Uses of Class

Packages that use RS Provides implementations of the interfaces for managing the local session of the server API. Provides classes for the Tivoli Directory Integrator core engine. 

Uses of RS in

Methods in with parameters of type RS
static String ConfigInstanceImpl.genGUID(RS aConfigInstance)
          This method is for internal Server API usage.

Constructors in with parameters of type RS
ConfigInstanceImpl(RS aConfigInstance, SessionImpl aSession)

Uses of RS in

Fields in declared as RS
static RS RS.gRS
          Global static reference to the master RS object (non-threaded)

Methods in that return RS
static RS RS.createConfigInstance(String groupName, Hashtable<String,Object> params)
          Create a new config instance but do not start it.
static RS RS.getServer()
          Returns the RS instance associated with the current ThreadGroup.
static RS RS.getServer(String name)
          Returns a named RS instance
static RS RS.getServerByConfig(MetamergeConfig aConfig)
          Gets the server instance that uses the specified by the aConfig configuration.
static RS RS.startServer(String[] args)
          Starts server using null for the unique name of the server instance and command line parameters parsed to params table.
static RS RS.startServer(String groupName, Hashtable<String,Object> params)
          Starts a new server instance.
static RS RS.startServer(String config, String assemblyLines)
          Starts server using null for the unique name of the server instance.
static RS RS.startServer(String config, String assemblyLines, String passw)
          Starts server using null for the unique name of the server instance.
static RS RS.startServer(String config, String assemblyLines, String passw, boolean dontTerminate)
          Starts server using null for the unique name of the server instance.
static RS RS.startServer(String config, String assemblyLines, String passw, boolean dontTerminate, Hashtable<String,Object> userParams)
          Starts server using null for the unique name of the server instance.

Methods in with parameters of type RS
static void RS.registerServer(RS server)
          Registers the config object to be associated with the current ThreadGroup
static void RS.stopAssemblyLines(String name, int hashCode, boolean recurse, boolean async, RS rs)
          Stops specified running AssemblyLines.
static void RS.unregisterServer(RS server)
          Registers the config object to be associated with the current ThreadGroup