Uses of Interface

Packages that use ConfigInstance Provides packages and classes for managing the server API. Provides classes for the MBeans of the JMX layer. Provides interfaces for managing the local session of the server API. Provides implementations of the interfaces for managing the local session of the server API. Provides implementations of the interfaces for managing the remote session of the server API.   

Uses of ConfigInstance in

Methods in that return ConfigInstance
 ConfigInstance ConfigurationRegistry.checkOutConfigurationAndLoad(String configToken, Identity identity, SessionImpl session)
          Checks out the specified configuration and starts a temporary Config Instance on the Server.
 ConfigInstance ConfigurationRegistry.checkOutConfigurationAndLoad(String configToken, String password, Identity identity, SessionImpl session)
          Checks out the specified configuration and starts a temporary Config Instance on the Server.
 ConfigInstance ConfigurationRegistry.createNewConfigurationAndLoad(String aRelativePath, boolean aOverwrite, Identity aIdentity, SessionImpl aSession)
          Creates a new empty configuration, immediately checks it out and loads a temporary Config Instance on the Server.

Uses of ConfigInstance in

Constructors in with parameters of type ConfigInstance
ConfigInstance(ConfigInstance aConfigInstance)
          Class constructor.

Uses of ConfigInstance in

Methods in that return ConfigInstance
 ConfigInstance Session.checkOutConfigurationAndLoad(String relativePathOrSolutionName)
          Checks out the specified configuration and starts a temporary Config Instance on the Server.
 ConfigInstance Session.checkOutConfigurationAndLoad(String relativePathOrSolutionName, String password)
          Checks out the specified configuration and starts a temporary Config Instance on the Server.
 ConfigInstance Session.createNewConfigInstance(String aConfigUrl)
          Deprecated. Not supported. Creates and starts a new Config Instance with an empty configuration.
 ConfigInstance Session.createNewConfigInstance(String aConfigUrl, String aPassword)
          Deprecated. Not supported. Creates and starts a new Config Instance with an empty configuration.
 ConfigInstance Session.createNewConfigurationAndLoad(String aRelativePath, boolean aOverwrite)
          Creates a new empty configuration, immediately checks it out and loads a temporary Config Instance on the Server.
 ConfigInstance AssemblyLine.getConfigInstance()
          Returns the configuration instance of the AssemblyLine.
 ConfigInstance Session.getConfigInstance(String aConfigId)
          Returns configuration instance corresponding to a specific configuration ID.
 ConfigInstance[] Session.getConfigInstances()
          Returns all currently started configuration instances.
 ConfigInstance Session.startConfigInstance(String configPathOrSolutionName)
          Starts a new Config Instance on the Server with the configuration given.
 ConfigInstance Session.startConfigInstance(String configPathOrSolutionName, boolean keepAlive, String password)
          Starts a new Config Instance on the Server with the configuration given.
 ConfigInstance Session.startConfigInstance(String configPathOrSolutionName, boolean keepAlive, String password, String runName, String overrideProps)
          Starts a new Config Instance on the Server with the configuration given.
 ConfigInstance Session.startConfigInstance(String configPathOrSolutionName, boolean keepAlive, String password, String runName, String overrideProps, LogListener logListener)
          Starts a new Config Instance on the Server with the configuration given.
 ConfigInstance Session.startTempConfigInstance(String xmlConfig, boolean keepAlive, String runName, String overrideProps)
          Start a configuration instance which has no associated configuration file.
 ConfigInstance Session.startTempConfigInstance(String xmlConfig, boolean keepAlive, String runName, String overrideProps, LogListener logListener)
          Start a configuration instance which has no associated configuration file.

Uses of ConfigInstance in

Classes in that implement ConfigInstance
 class ConfigInstanceImpl
          Represents a configuration instance and implements various methods for manipulating the configuration.

Methods in that return ConfigInstance
 ConfigInstance SessionImpl.checkOutConfigurationAndLoad(String aRelativePath)
          Checks out the specified configuration and starts a temporary Config Instance on the Server.
 ConfigInstance SessionImpl.checkOutConfigurationAndLoad(String aRelativePath, String aPassword)
          Checks out the specified configuration and starts a temporary Config Instance on the Server.
 ConfigInstance SessionImpl.createNewConfigInstance(String aConfigUrl)
 ConfigInstance SessionImpl.createNewConfigInstance(String aConfigUrl, String aPassword)
 ConfigInstance SessionImpl.createNewConfigurationAndLoad(String aRelativePath, boolean aOverwrite)
          Creates a new empty configuration, immediately checks it out and loads a temporary Config Instance on the Server.
 ConfigInstance AssemblyLineImpl.getConfigInstance()
          Returns the configuration instance of the AssemblyLine.
 ConfigInstance SessionImpl.getConfigInstance(String aConfigId)
          Returns configuration instance corresponding to a specific configuration ID.
 ConfigInstance[] SessionImpl.getConfigInstances()
          Returns all currently started configuration instances.
 ConfigInstance SessionImpl.startConfigInstance(String configToken)
          Starts a new Config Instance on the Server with the configuration given.
 ConfigInstance SessionImpl.startConfigInstance(String configToken, boolean aKeepAlive, String aPassword)
          Starts a new Config Instance on the Server with the configuration given.
 ConfigInstance SessionImpl.startConfigInstance(String configPathOrSolutionName, boolean keepAlive, String password, String runName, String overrideProps)
          Starts a new Config Instance on the Server with the configuration given.
 ConfigInstance SessionImpl.startConfigInstance(String configPathOrSolutionName, boolean keepAlive, String password, String runName, String overrideProps, LogListener logListener)
          Starts a new Config Instance on the Server with the configuration given.
 ConfigInstance SessionImpl.startTempConfigInstance(String xmlConfig, boolean keepAlive, String runName, String overrideProps)
          Start a configuration instance which has no associated configuration file.
 ConfigInstance SessionImpl.startTempConfigInstance(String xmlConfig, boolean keepAlive, String runName, String overrideProps, LogListener logListener)
          Start a configuration instance which has no associated configuration file.

Uses of ConfigInstance in

Methods in with parameters of type ConfigInstance
static ConfigInstanceImpl ConfigInstanceImpl.createInstance(ConfigInstance aLocalConfigInstance, SessionImpl aSession)
          Creates new instance of this class.

Uses of ConfigInstance in

Methods in that return ConfigInstance
 ConfigInstance StartCommand.startConfigInstance(String ci)