
Provides implementations of the interfaces for managing the remote session of the server API.


Class Summary
APIRemoteObject Class extending UnicastRemoteObject.
AssemblyLineHandlerImpl This class implements several methods to handle an AssemblyLine.
AssemblyLineImpl Implements an AssemblyLine instance.
AssemblyLineListenerBase This class is used to provide a bridge between custom defined listener Java class and the Server API notification mechanism.
BindAddressPolicyImpl This class take responsibility for providing information about remote bind addresses.
ConfigInstanceImpl This class implements methods exposed through Server API remote session.
ConfigurationFileListenerBase This class implements EventListener for Server API Configuration File events.
DIEventListenerBase This class implements EventListener for Server API events.
LogListenerBase This utility class allows remote clients to register listeners in the Server API.
PortPoolSocketFactory This wrapper class constructs a Socket using a port from a list of available ports.
RemoteListenerAdapter This class is used to adapt from Remote to Local listener interfaces.
SecurityRegistryImpl This class provides information about various restrictions a user may have It lets you query what rights a user is granted and whether he/she is authorized to execute a specific action.
ServerInfoImpl This class implements various methods for getting server information.
SessionFactoryImpl This class implements methods for creating remote Session.
SessionImpl This class implements methods for managing remote Session.
SystemLogImpl This class implements various methods for getting system log information.
SystemQueueImpl System Queue class implements methods exposed through Server API remote session.
TDIPropertiesImpl Wrapper API to expose the functionality available from
TombstoneManagerImpl Represents a TombstoneManager instance.

Package Description

Provides implementations of the interfaces for managing the remote session of the server API.