Uses of Class

Packages that use MxConnTypeConvertionException Provides classes for parsing and schema data handling. Provides interfaces and classes for data type convertion. 

Uses of MxConnTypeConvertionException in

Methods in that throw MxConnTypeConvertionException
 String SchemaElement.toString(Object value)
          Returns a String object representing the specified value , according to this schema element's class name.
 Object SchemaElement.valueOf(String value)
          Converts the specified String value, according to this schema element's class name.

Uses of MxConnTypeConvertionException in

Methods in that throw MxConnTypeConvertionException
 String LongConverter.toString(Object value)
          Returns a String object representing the specified value .
 String IntegerConverter.toString(Object value)
          Returns a String object representing the specified value .
 String IMxTypeConverter.toString(Object value)
          Returns a String object representing the specified value .
 String DoubleConverter.toString(Object value)
          Returns a String object representing the specified value .
 String DateConverter.toString(Object value)
          Returns a String object representing the specified value .
 String BooleanConverter.toString(Object value)
          Returns a String object representing the specified value .
 Object LongConverter.valueOf(String value)
          Returns an object representing the specified value.
 Object IntegerConverter.valueOf(String value)
          Returns an object representing the specified value.
 Object IMxTypeConverter.valueOf(String value)
          Returns an object representing the specified value.
 Object DoubleConverter.valueOf(String value)
          Returns an object representing the specified value.
 Object DateConverter.valueOf(String value)
          Returns a Date object representing the specified value.
 Object BooleanConverter.valueOf(String value)
          Returns a Boolean object representing the specified value.