Uses of Interface

Packages that use BaseConfiguration Provides classes that implement the Tivoli Directory Integrator configuration model. Provides the interfaces for the Tivoli Directory Integrator configuration model. Provides classes that implement the reading and writing of the Tivoli Directory Integrator configuration components. Provides classes for the Directory Integrator's connectors. Provides classes for the Directory Integrator's function components. Provides utility classes used by the web service function components. Provides classes for the Tivoli Directory Integrator core engine. 

Uses of BaseConfiguration in

Classes in that implement BaseConfiguration
 class ALMappingConfigImpl
          This is the implementation class for the configuration of an AssemblyLine Attribute Map Component.
 class AssemblyLineConfigImpl
          The implementation class for the configuration of an AssemblyLine.
 class AttributeMapConfigImpl
          The implementation class for the configuration of an AttributeMap
 class AttributeMapItemImpl
          The implementation class of the AttributeMapItem interface.
 class BaseConfigurationImpl
          This class provides the basic methods for all the configuration classes.
 class BranchConditionImpl
          Implementation of the configuration for a single condition in a BranchingConfig.
 class BranchingConfigImpl
          Implements the configuration of a component used to branch the business logic
 class CallConfigImpl
 class CallParamConfigImpl
 class CheckpointConfigImpl
 class ConnectorConfigImpl
          This class implements the TDI Connector configuration.
 class ConnectorSchemaConfigImpl
 class ConnectorSchemaItemConfigImpl
 class ContainerConfigImpl
          Implements a Container containing BaseConfiguration objects.
 class DeltaConfigImpl
          Implements a Delta Configuration, which is used by Connectors in Iterator mode.
 class ExposedPropertyImpl
          Implementation of ExposedProperty interface.
 class ExternalPropertiesImpl
 class FormConfigImpl
          Implementation of the configuration of a Form that can be displayed by the Configuration Editor
 class FormItemConfigImpl
          Implementation of one item in a FormConfigImpl
 class FormSectionImpl
          Implementation of one section in a FormConfigImpl
 class FunctionConfigImpl
          The configuration for a TDI Function Component, e.g.
 class HookConfigImpl
          This is the implementation class for the configuration of a single Hook.
 class HooksConfigImpl
          Implements the configuration for all the Hooks e.g.
 class InheritConfigImpl
 class InstanceConfigImpl
          Implements Configuration Instance parameters, e.g the name of the Config Instance and which AssemblyLines should be automatically started.
 class LibraryConfigImpl
          Implements LibraryConfig
 class LinkCriteriaConfigImpl
          Implements the configuration for a Link Criteria in a Connector.
 class LinkCriteriaItemImpl
          Implements the configuration for a single item in a LinkCriteriaConfig.
 class LogConfigImpl
          Implements the Logging Configuration for e.g.
 class LogConfigItemImpl
          The configuration of a single Logger for e.g.
 class LoopConfigImpl
          Implements the configuration for a Loop Component in an AssemblyLine.
 class MetamergeConfigImpl
          Implements MetamergeConfig.
 class MetamergeFolderImpl
          Implements a container for other folders and leaf configuration objects.
 class NamespaceConfigImpl
          Implements a configuration object describing another configuration that is included in this MetamergeConfig.
 class OperationConfigImpl
          Implements the Configuration for a single AssemblyLine operation.
 class ParserConfigImpl
          Implements the configuration for a Parser
 class PoolDefConfigImpl
          Implements the configuration for a Connector Pool definition.
 class PoolInstanceConfigImpl
          Implements the configuration used by a Connector using a Connector Pool.
 class PropertyConfigImpl
          Implements PropertyConfig
 class PropertyManagerImpl
          Manages the Property Stores in a MetamergeConfig.
 class PropertyStoreConfigImpl
          Implements the configuration for a single Property Store.
 class RawConnectorConfigImpl
          Contains all the parameters needed to load and instantiate a Connector.
 class RawFunctionConfigImpl
          Contains all the parameters needed to load and instantiate a Function.
 class ReconnectConfigImpl
          Implements (@link ReconnectConfig}
 class ReconnectRuleConfigImpl
          This class implements reconnect rule configuration methods.
 class SandboxConfigImpl
          Implements SanboxConfig
 class SchemaConfigImpl
          Implements SchemaConfig
 class SchemaItemConfigImpl
          Describes the configuration of an item from a schema
 class ScriptConfigImpl
          Implements the configuration for a Script Component in an AssemblyLine
 class SimulationConfigImpl
          This class is used to configure the AssemblyLine's simulation mode.
 class SolutionInterfaceImpl
          This class provides access to the Solution interface settings of a configuration.
 class TombstonesConfigImpl
          Implements TombstonesConfig

