Uses of Class

Packages that use NT4UserMetaDataException Provides classes for the NT4UserMetaDataConnector. 

Uses of NT4UserMetaDataException in

Methods in that throw NT4UserMetaDataException
 void NT4UserMetaDataConnector.deleteEntry(Entry aEntry, SearchCriteria aRscSearchCriteria)
          Deletes given entry (user or group) from Windows security database.
 Entry NT4UserMetaDataConnector.findEntry(SearchCriteria aRscSearchCriteria)
          Retrieves a single entry object matching the given search criteria parameter.
static int NTMetaData.getGlobalGroupsNames(String aComputerName, int aStartIndex, int aEntriesRequested, Vector aGroupsNames)
          Retrieves a "paged" list of the global groups accounts on the specified machine (should be PDC machine).
static Vector NTMetaData.getGlobalGroupUsers(String aComputerName, String aGlobalGroupName)
          Retrieves a list of all users that are members of the global group specified.
static Vector NTMetaData.getLocalGroupGlobalGroups(String aComputerName, String aLocalGroupName)
          Retrieves a list of all global groups that are members of the local group specified.
static Vector NTMetaData.getLocalGroupsNames(String aComputerName)
          Retrieves a list of all local group accounts on the specified machine.
static Vector NTMetaData.getLocalGroupUsers(String aComputerName, String aLocalGroupName)
          Retrieves a list of all users that are members of the local group specified.
 Entry NT4UserMetaDataConnector.getNextEntry()
          Retrieves the next entry from the connector's containers.
static Vector NTMetaData.getUserGlobalGroups(String aComputerName, String aUserName)
          Retrieves a list of all global groups that the specified user is member of.
static Vector NTMetaData.getUserLocalGroups(String aComputerName, String aUserName)
          Retrieves a list of all local groups that the specified user is member of.
static int NTMetaData.getUsersNames(String aComputerName, int aStartIndex, int aEntriesRequested, Vector aUsersNames)
          Retrieves a "paged" list of the users accounts on the specified machine.
static void NTMetaData.globalGroupAdd(String aComputerName, GroupInfo aGroupInfo)
          Adds a global group account to the machine specified (should be PDC machine).
static void NTMetaData.globalGroupAddUser(String aComputerName, String aGlobalGroupName, String aUserName)
          Makes the specified user member of the specified global group.
static void NTMetaData.globalGroupDel(String aComputerName, String aGlobalGroupName)
          Removes the specified global group account from the specified machine (should be PDC machine).
static void NTMetaData.globalGroupDelUser(String aComputerName, String aGlobalGroupName, String aUserName)
          Removes the specified user from the member list of the specified global group.
static GroupInfo NTMetaData.globalGroupGetInfo(String aComputerName, String aGlobalGroupName)
          Retrieves all information accessible for the global group specified.
static void NTMetaData.globalGroupSetInfo(String aComputerName, String aGlobalGroupName, GroupInfo aGroupInfo)
          Modifies global group account properties.
static void NTMetaData.globalGroupSetUsers(String aComputerName, String aGlobalGroupName, Vector aUsers)
          Sets global group's user membership.
 void NT4UserMetaDataConnector.initialize(Object aObj)
          Reads connector parameters' values.
static boolean NTMetaData.isPrimaryDomainController(String aComputerName)
          Checks if the machine given is a Primary Domain Controller machine.
static void NTMetaData.localGroupAdd(String aComputerName, GroupInfo aGroupInfo)
          Adds a local group account to the machine specified.
static void NTMetaData.localGroupAddGlobalGroups(String aComputerName, String aLocalGroupName, Vector aGlobalGroups)
          Makes the specified global groups members of the specified local group.
static void NTMetaData.localGroupAddUsers(String aComputerName, String aLocalGroupName, Vector aUsers)
          Makes the specified users members of the specified local group.
static void NTMetaData.localGroupDel(String aComputerName, String aLocalGroupName)
          Removes the specified local group account from the specified machine.
static void NTMetaData.localGroupDelGlobalGroups(String aComputerName, String aLocalGroupName, Vector aGlobalGroups)
          Removes the specified global groups from the member list of the specified local group.
static void NTMetaData.localGroupDelUsers(String aComputerName, String aLocalGroupName, Vector aUsers)
          Removes the specified users from the member list of the specified local group.
static GroupInfo NTMetaData.localGroupGetInfo(String aComputerName, String aLocalGroupName)
          Retrieves all information accessible for the local group specified.
static void NTMetaData.localGroupSetInfo(String aComputerName, String aLocalGroupName, GroupInfo aGroupInfo)
          Modifies local group account properties.
static void NTMetaData.localGroupSetMembers(String aComputerName, String aLocalGroupName, Vector aMembers)
          Sets local group's user/global group membership.
static boolean NTMetaData.logOn(String aComputerName, String aUserName, String aPassword)
          Tries to log on an arbitrary Windows machine.
 void NT4UserMetaDataConnector.modEntry(Entry aEntry, SearchCriteria aRscSearchCriteria)
          Modifies in Windows database the entry identified by the aRscSearchCriteria parameter with the data given in the aEntry parameter.
 void NT4UserMetaDataConnector.putEntry(Entry aEntry)
          Inserts given entry (user or group) into Windows security database.
 Object NT4UserMetaDataConnector.querySchema(Object aObj)
          Retrieves connector entry's structure.
 void NT4UserMetaDataConnector.selectEntries()
          Reads all entries from Windows security database in a connector's container.
static void NTMetaData.userAdd(String aComputerName, UserInfo aUserInfo)
          Adds a user account to the machine specified.
static void NTMetaData.userDel(String aComputerName, String aUserName)
          Removes the specified user account from the specified machine.
static UserInfo NTMetaData.userGetInfo(String aComputerName, String aUserName)
          Retrieves all information accessible for the user specified.
static String NTMetaData.userGetPrimaryGroup(String aComputerName, String aUserName)
          Retrieves user's Primary Group.
static void NTMetaData.userSetGlobalGroups(String aComputerName, String aUserName, Vector aGlobalGroups)
          Sets user's global group membership.
static void NTMetaData.userSetInfo(String aComputerName, String aUserName, UserInfo aUserInfo)
          Modifies user account properties.
static void NTMetaData.userSetPrimaryGroup(String aComputerName, String aUserName, String aPrimaryGroup)
          Sets user's Primary Group.