Uses of Class

Packages that use MxConnectorException Provides core classes for the connector. Provides exception classes for the connector. 

Uses of MxConnectorException in

Methods in that throw MxConnectorException
 void TpaeIFConnector.deleteEntry(Entry entry, SearchCriteria sc)
          Deletes an existing entry.
 Entry TpaeIFConnector.getNextEntry()
          Returns the next Entry from the connector.
 void TpaeIFConnector.modEntry(Entry newEntry, SearchCriteria searchCriteria, Entry oldEntry)
          Modifies an existing entry.
 void TpaeIFConnector.putEntry(Entry newEntry)
          Adds a new entry to the data source
 void TpaeIFConnector.selectEntries()
          Prepare the Connector for sequential read.

Uses of MxConnectorException in

Methods in that throw MxConnectorException
 void MxConnAddOnly.create(Entry newEntry)
          Creates the specified entry.
 void MxConnDelete.delete(Entry entry)
          Deletes the specified entry.
 void SimpleTpaeIFConnector.deleteEntry(Entry entry, SearchCriteria sc)
          Deletes an existing entry.
 void MxConnIterator.executeQuery()
          Sends the query request to Maximo.
 String MxConnConfiguration.getMbo()
          Returns the MBO.
 Vector SimpleTpaeIFConnector.getMboList()
          Returns a list of the available MBOs in the object structure.
 Entry MxConnIterator.getNext()
          Returns the next entry found in the query result.
 Entry SimpleTpaeIFConnector.getNextEntry()
          Returns the next Entry from the connector.
 String MxConnConfiguration.getQueryCriteria()
          Returns the query criteria.
 Schema MxConnConfiguration.getSchema()
          Returns the schema object from the configuration parameters.
 String MxConnFunctions.getSynonymKey(String domainId, String synonymValue)
          Returns the synonym key for a given value.
 String MxConnFunctions.getSynonymValue(String domainId, String synonymKey)
          Returns the synonym value for a given key.
static boolean EntryFilter.match(SearchCriteria searchCriteria, Entry entry)
          Indicates if an Entry object matches a SearchCriteria object.
 void SimpleTpaeIFConnector.modEntry(Entry newEntry, SearchCriteria searchCriteria, Entry oldEntry)
          Modifies an existing entry.
protected  String tlp, List<String> enterpriseServiceUrlList)
          Posts the message extracted from the specified template to the given Maximo Enterprise Service.
 void SimpleTpaeIFConnector.putEntry(Entry newEntry)
          Adds a new entry to the data source
 void SimpleTpaeIFConnector.selectEntries()
          Prepare the Connector for sequential read.
 void MxConnLookup.setSearchCriteria(SearchCriteria searchCriteria)
          Defines the criteria used in the query operation.
 void MxConnSync.sync(Entry newEntry, Entry oldEntry)
          Syncronizes the newEntry with the target system.
 void MxConnUpdate.update(Entry newEntry, Entry oldEntry)
          Updates the specified entry.

Uses of MxConnectorException in

Subclasses of MxConnectorException in
 class MxConnExcedentSizeException
          TPAE IF Connector's excedent size exception.
 class MxConnHttpException
          TPAE IF Connector's HTTP exception.
 class MxConnIOException
          TPAE IF Connector's IO exception.
 class MxConnSchemaException
          TPAE IF Connector's schema exception.
 class MxConnTimeoutException
          TPAE IF Connector's timeout exception.
 class MxConnTypeConvertionException
          TPAE IF Connector's type convertion exception.
 class MxConnXmlParsingException
          TPAE IF Connector's XML parsing exception.