Fields in with type parameters of type BaseConfiguration
protected  java.util.Vector<BaseConfiguration> ContainerConfigImpl.items
          Collection of config objects in the container

Methods in that return BaseConfiguration
 BaseConfiguration SolutionInterfaceImpl.addExposedAssemblyLine(java.lang.String name)
 BaseConfiguration SchemaConfigImpl.getChild(java.lang.Object name)
 BaseConfiguration ContainerConfigImpl.getChild(java.lang.Object name)
 BaseConfiguration BaseConfigurationImpl.getChild(java.lang.Object name)
 BaseConfiguration AttributeMapConfigImpl.getChild(java.lang.Object name)
 BaseConfiguration BaseConfigurationImpl.getChildForPath(java.lang.String path)
          This method traverses the child hierarchy (from the top) and returns the configuration object associated with the path.
 BaseConfiguration AssemblyLineConfigImpl.getComponent(int position)
          Deprecated. in TDI 7.0
 BaseConfiguration AssemblyLineConfigImpl.getComponent(java.lang.String name)
          Returns the component configuration
 BaseConfiguration AssemblyLineConfigImpl.getComponentByName(java.lang.String name)
          Deprecated. in TDI 7.0
 BaseConfiguration ContainerConfigImpl.getConfig(int index)
          This method returns the configuration object, which is at position index
 BaseConfiguration ContainerConfigImpl.getConfig(java.lang.String name)
          Returns the config with the specified name
 BaseConfiguration ContainerConfigImpl.getConfig(java.lang.String name, boolean recursive)
          Returns the config with the specified name
 BaseConfiguration LinkCriteriaConfigImpl.getCriteria()
 BaseConfiguration InheritConfigImpl.getDefaultInherit()
 BaseConfiguration MetamergeConfigImpl.getDriverParameters()
          This method returns the driver parameters as a BaseConfiguration object.
 BaseConfiguration InheritConfigImpl.getInheritFor(java.lang.Object name)
 BaseConfiguration BaseConfigurationImpl.getInheritsFrom()
          Returns the object from which this object inherits data.
 BaseConfiguration ConfigCache.getObject(java.lang.Object name)
 BaseConfiguration BaseConfigurationImpl.getParent()
          Returns the parent object to which this object belongs.
 BaseConfiguration SimulationConfigImpl.getProxySettings()
 BaseConfiguration AssemblyLineConfigImpl.getSettings()
          Returns the AssemblyLine Settings
 BaseConfiguration MetamergeConfigImpl.newInstanceOf(int type)
          Create new instance of object
 BaseConfiguration MetamergeConfigImpl.newInstanceOf(java.lang.Object typeName)
 BaseConfiguration ContainerConfigImpl.removeConfig(int index)
          This method removes a configuration object from the container

Methods in that return types with arguments of type BaseConfiguration
 java.util.List<BaseConfiguration> ContainerConfigImpl.getConfigurations(java.util.List<BaseConfiguration> list)
          Returns a flattened list of the entire tree of config items.
 java.util.List<BaseConfiguration> ContainerConfigImpl.getInheritedConfigurations(java.util.List<BaseConfiguration> list)
          Returns a list of config items from this object and inherited containers
 java.util.Enumeration<BaseConfiguration> PropertyManagerImpl.list()

