Uses of Class

Packages that use VARIANT Provides classes for allowing the use of Windows methods. 

Uses of VARIANT in

Methods in that return VARIANT
 VARIANT disp, int dispid)
          Calls IDispatch::invokev for the property/method exposed by the object.
 VARIANT disp, int dispid, java.lang.Object a1)
          Calls IDispatch::invoke for the property/method exposed by the object.
 VARIANT disp, java.lang.String name)
          Provides access to properties and methods exposed by an object.
 VARIANT disp, java.lang.String name, java.lang.Object a1)
          Calls IDispatch::invoke for the property/method exposed by the object.
static VARIANT disp, java.lang.String name, java.lang.Object[] args)
          Calls invoke.
 VARIANT disp, java.lang.String name, java.lang.Object a1, java.lang.Object a2)
          Calls IDispatch::invoke for the property/method exposed by the object.
 VARIANT disp, java.lang.String name, java.lang.Object a1, java.lang.Object a2, java.lang.Object a3)
          Calls IDispatch::invoke for the property/method exposed by the object.
 VARIANT disp, java.lang.String name, java.lang.Object a1, java.lang.Object a2, java.lang.Object a3, java.lang.Object a4)
          Calls IDispatch::invoke for the property/method exposed by the object.
 VARIANT VARIANT.cloneIndirect()
 VARIANT COMProxy.get(java.lang.Object disp, int dispid)
          Calls IDispatch::invoke for the property exposed by the object, with wFlags=DISPATCH_PROPERTYGET
 VARIANT COMProxy.get(java.lang.Object disp, java.lang.String name)
          Calls IDispatch::invoke for the property exposed by the object, with wFlags=DISPATCH_PROPERTYGET
 VARIANT SafeArray.getVariant(int sa_idx)
 VARIANT SafeArray.getVariant(int sa_idx1, int sa_idx2)
static VARIANT IDispatch.invoke(java.lang.Object disp, int dispID, int wFlags, java.lang.Object[] oArg, int[] uArgErr)
          Provides access to properties and methods exposed by an object.
static VARIANT IDispatch.invoke(java.lang.Object disp, java.lang.String name, int dispID, int lcid, int wFlags, java.lang.Object[] oArg, int[] uArgErr)
          Provides access to properties and methods exposed by an object.
static VARIANT IDispatch.invoke(java.lang.Object disp, java.lang.String name, int wFlags, java.lang.Object[] oArg, int[] uArgErr)
          Provides access to properties and methods exposed by an object.
static VARIANT IDispatch.invokev(java.lang.Object disp, int dispID, int wFlags, VARIANT[] vArg, int[] uArgErr)
          Calls invoke for the property/method exposed by the object
static VARIANT IDispatch.invokev(java.lang.Object disp, java.lang.String name, int dispID, int lcid, int wFlags, VARIANT[] vArg, int[] uArgErr)
          Native call, calls contained COM's IDispatch's(m_pIDispatch) invoke
static VARIANT IDispatch.invokev(java.lang.Object disp, java.lang.String name, int wFlags, VARIANT[] vArg, int[] uArgErr)
          Calls invoke for the property/method exposed by the object
 VARIANT COMProxy.newVariant(int type, java.lang.Object data)
          create VARIANT with specific type
static VARIANT IDispatch.objectToVariant(java.lang.Object o)
          Converts an object to VARIANT, so that it can be passed to various function calls
static VARIANT[] IDispatch.objectToVariant(java.lang.Object[] o)
          Converts an array of objects to array of VARIANTs, so that it can be passed to various function calls
 VARIANT[] SafeArray.toVariantArray()

Methods in with parameters of type VARIANT
 void SafeArray.fromVariantArray(VARIANT[] ja)
 void SafeArray.getVariants(int sa_idx, int nelems, VARIANT[] ja, int ja_start)
static void IDispatch.invokeSubv(java.lang.Object disp, java.lang.String name, int dispID, int lcid, int wFlags, VARIANT[] vArg, int[] uArgErr)
          eliminate _Guid arg in the invoke call
static VARIANT IDispatch.invokev(java.lang.Object disp, int dispID, int wFlags, VARIANT[] vArg, int[] uArgErr)
          Calls invoke for the property/method exposed by the object
static VARIANT IDispatch.invokev(java.lang.Object disp, java.lang.String name, int dispID, int lcid, int wFlags, VARIANT[] vArg, int[] uArgErr)
          Native call, calls contained COM's IDispatch's(m_pIDispatch) invoke
static VARIANT IDispatch.invokev(java.lang.Object disp, java.lang.String name, int wFlags, VARIANT[] vArg, int[] uArgErr)
          Calls invoke for the property/method exposed by the object
 void SafeArray.setVariant(int sa_idx1, int sa_idx2, VARIANT c)
 void SafeArray.setVariant(int sa_idx, VARIANT c)
 void SafeArray.setVariants(int sa_idx, int nelems, VARIANT[] ja, int ja_start)