Uses of Class

Packages that use AssemblyLineComponent Provides classes for the Tivoli Directory Integrator core engine. Provides utility classes for the Tivoli Directory Integrator. 

Uses of AssemblyLineComponent in

Subclasses of AssemblyLineComponent in
 class AttributeMapComponent
          This class is used by the AssemblyLine, it contains a standalone Attribute map
 class BranchingComponent
          This class is used by the AssemblyLine for branches
 class CSDeltaTaskComponent
          This class represents a component extending the functionality of the AssemblyLineComponent.
 class EndBranchComponent
          The EndBranchComponent is an internal component that is associated with a BranchComponent.
 class EndLoopComponent
          This class is used by the Assemblyline to mark the end of a loop
 class FunctionComponent
          This is a wrapper class for IBM Tivoli Directory Integrator Function Components.
 class LoopComponent
          This class is used by an AssemblyLine to mark the beginning of a loop
 class ReplyChannelComponent
 class ScriptComponent
          This class is used by the AssemblyLine for scripts.
 class SwitchComponent
          This class is used by an AssemblyLine

Methods in that return AssemblyLineComponent
 AssemblyLineComponent LoopComponent.getAssemblyLineComponent()
          Returns the associated AssemblyLineComponent with the Connector.
 AssemblyLineComponent TaskInterface.getConnector(String name)
 AssemblyLineComponent Sequence.getConnector(String arg0)
 AssemblyLineComponent AssemblyLine.getConnector(String name)
           Returns the AssemblyLineComponent with the given name.
 AssemblyLineComponent AssemblyLine.loadConnector(BaseConfiguration config)
          This method enables the user to load an AssemblyLine component given a configuration.

Methods in that return types with arguments of type AssemblyLineComponent
 List<AssemblyLineComponent> AssemblyLine.getConnectors()
          Gets the list of AssemblyLineComponent objects this AssemblyLine hosts.

Methods in with parameters of type AssemblyLineComponent
 void AttributeMapping.pushStackFrame(AssemblyLineComponent tc)
 boolean AssemblyLine.setNextConnector(AssemblyLineComponent alc)
          Sets the next connector to execute.
 boolean AssemblyLine.setNextConnector(AssemblyLineComponent alc, boolean continueAfter)

Constructors in with parameters of type AssemblyLineComponent
ReplyChannelComponent(AssemblyLineComponent comp)

Uses of AssemblyLineComponent in

Methods in with parameters of type AssemblyLineComponent
 List<String> DebugServer.getHookNames(AssemblyLineComponent tc, Object[] hooks)