Methods in with parameters of type BaseConfiguration
 ContainerConfig AssemblyLineConfigImpl.addComponent(BaseConfiguration config)
          This method adds a component configuration object to the correct component container
 int ContainerConfigImpl.addConfig(BaseConfiguration config)
          This method adds a configuration object to the container
 void ConfigCache.addObject(java.lang.Object name, BaseConfiguration data)
          Adds new configuration to the cache.
 void MetamergeConfigImpl.copy(BaseConfiguration input, java.lang.Object destination, boolean copyRefs)
static java.util.TreeMap MetamergeConfigImpl.getTreeMap(BaseConfiguration base, java.lang.Object key)
static java.util.Vector MetamergeConfigImpl.getVector(BaseConfiguration base, java.lang.Object key)
 int ContainerConfigImpl.indexOf(BaseConfiguration config)
          Returns the position of a configuration object in a container
 void AssemblyLineConfigImpl.insertComponent(BaseConfiguration connector, int position)
          Deprecated. in TDI 7.0
 int ContainerConfigImpl.insertConfig(BaseConfiguration config, int position)
          This method inesrts a configuration object at the specified index
 boolean ContainerConfigImpl.moveConfig(BaseConfiguration config, boolean up)
          Moves a config one position up or down
 int ContainerConfigImpl.moveConfig(BaseConfiguration config, int position)
          Moves a config from one position to another
 java.lang.String BaseConfigurationImpl.nameForChild(BaseConfiguration config)
          Returns the name for a configuration object
 void AssemblyLineConfigImpl.removeComponent(BaseConfiguration component)
          Removes a component from the assemblyline
 boolean ContainerConfigImpl.removeConfig(BaseConfiguration config)
          This method removes a configuration object from the container
 void BaseConfigurationImpl.setChild(java.lang.Object name, BaseConfiguration config)
          Associates a configuration object with a name in this configuration
 void MetamergeConfigImpl.setDriverParameters(BaseConfiguration driverParams)
          This method sets the driver parameters from a BaseConfiguration object.
 void InheritConfigImpl.setInheritFor(java.lang.Object forName, BaseConfiguration inheritFrom)
 void SchemaConfigImpl.setInheritsFrom(BaseConfiguration inheritFrom)
          We override this method to change the inherited object if we inherit from a connector.
 void ReconnectConfigImpl.setInheritsFrom(BaseConfiguration inheritFrom)
          We override this method to change the inherited object if we inherit from a connector.
 void RawFunctionConfigImpl.setInheritsFrom(BaseConfiguration inheritFrom)
          We override this method to change the inherited object if we inherit from a FunctionConfig.
 void RawConnectorConfigImpl.setInheritsFrom(BaseConfiguration inheritFrom)
          We override this method to change the inherited object if we inherit from a connector.
 void PoolDefConfigImpl.setInheritsFrom(BaseConfiguration inheritFrom)
 void ParserConfigImpl.setInheritsFrom(BaseConfiguration inheritFrom)
          We override this method to change the inherited object if we inherit from a connector.
 void LinkCriteriaConfigImpl.setInheritsFrom(BaseConfiguration inheritFrom)
          We override this method to change the inherited object if we inherit from a connector.
 void HooksConfigImpl.setInheritsFrom(BaseConfiguration inheritFrom)
          We override this method to change the inherited object if we inherit from a connector.
 void HookConfigImpl.setInheritsFrom(BaseConfiguration inheritFrom)
          Sets the object from which this object inherits data.

Note: Call this method to setup a temporary (non persistent) object for inheritance.

 void DeltaConfigImpl.setInheritsFrom(BaseConfiguration inheritFrom)
          We override this method to change the inherited object if we inherit from a connector.
 void ConnectorSchemaConfigImpl.setInheritsFrom(BaseConfiguration inheritFrom)
          Deprecated. We override this method to change the inherited object if we inherit from a connector.
 void BaseConfigurationImpl.setInheritsFrom(BaseConfiguration inherit)
          Sets the object from which this object inherits data.
 void AttributeMapItemImpl.setInheritsFrom(BaseConfiguration inheritFrom)
          Sets the object from which this object inherits data.

Note: Call this method to setup a temporary (non persistent) object for inheritance.

 void AttributeMapConfigImpl.setInheritsFrom(BaseConfiguration inheritFrom)
          We override this method to change the inherited object if we inherit from a connector.
 void BaseConfigurationImpl.setParent(BaseConfiguration parent)
          Sets the parent object.
 void AssemblyLineConfigImpl.setSettings(BaseConfiguration settings)
          Sets the AssemblyLine Settings of the AssemblyLineConfig

Method parameters in with type arguments of type BaseConfiguration
 java.util.List<BaseConfiguration> ContainerConfigImpl.getConfigurations(java.util.List<BaseConfiguration> list)
          Returns a flattened list of the entire tree of config items.
 java.util.List<BaseConfiguration> ContainerConfigImpl.getInheritedConfigurations(java.util.List<BaseConfiguration> list)
          Returns a list of config items from this object and inherited containers

Constructors in with parameters of type BaseConfiguration
TreeMapEnumeration(MetamergeConfig mc, java.lang.Object base, BaseConfiguration cf)

