Class Unzip

  extended by

public class Unzip
extends java.lang.Object

Provides several static utilities for use when unzipping files from an archive.

Constructor Summary
Method Summary
static boolean findFileInsideInnerZip(java.lang.String filename, java.lang.String zipfile, java.lang.String innerZipFile)
          Looks for a file that is in a zip within the main zip file.
static java.lang.String findMatchingFileSpecInZip(java.lang.String spec, java.lang.String zipfile)
          Tells if a file matching the given regular expression is contained in a zip archive.
static java.lang.String getDefaultExtractionLocation()
          Gets the default extraction location.
static getInputStreamFromFileInArchive(java.lang.String filename, zf, java.lang.String zipfile)
          Gets an input stream associated with a file inside a zip archive so it can be subsequently read.
static boolean isFileInArchive(java.lang.String filename, java.lang.String zipfile)
          Tells if a file with the given name is contained in a zip archive.
static boolean isUseCEAlg()
          Get the value of the useCEAlg flag
static void listArchive(java.lang.String zipfile)
          Lists files in an archive.
static void setDefaultExtractionLocation(java.lang.String loc)
          Sets the extraction location.
static void setUseCEAlg(boolean useCEAlg)
          Set whether or not to use the CE algorithm
static java.lang.String[] unzipAndReadSingleFile(java.lang.String filename, java.lang.String zipfile)
          Reads a file in a zip archive without unzipping it.
static java.lang.String[] unzipSingleBinaryFile(java.lang.String filename, java.lang.String zipfile, boolean isText)
          Unzips a file from a specified archive.
static java.lang.String[] unzipSingleBinaryFile(java.lang.String filename, java.lang.String zipfile, boolean isText, java.lang.String target_filename)
          Unzips a file from a specified archive with the same name as contained in the archive.
static void unzipToDirectory(java.lang.String filename, java.lang.String directory, java.lang.String backupDir)
          Unzips an entire zip archive to a given directory and optionally backs up replaced files.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public Unzip()
Method Detail


public static void setDefaultExtractionLocation(java.lang.String loc)
Sets the extraction location.

loc - The location to extract files


public static java.lang.String getDefaultExtractionLocation()
Gets the default extraction location.

The default location to extract files


public static void setUseCEAlg(boolean useCEAlg)
Set whether or not to use the CE algorithm

useCEAlg - true or false


public static boolean isUseCEAlg()
Get the value of the useCEAlg flag

true or false


public static void unzipToDirectory(java.lang.String filename,
                                    java.lang.String directory,
                                    java.lang.String backupDir)
Unzips an entire zip archive to a given directory and optionally backs up replaced files. If the CE algorithm for replacing and backing up files should be used, a call to setUseCEAlg(true) should have been made previously and a call to setUseCEAlg(false) should be made afterwards.

filename - Name of the zip archive
directory - Destination for extracted files from the archive
backupDir - Directory to place backed up files or null if no backup should occur


public static java.lang.String[] unzipAndReadSingleFile(java.lang.String filename,
                                                        java.lang.String zipfile)
Reads a file in a zip archive without unzipping it. This method is only intended to be used on text files.

filename - Filename inside of the archive to read
zipfile - Name of the zip archive which contains the file to read
String[] Lines of the target file


public static getInputStreamFromFileInArchive(java.lang.String filename,
                                                                  java.lang.String zipfile)
Gets an input stream associated with a file inside a zip archive so it can be subsequently read.

filename - Filename inside of the archive
zipfile - Name of the zip archive which contains the file
An input stream representing the file to be read


public static boolean isFileInArchive(java.lang.String filename,
                                      java.lang.String zipfile)
Tells if a file with the given name is contained in a zip archive.

filename - Filename to search for in the zip archive
zipfile - Name of the zip archive
true if a file with the specified name is in the archive, false otherwise


public static java.lang.String findMatchingFileSpecInZip(java.lang.String spec,
                                                         java.lang.String zipfile)
Tells if a file matching the given regular expression is contained in a zip archive.

spec - A regular expression indicating a file to search for in a zip archive
zipfile - Name of the zip archive
Name of the first matching file or the empty string if not found


public static java.lang.String[] unzipSingleBinaryFile(java.lang.String filename,
                                                       java.lang.String zipfile,
                                                       boolean isText,
                                                       java.lang.String target_filename)
Unzips a file from a specified archive with the same name as contained in the archive. The file can be optionally read into a buffer.

filename - Name of the file to extract
zipfile - Name of the zip archive
isText - Indicates whether or not the file should be treated as text and read into a buffer
target_filename - Name of the file this archive should be extracted as. Normally, this should match the original filename
Lines of the file as an array if isText was true, null otherwise


public static java.lang.String[] unzipSingleBinaryFile(java.lang.String filename,
                                                       java.lang.String zipfile,
                                                       boolean isText)
Unzips a file from a specified archive. The file can be optionally read into a buffer.

filename - Name of the file to extract
zipfile - Name of the zip archive
isText - Indicates whether or not the file should be treated as text and read into a buffer
Lines of the file as an array if isText was true, null otherwise


public static void listArchive(java.lang.String zipfile)
Lists files in an archive. (DEBUG ONLY)

zipfile - Name of the zip archive


public static boolean findFileInsideInnerZip(java.lang.String filename,
                                             java.lang.String zipfile,
                                             java.lang.String innerZipFile)
Looks for a file that is in a zip within the main zip file. This function basically stops short of doing a full recursive search for a file, but could be expanded to do so.

filename - Name of the file to search for
zipfile - Name of the zip archive
innerZipFile - Name of the zip within the zip file to check archive
true or false indicating whether or not the file was found