
Provides classes for the Directory Integrator's parsers.


Interface Summary
ParserInterface This is the interface implemented by all TDI parsers.

Class Summary
CBEParser A class that reads and writes CBE objects in XML format.
CSVParser A class reading and writing dsEntries in a simple one-line-per-attribute format.
DSMLParser The DSML Parser reads and writes XML documents.
Dsmlv2Parser A TDI Parser class for reading and writing Entries in DSMLv2 format
FixedRecordParser The Fixed Parser reads and writes fixed length text records.
HTTPParser The HTTP Parser interprets a byte stream according to the HTTP specification.
LDIFParser The LDIF Parser reads and writes LDIF style data.
LineReader The Line Reader Parser reads single lines of data.
ParserImpl The ParserImpl class provides the base class for parser implementations.
ScriptParser To operate, a Script Parser must implement a few functions.
SimpleParser A class reading and writing dsEntries in a simple one-line-per-attribute format.
SOAPParser The SOAP Parser reads and writes SOAP XML documents.
SPMLv2Parser A TDI Parser class for reading and writing Entries in SPMLv2 DSMLv2 Profile format.
XMLParser A class reading and writing Entries in XML format.
XMLSaxParser A class reading Entries in XML format.
XSLbasedXMLParser A class reading and writing Entries in XML format.

Package Description

Provides classes for the Directory Integrator's parsers.