Uses of BaseConfiguration in

Subinterfaces of BaseConfiguration in
 interface ALMappingConfig
          The configuration for an AssemblyLine Attribute Map Component.
 interface AssemblyLineConfig
          The configuration for an AssemblyLine.
 interface AttributeMapConfig
          The configuration for an AttributeMap (used in components of the AssemblyLine).
 interface AttributeMapItem
          The configuration for a single item in an AttributeMap.
 interface BranchCondition
          The configuration for a single BranchCondition in a BranchingConfig.
 interface BranchingConfig
          The configuration of an AssemblyLine Branch component.
 interface CallConfig
          Deprecated. This interface is no longer used, we use TaskCallBlock instead.
 interface CallParamConfig
          Deprecated. This interface is no longer used, we use TaskCallBlock instead.
 interface CheckpointConfig
          Deprecated. This interface is no longer used, Checkpoint/restart is deprecated.
 interface ConnectorConfig
          The configuration for a TDI Connector, e.g.
 interface ConnectorSchemaConfig
          Deprecated. We used SchemaConfig for all schemas now.
 interface ConnectorSchemaItemConfig
          Deprecated. We use SchemaItemConfig for all Schema Items now.
 interface ContainerConfig
          A Container containing BaseConfiguration objects.
 interface DeltaConfig
          A Delta Configuration can be used by a Connector in Iterator mode.
 interface ExposedProperty
          This interface is used with the SolutionInterface to define exposed properties.
 interface ExternalPropertiesConfig
          Deprecated. use TDIProperties instead
 interface FormConfig
          A Form that can be displayed by the Configuration Editor
 interface FormItemConfig
          One item in a FormConfig
 interface FormSection
          This interface describes one section in a FormConfig
 interface FunctionConfig
          The configuration for a TDI Function Component, e.g.
 interface HookConfig
          The configuration for a single Hook e.g.
 interface HooksConfig
          The configuration for all the Hooks e.g.
 interface InheritConfig
          Deprecated. This interface is not used anywhere.
 interface InstanceConfig
          Configuration for the list of AssemblyLines that will automatically be started when the server is started.
 interface LibraryConfig
          Configuration for a Library, that is, a java class that is automatically loaded into a Config Instance.
 interface LinkCriteriaConfig
          The configuration for a Link Criteria in a Connector.
 interface LinkCriteriaItem
          The configuration for a single item in a LinkCriteriaConfig\
 interface LogConfig
          The Logging Configuration for e.g.
 interface LogConfigItem
          The configuration of a single Logger for e.g.
 interface LoopConfig
          Configuration for a Loop Component in an AssemblyLine.
 interface MetamergeConfig
          The MetamergeConfig interface specifies the methods used by the IBM Tivoli Directory Integrator to obtain configuration information.
 interface MetamergeFolder
          This interface describes the methods provided by a folder object.
 interface NamespaceConfig
          A configuration object describing another configuration that is included in this configuration.
 interface OperationConfig
          The Configuration for a single AssemblyLine operation.
 interface OperationsConfig
          Specifies the basic methods for work with the operations, provided by the AssemblyLine or AssemblyLine object
 interface ParserConfig
          The configuration for a Parser
 interface PoolDefConfig
          The configuration for a Connector Pool definition.
 interface PoolInstanceConfig
          Configuration used by a Connector using a Connector Pool.
 interface PropertyConfig
          A Configuration that allows some additional properties to be defined.
 interface PropertyManager
          A PropertyManager manages the Property Stores.
 interface PropertyStoreConfig
          The configuration for a single Property Store.
 interface RawConnectorConfig
          A Configuration containing the parameters for a Connector.
 interface RawFunctionConfig
          A configuration containing the parameters for a Function used in a Function Component.
 interface ReconnectConfig
          Information about Reconnect for a Connector
 interface ReconnectRuleConfig
          A configuration object that describes a single reconnect rule.
 interface SandboxConfig
          Describes how to do record and playback for an AssemblyLine
 interface SchemaConfig
          Describes a Schema, the information about which which fields are available or needed when reading from or writing to e.g.
 interface SchemaItemConfig
          Describes an item from the schema
 interface ScriptConfig
          The configuration for a Script Component in an AssemblyLine
 interface SimulationConfig
          This class is used to configure the AssemblyLine's simulation mode.
 interface SolutionInterface
          This interface provides access to the Solution interface settings of a configuration.
 interface TombstonesConfig
          Used for configuring Tombstones.

Classes in that implement BaseConfiguration
 class ExternalPropertiesDelegator
          Deprecated. Use TDIProperties instead.

