          Cleans AL logs, for a given config ID and Assembly Line name, created after the given Date
static java.lang.Boolean LogUtils.cleanOldALLogs(java.lang.String aConfigId, java.lang.String aALName, java.util.Date aMinDate, java.util.Date aMaxDate)
          Cleans AL logs, for a given config ID and Assembly Line name, created after the given Date
static java.lang.Boolean LogUtils.cleanOldALLogs(java.lang.String aConfigId, java.lang.String aALName, int aKeepNum)
          Cleans AL logs, for a given config ID and Assembly Line name, and leaves only aKeepNum of them
static java.lang.String LogUtils.getALLastLogFileName(java.lang.String aConfigId, java.lang.String aALName)
          Retrieves the available log names, sorts them in ascending order according to the Natural Ordering and returns the last one.
static java.lang.String LogUtils.getALLog(java.lang.String aConfigId, java.lang.String aALName, java.lang.String aLogFileName)
          Retrieves the content of the AL log.
static java.lang.String[] LogUtils.getALLogFileNames(java.lang.String aConfigId, java.lang.String aALName)
          Retrieves the available component's log files names.
static java.lang.String[] LogUtils.getALLogFileNames(java.lang.String aConfigId, java.lang.String aALName, java.util.Date dDate)
          Retrieves the available component's log files names after the specified date.
static java.lang.String[] LogUtils.getALLogFileNames(java.lang.String aConfigId, java.lang.String aALName, java.util.Date startDate, java.util.Date endDate)
          Retrieves the available component's log files names after the specified date.
static java.lang.String[] LogUtils.getALLogFileNames(java.lang.String aConfigId, java.lang.String aALName, int iNumber)
          Retrieves the specified number of available component's log files names.
static java.lang.String LogUtils.getALLogLastChunk(java.lang.String aConfigId, java.lang.String aALName, java.lang.String aLogFileName, int aKilobytes)
          This method retrieves the specified number of kylobytes from the content of a AL's log file as String.
static java.lang.String LogUtils.getComponentLog(java.lang.String aLogFileName)
          Retrieves the content of the log file.
static java.lang.String LogUtils.getComponentLogLastChunk(java.lang.String aLogFileName, int aKilobytes)
          Retrieves the specified number of kilobytes from the end of the log file.

Uses of DIException in

Methods in that throw DIException
 int TombstoneManager.deleteALTombstones(java.lang.String aAssemblyLineName, java.lang.String aConfigID)
          Deletes all Tombstone objects created for the specified AssemblyLine.
 int TombstoneManager.deleteALTombstones(java.lang.String aAssemblyLineName, java.lang.String aConfigID, java.util.Date olderThanDate)
          Deletes all Tombstone objects for a specified AssemblyLine that are older than the specified date.
 int TombstoneManager.deleteALTombstones(java.lang.String aAssemblyLineName, java.lang.String aConfigID, java.util.Date startDate, java.util.Date endDate)
          Deletes all Tombstone objects for a specified AssemblyLine that are in the specified Date range.
 int TombstoneManager.deleteALTombstones(java.lang.String aAssemblyLineName, java.lang.String aConfigID, int aDays)
          Deletes all Tombstone objects for a specified AssemblyLine that are older than the specified number of days.
 int TombstoneManager.deleteCITombstones(java.lang.String aConfigID)
          Deletes all tombstones for a specified Config Instance.
 int TombstoneManager.deleteCITombstones(java.lang.String aConfigID, int aDays)
          Deletes all Tombstone objects for a specified Config Instance that are older than the specified number of days.
 boolean TombstoneManager.deleteTombstone(java.lang.String aGUID)
          Deletes a tombstone.
 int TombstoneManager.deleteTombstones(int aDaysCount)
          Deletes all Tombstone objects that are older than the specified number of days.
protected  void TombstoneManager.doInsert(int aComponentTypeID, int aEventTypeID, long aStartTime, long aCreatedOn, java.lang.String aComponentName, java.lang.String aConfiguration, int aExitCode, java.lang.String aErrorDescr, java.lang.String aGUID, byte[] aStats, java.lang.String aUserMessage)
          Inserts a tombstone record in the back-end database.
 java.util.List<java.lang.String> TombstoneManager.getAssemblyLineNames(java.lang.String configInstanceId)
 Tombstone[] TombstoneManager.getAssemblyLineTombstones(java.lang.String aAssemblyLineName, java.lang.String aConfigID)
          Get all available tombstones for a specified AssemblyLine.
 Tombstone[] TombstoneManager.getAssemblyLineTombstones(java.lang.String aAssemblyLineName, java.lang.String aConfigID, java.util.Date aStartTime, java.util.Date aEndTime)
          Get all available tombstones for a specified AssemblyLine with timestamps in the interval specified by aStartTime and aEndTime.
 Tombstone[] TombstoneManager.getAssemblyLineTombstones(java.lang.String assemblyLineName, java.lang.String configID, int recentNumberOfTombstones)
          Gets the recent n number of tombstones for a specified AssemblyLine
 java.util.List<java.lang.String> TombstoneManager.getConfigInstanceIDs()
 Tombstone[] TombstoneManager.getConfigInstanceTombstones(java.lang.String aConfigID)
          Get all available tombstones for a specified Configuration Instance.
 Tombstone[] TombstoneManager.getConfigInstanceTombstones(java.lang.String aConfigID, java.util.Date aStartTime, java.util.Date aEndTime)
          Get all available tombstones for a specified ConfigInstance with timestamps in the interval specified by aStartTime and aEndTime.
 Tombstone TombstoneManager.getTombstone(java.lang.String aGUID)
          Get single tombstone object, uniquely identified by the specified GUID
 Tombstone[] TombstoneManager.getTombstones(java.util.Date aStartTime, java.util.Date aEndTime)
          Get all available tombstones with timestamps in the interval specified by aStartTime and aEndTime.
 int TombstoneManager.getTombstonesCount()
 void TombstoneManagerListener.handleEvent(DIEvent aEvent)
          This method handles tombstone events.
 boolean TombstoneManager.hasTombstones(java.lang.String configInstanceId)
 boolean TombstoneManager.hasTombstones(java.lang.String configInstanceId, java.lang.String alName)
static void TombstoneManagerListener.initializeListener(Session aLocalSession, TombstoneManager aTombstoneManager)
          Initializes the listener.
 int TombstoneManager.keepMostRecentALTombstones(java.lang.String aAssemblyLineName, java.lang.String aConfigID, int aRecentTombstonesToKeep)
          Deletes all tombstones for a specified AssemblyLine except a specified number of most recently created ones.
 int TombstoneManager.keepMostRecentCITombstones(java.lang.String aConfigID, int aRecentTombstonesToKeep)
          Deletes all tombstones for a Config Instance except a specified number of recently created ones.
 int TombstoneManager.keepMostRecentTombstones(int aRecentTombstonesToKeep)
          Deletes all tombstone object records except a specified number of most recently created ones.

Constructors in that throw DIException
          Default constructor for this object.

Uses of DIException in

Methods in that throw DIException
 Session RemoteConfigURL.getSession()
          Deprecated. Method gets the current session information.

Uses of DIException in

Methods in that throw DIException
 void LogCommand.assemblyLineCycleDone(Entry entry)
 void LogCommand.assemblyLineFinished()
 void LogCommand.handleEvent(DIEvent event)
 void LogCommand.messageLogged(java.lang.String message)
 ConfigInstance StartCommand.startConfigInstance(java.lang.String ci)