Uses of Class

Packages that use Attribute Provides classes for the TAM connector. Provides classes that implement the Tivoli Directory Integrator Entry model. Provides classes for the EMF function components. Provides classes for the remote command line function component. Provides useful functions for the Tivoli Directory Integrator. Provides classes for the Directory Integrator's parsers. Provides classes for the Tivoli Directory Integrator core engine. Provides utility classes for the Tivoli Directory Integrator. 

Uses of Attribute in

Methods in that return Attribute
static Attribute WSUtils.getSOAPHeader(org.apache.axiom.soap.SOAPEnvelope envelope, String attributeName, Entry e)
          Returns the SOAP Header as TDI Hierarchical Attribute from a given SOAP Envelope.
static Attribute WSUtils.verifyAttribute(Attribute a, QName qname)
          Verifies that the passed Attribute has the required prefix/localName/namespace and that its child is a Text object

Methods in with parameters of type Attribute
static void WSUtils.setSOAPHeader(org.apache.axiom.soap.SOAPEnvelope envelope, Attribute soapHeaderHAttr)
          Sets the SOAP Envelope header to the provided TDI Hierarchical Attribute.
static Attribute WSUtils.verifyAttribute(Attribute a, QName qname)
          Verifies that the passed Attribute has the required prefix/localName/namespace and that its child is a Text object

Uses of Attribute in

Methods in that return Attribute
 Attribute User.groupsAttribute()
 Attribute Group.usersAtt()

Uses of Attribute in

Methods in that return Attribute
protected  Attribute RestCommand.appendResult(String attr, String value)

Uses of Attribute in

Fields in declared as Attribute
protected  Attribute NodeImpl.parent
          This private variable holds a reference to the parent of this element.

Methods in that return Attribute
 Attribute Attribute.addValues(Attribute attr)
          Add the values in another Attribute to this Attribute.
 Attribute Entry.appendChild(Node newChild)
          This will add the provided Attribute in the entry using the localName of that Attribute for a key name.
 Attribute Attribute.clone()
          Returns a clone of this object.
 Attribute Attribute.cloneNode(boolean deep)
          This method clones the Attribute object receiving the call.
 Attribute Entry.createElement(String tagName)
          This method creates new Attribute object that represents an element in terms of XML concepts.
 Attribute Entry.createElementNS(String namespaceURI, String qualifiedName)
          This method creates new Attribute object that represents an element in terms of XML concepts.
 Attribute Entry.get(Object p1)
          Deprecated. use Entry.getAttribute(String) instead.
 Attribute ModificationItem.getAttribute()
 Attribute Entry.getAttribute(Object p1)
          Deprecated. use Entry.getAttribute(String) instead.
 Attribute Entry.getAttribute(String name)
          Returns the Attribute object for a named attribute.
 Attribute Entry.getDocumentElement()
 Attribute Entry.getFirstAttribute(String xPath)
          Execute an XPath expression and get the result as an Attribite *
 Attribute Entry.getFirstChild()
          Retrieves the first child, that is, the first Attribute object inserted in the Entry
 Attribute Entry.getLastChild()
          Retrieves the last child, that is, the last Attribute object inserted in the Entry
 Attribute Property.getOwnerElement()
 Attribute NodeImpl.getParentNode()
 Attribute DocImpl.getParentNode()
          not implemented
 Attribute Entry.insertBefore(Node newChild, Node refChild)
          If the refChild is not presented in the entry structure or is null then the newChild will be appended to the end.
 Attribute Entry.newAttribute(String name)
          This method is used to find/create an Attribute in the entry using the specified name.
 Attribute Entry.newAttribute(String name, char oper)
          Returns an Attribute object from this entry's list of attributes.
 Attribute Entry.removeChild(Node oldChild)
          This method will remove the provided Attribute from the Entry.
 Attribute Entry.replaceChild(Node newChild, Node oldChild)
          This method will search the entry structure for the oldChild and will replace it with the newChild.
 Attribute AttributeInterface.setProtected(boolean protect)
 Attribute Attribute.setProtected(boolean protect)
          Deprecated. use setProtected(boolean, boolean) instead.

Methods in with parameters of type Attribute
 Attribute Attribute.addValues(Attribute attr)
          Add the values in another Attribute to this Attribute.
static void DeltaEntry.applyAttributeDelta(Attribute target, Attribute delta)
          This method applies the change operations in delta to the target attribute.
 PropertyMap PropertyMap.cloneMap(Attribute owner)
          Clones the PropertyMap and all the Property objects in it.
protected  void Attribute.merge(Attribute a)
          Merges the children/properties of another attribute to this attribute.
 void Entry.mergeAttributeValue(Attribute attr)
          Merges in the values from an attribute.
 void Entry.mergeAttributeValue(String name, Attribute attr)
          Merges the values in one attribute with the values from another attribute.
 void Entry.setAttribute(Attribute attr)
          Adds or replaces an attribute in this Entry's list of attributes.

Constructors in with parameters of type Attribute
ModificationItem(char p1, Attribute p2)

Uses of Attribute in

Methods in with parameters of type Attribute
 void GraphObjects.applyAttribute(org.eclipse.emf.ecore.sdo.EDataObject root, Attribute attribute, Map prefixToURIMap)

Uses of Attribute in

Fields in declared as Attribute
protected  Attribute ConnectionImpl.rtnCodeAttr
          The return code from the executed command indicating the success of the requested operation
protected  Attribute ConnectionImpl.stdErrorAttr
          The standard error from the executed command
protected  Attribute ConnectionImpl.stdOutputAttr
          The standard output from the executed command

Uses of Attribute in

Methods in that return Attribute
 Attribute UserFunctions.newAttribute(String name)
          Creates a new Attribute object.

Uses of Attribute in

Methods in with parameters of type Attribute
 Element DSMLParser.createAttribute(Attribute attr)
          Creates Element with the given attribute .
 Element DSMLParser.createObjectClass(Attribute attr)
          Creates Element with ObjectClass tag name.

Uses of Attribute in

Methods in with parameters of type Attribute
 boolean Compare.differs(Attribute a, Attribute b)
          Compares two Attribute objects and returns if they are different.
 void Compare.join(Attribute a, Attribute b)
          Adds all values from the second Attribute object to the first one (if they are not already present).

Uses of Attribute in

Methods in that return Attribute
static Attribute NotSerializable.convertAttribute(Attribute a)
          Converts the values in the attribute to a serializable representation if needed.
 Attribute DebugServer.convertAttribute(Attribute a)
          Converts the values in the attribute to a serializable representation if needed.

Methods in with parameters of type Attribute
static void SchemaUtils.addChildSchemaItem(Attribute attr, SchemaItemConfig sic)
          Creates a child schema item in the the schema item config for each Attribute value found in the attribute.
static Attribute NotSerializable.convertAttribute(Attribute a)
          Converts the values in the attribute to a serializable representation if needed.
 Attribute DebugServer.convertAttribute(Attribute a)
          Converts the values in the attribute to a serializable representation if needed.