Methods in that return BaseConfiguration
 BaseConfiguration SolutionInterface.addExposedAssemblyLine(java.lang.String name)
          Convenience method to create a BaseConfiguration object in the exposed assemblylines container.
static BaseConfiguration ConfigUtils.createStandardObject(MetamergeConfig config, int type, java.lang.String name)
          Creates a new object in the default folder location for the type.
 BaseConfiguration BaseConfiguration.getChild(java.lang.Object name)
 BaseConfiguration BaseConfiguration.getChildForPath(java.lang.String path)
          This method traverses the child hierarchy (from the top) and returns the configuration object associated with the path.
 BaseConfiguration AssemblyLineConfig.getComponent(int position)
          Deprecated. in TDI 7.0
 BaseConfiguration AssemblyLineConfig.getComponent(java.lang.String name)
          Returns the component configuration
 BaseConfiguration AssemblyLineConfig.getComponentByName(java.lang.String name)
          Deprecated. in TDI 7.0
 BaseConfiguration ContainerConfig.getConfig(int index)
          This method returns the configuration object at index
 BaseConfiguration ContainerConfig.getConfig(java.lang.String name)
          Returns the BaseConfiguration with the specified name in this container.
 BaseConfiguration ContainerConfig.getConfig(java.lang.String name, boolean recursive)
          Returns the BaseConfiguration with the specified name traversing child objects of type ContainerConfig if recursive is true.
 BaseConfiguration LinkCriteriaConfig.getCriteria()
 BaseConfiguration InheritConfig.getDefaultInherit()
 BaseConfiguration MetamergeConfig.getDriverParameters()
          This method returns the driver parameters as a BaseConfiguration object.
 BaseConfiguration InheritConfig.getInheritFor(java.lang.Object name)
 BaseConfiguration BaseConfiguration.getInheritsFrom()
          Returns the object from which this object inherits data.
 BaseConfiguration BaseConfiguration.getParent()
          Returns the parent object to which this object belongs.
 BaseConfiguration SimulationConfig.getProxySettings()
          Gets the proxySettings Config holder
 BaseConfiguration AssemblyLineConfig.getSettings()
          Returns the AssemblyLine Settings
 BaseConfiguration MetamergeConfig.newInstanceOf(int type)
          This method returns a new instance of the object type specified by type.
 BaseConfiguration MetamergeConfig.newInstanceOf(java.lang.Object typeName)
          This method returns a new instance of the object type specified by typeName.
 BaseConfiguration ContainerConfig.removeConfig(int index)
          This method removes a configuration object from the container

Methods in that return types with arguments of type BaseConfiguration
 java.util.List<BaseConfiguration> ContainerConfig.getConfigurations(java.util.List<BaseConfiguration> list)
          Returns a flattened list of the entire tree of config items.
 java.util.List<BaseConfiguration> ContainerConfig.getInheritedConfigurations(java.util.List<BaseConfiguration> list)
          Returns a List of BaseConfiguration items from this object and inherited containers

Methods in with parameters of type BaseConfiguration
 ContainerConfig AssemblyLineConfig.addComponent(BaseConfiguration config)
          This method adds a component configuration object to the correct component container
 int ContainerConfig.addConfig(BaseConfiguration config)
          This method adds a configuration object to the container
 void Search.addTarget(BaseConfiguration target)
static void MetamergeConfigFactory.copy(BaseConfiguration input, MetamergeConfig dest, javax.naming.Name destName)
          Recursively copy input configuration to another MetamergeConfig object
static void MetamergeConfigFactory.copy(BaseConfiguration input, MetamergeConfig dest, javax.naming.Name destName, boolean overwrite)
          Recursively copy input configuration to another MetamergeConfig object
 void MetamergeConfig.copy(BaseConfiguration input, java.lang.Object destination, boolean copyRefs)
          Copies a configuration object into this configuration.
static void MetamergeConfigFactory.copyObject(BaseConfiguration source, BaseConfiguration dest)
          Recursively copies an object to another MetamergeConfig object.
static java.lang.Object MetamergeConfigFactory.getLocalNamespaceFor(MetamergeConfig referent, BaseConfiguration config)
          Returns the local namespace for a component.
static java.lang.Object MetamergeConfigFactory.getNamespaceFor(BaseConfiguration config)
          Returns the namespace to which a configuration object belongs or null if the object does not belong to a registered namespace.
 java.lang.Object GlobalRef.getObject(BaseConfiguration destination)
          Returns the object this refers to, in the local context if possible.
 int ContainerConfig.indexOf(BaseConfiguration config)
          Returns the index of the BaseConfiguration
 void AssemblyLineConfig.insertComponent(BaseConfiguration connector, int position)
          Deprecated. in TDI 7.0
 int ContainerConfig.insertConfig(BaseConfiguration config, int position)
          This method inesrts a configuration object at the specified index
 boolean ContainerConfig.moveConfig(BaseConfiguration config, boolean up)
          Moves a BaseConfiguration one position up or down
 int ContainerConfig.moveConfig(BaseConfiguration config, int position)
          Moves a BaseConfiguration to a new position
 java.lang.String BaseConfiguration.nameForChild(BaseConfiguration config)
          Returns the name for a configuration object
 void AssemblyLineConfig.removeComponent(BaseConfiguration component)
          Removes a component from the assemblyline
 boolean ContainerConfig.removeConfig(BaseConfiguration config)
          Removes a component from the container
 void Search.removeTarget(BaseConfiguration target)
 void BaseConfiguration.setChild(java.lang.Object name, BaseConfiguration config)
          Associates a configuration object with a name in this configuration
 void MetamergeConfig.setDriverParameters(BaseConfiguration driverParams)
          This method sets the driver parameters from a BaseConfiguration object.
 void InheritConfig.setInheritFor(java.lang.Object forName, BaseConfiguration inheritFrom)
 void BaseConfiguration.setInheritsFrom(BaseConfiguration inherit)
          Sets the object from which this object inherits data.
 void BaseConfiguration.setParent(BaseConfiguration parent)
          Sets the parent object to which this object belongs.
 void AssemblyLineConfig.setSettings(BaseConfiguration settings)
          Sets the AssemblyLine Settings of the AssemblyLineConfig
static void MetamergeConfigFactory.verifyInheritanceChain(BaseConfiguration config, java.lang.Object inheritFrom)
          Verify that inheritance chain does not loop.

