Uses of Interface

Packages that use RSInterface Provides packages and classes for managing the server API. Provides classes for the Directory Integrator's connectors. Provides classes for the Directory Integrator's function components. Provides useful functions for the Tivoli Directory Integrator. Provides looging classes for the Tivoli Directory Integrator. Provides classes to let the Tivoli Directory Integrator use a javascript interpreter. Provides classes for the Tivoli Directory Integrator core engine. 

Uses of RSInterface in

Methods in that return RSInterface
static RSInterface APIEngine.getConfigInstance(String configId)
          Retrieves config instance.

Methods in that return types with arguments of type RSInterface
 Hashtable<RSInterface,Vector<AssemblyLine>> ProcessRegistry.getAssemblyLines()
          Returns a hashtable whose key elements are the Configuration Instances currently started, and the values are vectors containing all Assembly Lines currently started in the corresponding Configuration Instance.
static Hashtable<RSInterface,Vector<AssemblyLine>> APIEngine.getAssemblyLines()
          Returns a hashtable whose key elements are the Configuration Instances currently started, and the values are vectors containing all Assembly Lines currently started in the corresponding Configuration Instance.
 Vector<RSInterface> ProcessRegistry.getConfigInstances()
          Returns a vector containing all configuration instances currently started.
static Vector<RSInterface> APIEngine.getConfigInstances()
          Returns a vector containing all configuration instances currently started.

Methods in with parameters of type RSInterface
 void ProcessRegistry.configInstanceStarted(RSInterface aConfigInstance)
          Marks that the configuration instance has been started.
static void APIEngine.configInstanceStarted(RSInterface aConfigInstance)
          This is a notification method, that notifies the engine that the specified Config Instance has been started.
 void ProcessRegistry.configInstanceStopped(RSInterface aConfigInstance)
          Marks that the configuration instance has been stopped.
static void APIEngine.configInstanceStopped(RSInterface aConfigInstance)
          This is a notification method, that notifies the engine that the specified Config Instance has been stopped.
static String APIEngine.getConfigId(RSInterface configInstance)
          Obtain the configuration instance id for a running configuration instance.

Uses of RSInterface in

Methods in that return RSInterface
 RSInterface Connector.getRSInterface()
          Returns the current RSInterface object in use by this connector.

Methods in with parameters of type RSInterface
 void ConnectorInterface.setRSInterface(RSInterface rsi)
          Sets the RSInterface for this connector to use.
 void Connector.setRSInterface(RSInterface rsi)
          Sets the RSInterface for this connector to use.

Uses of RSInterface in

Methods in that return RSInterface
 RSInterface FunctionInterface.getRSInterface()
          Returns the current RSInterface object in use by this Function.
 RSInterface Function.getRSInterface()
          Returns the current RSInterface object in use by this Function.

Methods in with parameters of type RSInterface
 void FunctionInterface.setRSInterface(RSInterface rsi)
          Sets the RSInterface object for this Function.
 void Function.setRSInterface(RSInterface rsi)
          Sets the RSInterface object for this Function.

Uses of RSInterface in

Fields in declared as RSInterface
 RSInterface UserFunctions.server
          RSInterface object.

Methods in that return RSInterface
 RSInterface UserFunctions.getServer()
          Returns the RS instance associated with the current ThreadGroup, or the dummy RSInterface object defined by the Config Editor.
static RSInterface SystemFunctions.getServer()
          Returns the RS instance associated with the current ThreadGroup, or the dummy RSInterface object defined by the Config Editor.

Methods in with parameters of type RSInterface
static void SystemFunctions.declareUserFunctions(ScriptEngine se, RSInterface main)
static AssemblyLineConfig SystemFunctions.loadAssemblyLine(String name, RSInterface server)
static ConnectorInterface SystemFunctions.loadConnector(ConnectorConfig config, Object parentConfig, RSInterface server)
static ConnectorInterface SystemFunctions.loadConnector(String name, RSInterface server)
static FunctionInterface SystemFunctions.loadFunction(String name, RSInterface server)
static ParserInterface SystemFunctions.loadParser(String name, RSInterface server)
static ScriptConfig SystemFunctions.loadScript(String name, RSInterface server)
static void SystemFunctions.rotatelog(RSInterface parent, String logfile)
          This method renames old logs to be one version older and add current log with version '1'.
static void SystemFunctions.setServer(RSInterface server)

Constructors in with parameters of type RSInterface
UserFunctions(RSInterface server)
          Constructor with one parameter.

Uses of RSInterface in

Methods in with parameters of type RSInterface
static boolean LogUtils.addAppenders(org.apache.log4j.Logger log, LogConfig config, Object[] params, RSInterface configInstance)
static boolean LogUtils.addLoggers(String type, String name, Log log, LogConfig config, RSInterface configInstance)
static org.apache.log4j.Appender LogUtils.createAppender(String type, String name, org.apache.log4j.Logger log, LogConfigItem config, Object[] substitute, RSInterface configInstance)

Uses of RSInterface in

Methods in with parameters of type RSInterface
 void ScriptEngine.loadScript(RSInterface parent, String contextName, String name, boolean forceInclude)
          This method includes a script in the current script engine context.

Constructors in with parameters of type RSInterface
ScriptEngine(String scriptlang, RSInterface server)
          Constructor for the ScriptEngine object.
ScriptEngine(String scriptlang, RSInterface server, boolean debug)

Uses of RSInterface in

Classes in that implement RSInterface
 class RS
          This is the main class for the TDI Server, and represents the primary thread from which all others are launched, including AssemblyLines and Server mode listeners.

Methods in that return RSInterface
 RSInterface TaskInterface.getParent()
 RSInterface AssemblyLinePool.getParent()
 RSInterface AssemblyLine.getParent()
          This method returns the RSInterface (main) object.

Methods in with parameters of type RSInterface
 void ConfigInstanceListener.configInstanceStarted(RSInterface configInstance)
          The configuration instance started - the log is created and the thread is running, but it may not be fully initialized yet.
 void ConfigInstanceListener.configInstanceStopped(RSInterface configInstance)
          The configuration instance stopped.

Constructors in with parameters of type RSInterface
AssemblyLine(RSInterface parent, String taskName, Object param, Log log)
          Constructor for the AssemblyLine object that is available in JavaScript via the pre-registered variable task.
AssemblyLine(RSInterface parent, String taskName, Object param, Log log, AssemblyLineConfig alc)
          Constructor for the AssemblyLine object that is available in JavaScript via the pre-registered variable task.
AssemblyLinePool(String assemblyLine, Log log, RSInterface parent, AssemblyLineConfig alConfig)
AssemblyLinePool(String assemblyLine, Log log, RSInterface parent, AssemblyLineConfig alConfig, int debugPort)
AssemblyLinePool(String assemblyLine, Log log, RSInterface parent, AssemblyLineConfig alConfig, String debugHost, int debugPort, boolean debugOnError, Map<String,Boolean> componentDebugModes)