Method parameters in with type arguments of type BaseConfiguration
 java.util.List<BaseConfiguration> ContainerConfig.getConfigurations(java.util.List<BaseConfiguration> list)
          Returns a flattened list of the entire tree of config items.
 java.util.List<BaseConfiguration> ContainerConfig.getInheritedConfigurations(java.util.List<BaseConfiguration> list)
          Returns a List of BaseConfiguration items from this object and inherited containers

Constructors in with parameters of type BaseConfiguration
GlobalRef(BaseConfiguration config)
GlobalRef(BaseConfiguration config, boolean ignoreMC)
Search(BaseConfiguration target)

Uses of BaseConfiguration in

Classes in that implement BaseConfiguration
 class MetamergeConfigFS
 class MetamergeConfigXML
          MetamergeConfigXML is a class that provides support for TDI XML configuration files.

Fields in declared as BaseConfiguration
protected  BaseConfiguration MetamergeConfigFS.configObject

Methods in that return BaseConfiguration
 BaseConfiguration MetamergeConfigFS.getDefaultConfigObject()
 BaseConfiguration MetamergeConfigFS.getDefaultConfigObject(boolean standardName)
static BaseConfiguration Factories.getImpl(java.lang.String tag)
 BaseConfiguration MetamergeConfigXML.newInstanceOf(java.lang.Object typeName)

Methods in with parameters of type BaseConfiguration
 void config, org.w3c.dom.Element elem)
          Generate a XML element from a configuration object.
 void config, org.w3c.dom.Element element)
          Generate a XML element from a configuration object.
 void config, org.w3c.dom.Element elem)
          Generate a XML element from a configuration object.
 void config, org.w3c.dom.Element elem)
          Generate a XML element from a configuration object.
 void config, org.w3c.dom.Element elem)
          Generate a XML element from a configuration object.
 void config, org.w3c.dom.Element elem)
          Generate a XML element from a configuration object.
 void config, org.w3c.dom.Element elem)
          Generate a XML element from a configuration object.
 void config, org.w3c.dom.Element elem)
          Generate a XML element from a configuration object.
 void config, org.w3c.dom.Element elem)
          Generate a XML element from a configuration object.
 void config, org.w3c.dom.Element elem)
          Generate a XML element from a configuration object.
 void config, org.w3c.dom.Element elem)
          Generate a XML element from a configuration object.
 void bconfig, org.w3c.dom.Element elem)
          Generate a XML element from a configuration object.
 void config, org.w3c.dom.Element elem)
          Generate a XML element from a configuration object.
 void config, org.w3c.dom.Element elem)
          Generate a XML element from a configuration object.
 void config, org.w3c.dom.Element elem)
          Generate a XML element from a configuration object.
 void bconfig, org.w3c.dom.Element elem)
          Generate a XML element from a configuration object.
 void config, org.w3c.dom.Element elem)
          Generate a XML element from a configuration object.
 void config, org.w3c.dom.Element elem)
          Generate a XML element from a configuration object.
 void config, org.w3c.dom.Element elem)
          Generate a XML element from a configuration object.
 void config, org.w3c.dom.Element elem)
          Generate a XML element from a configuration object.
 void config, org.w3c.dom.Element element)
          Generate a XML element from a configuration object.
 void config, org.w3c.dom.Element elem)
          Deprecated. Generate a XML element from a configuration object.
 void bconfig, org.w3c.dom.Element elem)
          Generate a XML element from a configuration object.
 void config, org.w3c.dom.Element elem)
          Generate a XML element from a configuration object.
 void config, org.w3c.dom.Element elem)
          Deprecated. Generate a XML element from a configuration object.
 void bconfig, org.w3c.dom.Element elem)
          Generate a XML element from a configuration object.
 void config, org.w3c.dom.Element elem)
          Generate a XML element from a configuration object.
 void config, org.w3c.dom.Element elem)
          Generate a XML element from a configuration object.
 void bconfig, org.w3c.dom.Element elem, boolean setbase)
static void Factories.dump(BaseConfiguration config)
          List information for this factory.
 void Factories.getBaseName(BaseConfiguration config, org.w3c.dom.Element elem)
          This method retries the name and inheritFrom attributes/elements and configures the base object with its name and also calls MetamergeConfig for any inherited objects.
 java.lang.String MetamergeConfigFS.getExtensionFor(BaseConfiguration config)
 void Factories.getInheritsFrom(BaseConfiguration config, org.w3c.dom.Element elem)
          This method retries the inheritsFrom element and configures the base object with the retrieved information.
 void Factories.getParameter(org.w3c.dom.Element p, BaseConfiguration config)
          Add simple parameter to configuration.
 void Factories.getParameters(org.w3c.dom.Element p, BaseConfiguration config)
          Add simple parameters to configuration.
 void SchemaFactory.getSchemaItem(org.w3c.dom.Element elem, BaseConfiguration config)
 void TombstonesFactory.parse(BaseConfiguration config, org.w3c.dom.Element elem)
          Parse a XML element into a configuration object.
 void SolutionInterfaceFactory.parse(BaseConfiguration config, org.w3c.dom.Element element)
          Parse a XML element into a configuration object.
 void SimulationFactory.parse(BaseConfiguration config, org.w3c.dom.Element elem)
          Parse a XML element into a configuration object.
 void ScriptFactory.parse(BaseConfiguration config, org.w3c.dom.Element elem)
          Parse a XML element into a configuration object.
 void SchemaFactory.parse(BaseConfiguration config, org.w3c.dom.Element elem)
          Parse a XML element into a configuration object.
 void SandboxFactory.parse(BaseConfiguration config, org.w3c.dom.Element elem)
          Parse a XML element into a configuration object.
 void ReconnectFactory.parse(BaseConfiguration config, org.w3c.dom.Element elem)
          Parse a XML element into a configuration object.
 void PropertyStoreFactory.parse(BaseConfiguration config, org.w3c.dom.Element elem)
          Parse a XML element into a configuration object.
 void PropertyFactory.parse(BaseConfiguration config, org.w3c.dom.Element elem)
          Parse a XML element into a configuration object.
 void ParserFactory.parse(BaseConfiguration config, org.w3c.dom.Element elem)
          Parse a XML element into a configuration object.
 void NamespaceFactory.parse(BaseConfiguration config, org.w3c.dom.Element elem)
          Parse a XML element into a configuration object.
 void LoopFactory.parse(BaseConfiguration bconfig, org.w3c.dom.Element elem)
          Parse a XML element into a configuration object.
 void LoggingFactory.parse(BaseConfiguration config, org.w3c.dom.Element elem)
          Parse a XML element into a configuration object.
 void LogItemFactory.parse(BaseConfiguration config, org.w3c.dom.Element elem)
          Parse a XML element into a configuration object.
 void LibraryFactory.parse(BaseConfiguration config, org.w3c.dom.Element elem)
          Parse a XML element into a configuration object.
 void InstanceFactory.parse(BaseConfiguration bconfig, org.w3c.dom.Element elem)
          Parse a XML element into a configuration object.
 void HookFactory.parse(BaseConfiguration config, org.w3c.dom.Element elem)
          Parse a XML element into a configuration object.
 void FunctionFactory.parse(BaseConfiguration config, org.w3c.dom.Element elem)
          Parse a XML element into a configuration object.
 void FormFactory.parse(BaseConfiguration config, org.w3c.dom.Element elem)
          Parse a XML element into a configuration object.
 void FolderFactory.parse(BaseConfiguration config, org.w3c.dom.Element elem)
          Parse a XML element into a configuration object.
 void Factories.parse(BaseConfiguration config, org.w3c.dom.Element element)
          Parse a XML element into a configuration object.
 void ExtPropFactory.parse(BaseConfiguration config, org.w3c.dom.Element elem)
          Deprecated. Parse a XML element into a configuration object.
 void ContainerFactory.parse(BaseConfiguration bconfig, org.w3c.dom.Element elem)
          Parse a XML element into a configuration object.
 void ConnectorFactory.parse(BaseConfiguration config, org.w3c.dom.Element elem)
          Parse a XML element into a configuration object.
 void CheckpointFactory.parse(BaseConfiguration config, org.w3c.dom.Element elem)
          Deprecated. Parse a XML element into a configuration object.
 void BranchingFactory.parse(BaseConfiguration bconfig, org.w3c.dom.Element elem)
          Parse a XML element into a configuration object.
 void AssemblyLineFactory.parse(BaseConfiguration config, org.w3c.dom.Element elem)
          Parse a XML element into a configuration object.
 void ALMappingFactory.parse(BaseConfiguration config, org.w3c.dom.Element elem)
          Parse a XML element into a configuration object.
 void ContainerFactory.parse(BaseConfiguration bconfig, org.w3c.dom.Element elem, boolean getbase)
 void Factories.setBaseName(BaseConfiguration config, org.w3c.dom.Element elem)
          Attaches to the XML tree a single element representing the user comment.
 void Factories.setInheritsFrom(BaseConfiguration config, org.w3c.dom.Element elem)
          Set the inheritFrom if it exists.
 void Factories.setParameter(org.w3c.dom.Element p, BaseConfiguration config, java.lang.Object pname)
          Generates XML element for parameter, initialize it and attach it to the p object.
 org.w3c.dom.Element Factories.setParameters(org.w3c.dom.Element p, BaseConfiguration config, java.lang.String tag)
 void Factories.setSingleElement(org.w3c.dom.Element node, java.lang.String tag, BaseConfiguration bc, java.lang.String name)
          Sets a simple tag/value.

Uses of BaseConfiguration in

Methods in that return BaseConfiguration
 BaseConfiguration ConnectorInterface.getRawConnectorConfiguration()
          Returns the current configuration for the raw connector
 BaseConfiguration Connector.getRawConnectorConfiguration()
          Returns the current configuration for the raw connector

Uses of BaseConfiguration in

Methods in with parameters of type BaseConfiguration
static void SchemaUtils.generateWsdl(BaseConfiguration config, java.lang.String wsdlFileName, java.lang.String serviceAddress, java.lang.String wsdlVersion)
          Generate a WSDL file for an Assembly Line configuration.

Uses of BaseConfiguration in

Methods in that return BaseConfiguration
 BaseConfiguration FunctionInterface.getConfiguration()
          Gets the configuration attribute of the FunctionInterface object
 BaseConfiguration Function.getConfiguration()
          This method returns the function's current configuration

Methods in with parameters of type BaseConfiguration
 void FunctionInterface.setConfiguration(BaseConfiguration config)
          Sets the configuration attribute of the FunctionInterface object
 void Function.setConfiguration(BaseConfiguration configuration)
          This method is/should be called once after the object has been given its configuration

Uses of BaseConfiguration in

Methods in with parameters of type BaseConfiguration
static void WsdlGenerator.generateWsdl(BaseConfiguration aBaseConfig, java.lang.String aWsdlFileName, java.lang.String aWebServiceLocation)
          Generates WSDL with the specified BaseConfiguration and location of the web service in the specified file

Uses of BaseConfiguration in

Methods in that return BaseConfiguration
 BaseConfiguration BranchingComponent.getBaseConfiguration()
          This method returns the BaseConfiguration
 BaseConfiguration AssemblyLineComponent.getBaseConfiguration()

Methods in with parameters of type BaseConfiguration
 void SearchCriteria.buildCriteria(Entry e, BaseConfiguration config, java.lang.Object task)
 void AssemblyLineComponent.expandParameters(BaseConfiguration cf)
 AssemblyLineComponent AssemblyLine.loadConnector(BaseConfiguration config)
          This method enables the user to load an AssemblyLine component given a configuration.
 void TaskCallBlock.setConnectorParameters(java.lang.String connectorName, BaseConfiguration parameters)
          Populates the parameter Entry for a specific connector with names from the configuration.